YouTube Banned in Turkey After Insults to Ataturk

AtaturkDueling videos about Ataturk have prompted the banning of YouTube in Turkey, which doesn’t take well to insults.

Elsewhere on the tech front this morning, it seems a Turkish court has ordered that access to the video sharing site YouTube be blocked for citizens in that country, owing to some videos available on the site that are insulting to the nation’s modern founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The court was acting on the recommendation of a prosecutor, who was himself apparently prompted by an escalating war of homemade YouTube videos created by ethnic Greeks and Turks, who antagonized one another with clips featuring images of Ataturk as hero or fool, the flinging of insults, and spurious incantations like “Ataturk is gay.”

YouTube has reportedly received thousands of complaints from Turkish citizens, and the front page of the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet claimed in a headline that “YouTube got the message” and was removing the insulting videos, according to The Associated Press.

The war, however, appears to be very much ongoing.

In any case, here’s the lowdown on the ban, from The A.P. today:

Paul Doany, head of Turk Telekom, Turkey’s largest telecommunications provider, said his company had begun immediately enforcing the ban.

“We are not in the position of saying that what YouTube did was an insult, that it was right or wrong,” Doany said in remarks to the state-run Anatolia news agency. “A court decision was proposed to us, and we are doing what that court decision says.”

Doany said Turk Telekom would allow access to the popular video sharing site again if the court decision were rescinded. Access from Turkey might be possible through other service providers, he said.

Readers might recall that the move seems to make sense in Turkey, where it is illegal to “insult Turkishness” under a controversial law. It is the same decree under which the Turkish writer Hrant Dink was convicted last year — and it may well have contributed, critics have charged, to the hostile atmosphere that prompted a youthful gunman to take his life in January.

Turkey has repeatedly promised to amend the bill — in part because it has been hindering the country’s already slow-moving bid to join the European Union.

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Yet another reason why Turkey should stay out of the EU. What a joke to think this cry baby country can and will change. They don’t respect anything/one that dares to be different or disagree with them. We know why the world is even entertaining this farce to have them join the EU. Well, maybe not all countries want to be democratic and respect freedom and liberties. Maybe we should let lying dogs lie.

Yet another example of intolerance demonstrated by Turkey, which is not so nearly a secular country as its defenders claim. Insulting to Ataturk? what about the crimes of Turkey v. Armenians and Greeks? Turkey in the European Union? I hope never.

Thank goodness I live in the United States!

Last November, I spent three weeks in Turkey. I was instantly fascinated and have started doing a lot of reading and research into that amazing and rich culture. One of the first things any student of the Turkish culture learns is that there is one person no Turk will EVER criticize: Ataturk. It isn’t just because it is against the law to do so; it is more than that, deeper than that. It seems to me, as an outsider looking in, that insulting or in any way depreciating the value of the man who founded modern Turkey is experienced as a deeply personal assault on actual identity. Ataturk’s image is everywhere: on bills, on coins, towering over streets, looking on from the airport named for him in Istanbul and in countless elegant photos found throughout the country. In those images, it seems, there is a reminder of what it means to be Turkish since, before Ataturk, there was simply no such thing, no such identity.

From that, we get to the whole notion of insulting Turkishness.

Turkish writers Orhan Pamuk, the Nobel laureate, and Elif Shafak, author of the new book “The Bastard of Istanbul” (which takes on the question of Armenian genocide) have been convicted of “insulting Turkishness;” both cases were subsequently dismissed due to a technicality, but not before the point was made.

The YouTube incident may well have inadvertently caused the spark that ignites the issue that must be addressed if Turkey is be granted permission to join the EU. It seems to me that no discussion of Armenian genocide can ever be broached without a rescinding of the Article regarding insulting Turkishness.

Before we get all bent out of shape over this, the last thing we need is for Turkey to go up in flames. Turkey isn’t America where politicians and pundits hurl vicious political insults at each other during the day but in the evening are cordial to their opponents at dinner parties.

Yes, this is silly. No, it should not be illegal to “insult Turkishness”. But while it is easy to look at this as “yet another backwards country denying freedom of speech”, maybe we (“the West”, whatever that is) shouldn’t be so quick to pat ourselves on the back.

— Broadcasting and attempting to subscribe to Al-Manar (half-accurately referred to in the US as ‘Hezboallah TV’) is now illegal in the US. Trying to watch the wrong TV channel can put you in prison as a terrorist.

— Also last year, secret service agents went into a high school, pulled a 14-year-old girl out of class and scared the bejeezus out of her – without even calling her parents! – because she’d posted the clearly-not-an-actual-death-threat
message Kill Bush! on her myspace page.

