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Last Updated: Sunday, 1 June, 2003, 17:58 GMT 18:58 UK
Jemini make top 20
Gemma Abbey and Chris Cromby from pop due Jemini arrive back at London Heathrow
Jemini were widely ridiculed after the result
The UK's Eurovision entry, Jemini, have made number 15 in this week's singles chart, a week after they scored no points in the song contest.

The Liverpudlian duo were the first British act to fail to score in the contest's history with their song Cry Baby.

Although retailers had reported encouraging sales for the song, it only edged into the top 20 when the countdown was unveiled on Sunday.

US singer R Kelly is at number one for the fourth week running with Ignition.

Eurovision scoreboard
It was the UK's worst showing ever
The 36-year-old singer is enjoying continued success on both sides of the Atlantic, despite facing 21 allegations of child pornography in Illinois, after allegedly filming himself having sex with an underage girl.

He faces 12 more counts on similar charges after being arrested in Florida in January. He has maintained his innocence throughout.

S Club are at number two with Say Goodbye/ Love Ain't Gonna Wait For, despite walking off an interview on BBC Three's Liquid News last month after they were asked about their manager Simon Fuller's earnings. The group announced they were splitting up in April.

Busta Rhymes and Mariah Carey are at number three with I Know What You Want, while Radiohead's single There There enters the chart at four. Spice Girls star Emma Bunton's solo single Free Me is another new entry at number five.

Made-for-TV group Girls Aloud failed to hit number one with their album Sound of The Underground, having to settle for number two behind Justin Timberlake's Justified.

Veteran band Led Zeppelin are at number five in the album chart with How The West Was Won.

Jemini single selling 'handfuls'
27 May 03  |  Entertainment
S Club storm out of interview
23 May 03  |  Entertainment
Girls Aloud held off top spot
19 May 03  |  Entertainment
Girls Aloud trounce pop rivals
23 May 03  |  Entertainment


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