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Last Updated: Sunday, 20 August 2006, 10:44 GMT 11:44 UK
In pictures: Scarborough

Scarborough's South Bay

Scarborough is the UK's oldest seaside spa resort. People came in the 17th Century believing the waters had healing properties.

Spa Complex

The Spa Complex has a concert hall, theatre and open-air enclosure. It is undergoing a £3.5m renovation and organisers say the entertainment is going more upmarket.

The Pratt family

The Pratts were enjoying their six-day holiday and said they saw no reason to go abroad while the British weather was warm.

Grand Hotel

Resembling a French chateau, the majestic Grand Hotel was built into the cliffs and completed in 1867. It is undergoing major refurbishment.

Fruit machine

Amusement arcades can be found in abundance in South Bay although town planners say the seafront is slowly going up-market.

Barry Wilson overlooks Scarborough Bay

Barry Wilson, 58, said the town's tourist industry had suffered but improved road access would help it.


Scarborough's fishing industry has diminished greatly over the years.


Whatever the grand plans for the town, donkey rides and buckets and spades will still provide entertainment.


The town has retained some of its character but young residents said they would like to see better shops.


The Rotunda Museum was built in 1828 for the town's philosophical society. Many early resorts exhibited a so-called cabinet of curiosities.

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