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Henry McLeish's resignation speech

This article is more than 22 years old
'I hope I have served the people well'

Extracts from Henry McLeish's statement to the Scottish parliament:

Let me acknowledge again today my mistakes in the matter of constituency office sub-lets, and my mistakes in the way I handled that matter.

Others who work with me and for me have been criticised, but the ultimate responsibility is mine - and mine alone.

But what has surprised and dismayed me over the past few weeks has been how my family, friends, staff and colleagues have been brought into matters which are my responsibility alone - and how they have been made to suffer.

I value this parliament. At Westminster I was the lead minister for devolution. And I chaired the constitutional steering group, the group that established the very principles by which this parliament operates.

I am proud of my role in this. But I take even greater pride in the role of my party, and what it has done for Scotland.

So I would be the last person to willingly or knowingly put the principles behind these new and great institutions at risk, and in doing so put at risk everything that I have cherished in over 25 years in politics from becoming a councillor in Kirkcaldy district in 1974 to holding the highest office in Scotland.

I came to parliament to work for the people I knew and grew up with - and to serve them.

That has been my purpose since the day and the hour I was elected. I came to parliament, and eventually to the office of first minister to serve my constituents, and eventually all the people of Scotland.

And if I have let them down in this matter, I have served them - I hope I have served them well - in many others.

It has been a privilege to do that, through the work of government here in Scotland. And I believe that this work over the past year has strengthened the roots of our devolved government; and secured it - I believe irreversibly - in the life of our nation.

It is time now for others to lead us as we take that work forward.

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