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 Monday, 28 January, 2002, 13:21 GMT
Go Digital 2001 archive
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Delve into the Go Digital archive to watch a programme you might have missed.

31 December - The best from the Go Digital archive, including wooden computers in Nepal, the future of gaming and our predictions for the year 2002.
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24 December 2001 - The obstacles to computing in Nigeria, India's software language soup and how the elderly cope with the internet.
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17 December 2001 - A look at the latest digital developments in Hong Kong, memories of this year's virus attacks and wearable computers in space.
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10 December 2001 - Kenyan women use video cameras to speak out, an archaeologist's take on Silicon Valley and how to create computer games that women can't stop playing.
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3 December 2001 - Discovering how people on the move use technology, the Brazilian cycling around with world with his laptop and digital camera, and we ask if web design can be described as art.
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26 November 2001 - The internet in Central Asia, Oracle's Larry Ellison and bringing ancient mammals to life.
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19 November 2001 - Microsoft's Bill Gates on the Xbox, the man behind the Monsters Inc. movie, and a virtual golf tournament. (News Online apologises for the technical problems that caused the quality of this webcast to suffer).
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12 November 2001 - Europe attempts to tackle cybercrime, a Japanese gadget for keen anglers and an interview with the inventor of Pong, Nolan Bushnell.
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5 November 2001 - Revolutionary new 3D sound, computing for the blind and the inventor of the computer mouse on why he feels he has not achieved much.
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29 October 2001 - Nigeria's efforts to join the computer age, why digital photography is bad news, Nicholas Negroponte on an asynchronous future and fashion for the digerati.
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22 October 2001 - The Nepalese educational pioneer building computers in wooden boxes, the secrets of wireless hacking and relaxing with virtual reality.
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15 October 2001 - Bringing digital characters to life on screen, a walk through a virtual garden and the intelligent machines trying to be human.
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8 October 2001 - Visionary Ted Nelson criticises the web, recording how the net covered the September terror attacks in the US and turning yourself into a computer avatar.
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1 October 2001 - Computers voices with personality, stopping music piracy and the science of Star Trek.
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24 September 2001 - India's Simputer for the poor, an assessment of the Nimda computer virus and a fond look back at classic video games.
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17 September 2001 - Africa's internet challenge, how Latin American students are learning online and semi-intelligent cartoon characters.
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10 September 2001 - A special edition on artificial intelligence, with reports on the robot actors, virtual wolves, web pages reading mouse movements and Aibo, the robot dog.
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3 September 2001 - How Afghan women are using technology to fight the Taleban, the Brazilian artist using shoes to show the digital divide and an interview with computer pioneer Danny Hillis.
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27 August 2001 - The latest in computer graphics, the street children in Delhi discovering the internet and JC Hertz about the future of video games.
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The programme is broadcast every week on the BBC World Service radio on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Local times vary.

  Tracey Logan welcomes you to Go Digital
Presenter Tracey Logan explains what Go Digital is all about
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