Page last updated at 11:48 GMT, Saturday, 5 December 2009

Nicolas Cage wins United Nations humanitarian award

Nicolas Cage
Cage said his role as goodwill ambassador would be 'challenging'

Hollywood film star Nicolas Cage has been given an award for his humanitarian work by the United Nations in New York.

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon presented the 45-year-old Oscar winner with the Global Citizen of the Year award for humanitarian endeavours.

Cage has also been appointed as a UN goodwill ambassador on drugs and crime.

The star said his role would be "to shine a spotlight on the need for global justice".

"My real life role as goodwill ambassador will certainly be even more challenging and meaningful than those I have portrayed on screen," he added.

"Nicolas Cage's characters have exposed us to some of the darkest aspects of human nature," said Antonio Maria Costa, executive director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

"Now he is championing one of the most noble - the quest for justice. His star status and strong conviction on these issues will help us achieve security and justice for all."

Cage, an Amnesty International advocate, has already donated $2 million (£1.2m) to establish a fund to help former child soldiers and also led a campaign around his film, Lord of War, to raise awareness about international arms control.

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