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Last Updated: Saturday, 10 February 2007, 17:42 GMT
Cadbury issues Easter egg recall
Cadbury said the eggs were safe for non-nut allergy sufferers

Cadbury is recalling some of its Easter eggs because they do not carry the correct nut allergy labelling.

The eggs being recalled, which include the Crunchie Easter Egg and Dairy Milk Easter Egg, were made on a line which makes products with nuts in them.

The company said the products were "perfectly safe" for people without nut allergies to eat.

However, those with nut allergies are advised not to eat the eggs as they may contain nuts.

Other products recalled include the Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut Easter Egg and the Cadbury Flake Easter Egg.

Food labelling rules in the UK require pre-packed food which contain nuts to clearly show this on the label.

Dairy Milk Buttons Easter Chick 185g
Creme Egg Minis 300g Box
Creme Egg Minis 58g Bag
Creme Egg Easter Egg 629g
Creme Egg Easter Egg 195g
Crunchie Easter Egg 585g
Mini Eggs Easter Egg 595g
Mini Eggs Easter Egg 190g
Dairy Milk Easter Egg 445g
Dairy Milk Easter Egg 795g
Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut Easter Egg 445g
Flake Easter Egg 185g
Easter Egg Delight Mixed Eggs 492g
Easter Egg Delight 890g
Crunchie Recipe Easter Egg 230g
Dairy Milk Bubbly Easter Egg 187g

The company estimated that the recall would involve thousands of items, but did not know how much it would cost.

Cadbury spokesman Tony Bilsborough said: "They were particular batches of chocolate made on a line that also makes products with nuts in them, therefore there is a small risk and we felt it was at least important that we let nut allergy sufferers know about it because you cannot be too careful."

An internal investigation is being carried out at the firm to find out how the labelling error occurred.

It was difficult to pinpoint where the affected products had gone on sale, but they were intended for the British and Irish markets, he added.

The possibility they were exported elsewhere has not been ruled out.

Mr Bilsborough said the recalled chocolate eggs may be repackaged with the correct labels and sold on again.

Salmonella scare

An advertising campaign alerting customers to the possible risk is to run in Sunday's national newspapers.

The Food Standards Agency said Cadbury informed them of the product recall on Friday night and said it was alerting its customers to the problem and removing products from sale.

Nut allergies are increasingly common among children in Britain, and can last a lifetime.

If nuts are eaten, sufferers can have a potentially fatal reaction.

Last year the chocolate manufacturer recalled a million chocolate bars after discovering salmonella at a manufacturing plant.

It waited five months between discovering the contamination and telling health authorities.

Customers can ring a helpline on 0800 818181 for more information, or check the website.

Creme eggs on the Cadbury's production line

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