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Tuesday, 16 October, 2001, 20:58 GMT 21:58 UK
Dynamo bring happy memories
Colin Stein celebrates his goal against Dynamo
Colin Stein celebrates his goal against Moscow Dynamo in 1972
Dynamo Moscow face Rangers at Ibrox on Thursday evening in the first leg of the second round Uefa Cup tie and the visit of the Russians will trigger many happy memories for fans of the Blues.

The last time the sides met was in the final of the 1972 European Cup Winners' Cup - Rangers' finest hour on the continent.

The trophy came back to Glasgow after a great display at Barcelona's magnificent Nou Camp stadium.

First half goals from Colin Stein and Willie Johnston gave the Scots an early cushion.

Johnston grabbed his second goal of the night soon after the interval and despite Dynamo striking back twice, Gers captain John Greig went on to lift the Ibrox side's only European trophy.

We had eleven Scots in the team and a Scottish manager and our great team spirit was another important factor

Former Rangers goalkeeper Peter McCloy
The evening was marred by crowd trouble after the game with Spanish police clashing with Scottish fans eager to celebrate the triumph on the pitch.

The violence that ensued led to a European ban for Rangers.

Peter McCloy was the 'Gers goalkeeper at the Nou Camp and it was his huge kick out that led directly to Johnston's vital second strike.

"It wasn't a tactic that we normally deployed," McCloy told BBC Scotland's Sportscene.

"We used to build from the back with all ten outfield players very comfortable on the ball and that ability stood us in good stead throughout our run to the final.

"We had eleven Scots in the team and a Scottish manager and our great team spirit was another important factor."

Former Hearts and Airdrie manager Alex MacDonald played in midfield that night in Barcelona and was quick to reiterate the point about team spirit.

"There are so many foreign players in the squad just now that I think it has to be different from eleven boys from Scotland.

John Greig with the Cup Winners' Cup
John Greig with the Cup Winners' Cup
"They are playing for the fans and I don't think too many of today's players can even understand what the fans are shouting."

MacDonald went on to praise legendary manager Willie Waddell.

"We were well prepared for the game. We had photographs of every player and spoke at length about the way Dynamo would play - a wee bit different from studying videos but effective nonetheless.

Both former players think Rangers will progress in this season's Uefa Cup.

"Dynamo are not the force they once were and I think Rangers will go through comfortably," said McCloy.

Dick Advocaat's expensively assembled squad of players should be able to deal with a mid-table side from Russia, but they will have to perform wonders if they are to emulate the success of the class of '72.

Rangers v Dynamo Moscow
Uefa Cup second round first leg
Kick-off 2000BST
Live coverage on BBC One Scotland and Radio Scotland 810MW

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Rangers' historic day

Rangers 1972 captain Joh Grieg lifts the Cup Winners' Cup in BarcelonaPicture perfect
Reminisce on Rangers' 1972 European glory
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