— Austria (which didn’t have any problem joining the EU, BTW) last year sentenced a historian to three years in prison for denying the holocuast. That’s years in prison for writing a book.

— A few years ago, the McLibel “guilty” verdict, widley condemned as ridiculous, very nearly cost two ordinary people their livelihood. And would have, if public outcry had not forced Mickey D’s to forego collecting libel ‘damages’.

These are just a few instances of how much “Western” free speech is dependent on what corporations and goverments want. We could get into the more subtle “freedom of the press belong to those who own the presses” truism, but the above instances are enough that we should maybe hold our fire on Turkey and worry about our own censors.

This is a continuation of the greatest blunder the western world has made, thanks to armenian and greek influence, after their first world war loss of their attempt to colonize Turkey was crushed by Ataturk..A blunder which has eclipsed the only reformation of Islam since 13 centuries..How thankful Al-Quaida must be to the western worlds shortsightedness..

On both “sides”… this is incredibly immature. I suppose we shouldn’t expect more on the internet. This kind of stupidity feeds into the Turk-Greek animosity which seems to have no end. I bet you anything this whole fiasco will spiral into yet another endless debate about Cyprus. I want a peaceful solution to that dilemma as much as anyone else but this pointless mudslinging from Greeks and Turks accomplishes nothing. It’s all utterly absurd.

Thank Goodness!! Censorship protects the memory of a great leader! Thanks, Turkish court! The message is ringingly loud!

Turkey and the Ottoman Empire ruled a vast and varied portion of Asia, Africa and Europe, then declined and lost their holdings and became the “sick man of Europe”, until Kemal Ataturk lifted them out of the past and reformed Turkey into a secular state. Many Turks adore him, but the wave of Islamic fundamentalism has reveresed some of those gains.
Turkey has to confront three demons before it becomes part of the European Union. First, an acknowledgment and apology for the Armenian genocide, secondly, a humane and peaceful solution for thr Kurdish problem and lastly, better relations with Greece and the Greek Cypriots. Until these priorities are seriously addressed and resolved, Turkey will not forge ahead and continue as a progressive Islamic democracy, a rarity in the Muslim world.
Banning YouTube or imposing control on media is not the answer.

freedom of speech remains an issue where u get to be going on thin ice in turkey.

Mustafa Kemal did not so much get rid of religion in Turkey as replace it with himself. Today, you might as well say “There is no State but Turkey, and Ataturk, is Her Leader.” He’s a god in the eyes of many Turks, and what seems completely logical to them (don’t insult Turkishness, the “so-called” Genocide is a fabrication, Turks are the greatest people) is completely laughable by the rest of the world. If Turks can’t take the heat for being criticized as less than saintly figures in history, they better start looking at their own warped view of themselves before they decide to censor another media outlet, or kill another journalist.

One disrespectful Greek put a video on internet and many Turkish who couldn’t just say “forget the idiot” and started arguing about something that would have no effect if it was left alone.
There is a famous saying, “don’t argue with idiots so they see the difference”
So I am asking mu Turkish people, why did you make this issue world wide. If you just ignore this idiot Greek person (by the way most Turkish people love Greeks including me), then there would no issue now.

Suggested reading: “Birds Without Wings” by Louis de Berniers (or anything else by him, but that would be off subject)

Wow, the commenters here really have no clue about the society in which they live. Yes, Turkey’s law (and this action in particular) is offensive to free speech, but if you think this sort of censorship is limited to Turkey, you really ought to get out more.

And as to the ignorant comment about keeping Turkey out of the EU, the writer obviously has no clue about the restrictive speech laws in Germany or France.

Crybaby is the perfect word.

The state of Turkey flips out when the image of Ataturk is tarnished, even by a bunch of youtube kids nobody takes seriously. Meanwhile, that same state insults every victim of the Armenian genocide, and their descendants every day by actively denying the Armenian Genocide ever took place, and passing laws which lead very obviously to the assassination of Hrant Dink 2 months ago.

They still refuse to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia, because they’re so angry with it for not simply disappearing off the face of the earth like they wanted.

I understand that Turkey is not only banning YouTube but they are also in the process of banning Jerry Lewis-Dean Martin movie reruns.

They are also considering legislation banning that turkey/ham sandwich meat as it is insulting to their sensibilities.

Wait…this fresh off the wire…the turkey/ham ban has indeed passed…well, so much for enjoying a good ol’ Jerry Lewis movie, snacking on a turkey/ham sandwich in Instanbul.

[apologies for my long-winded diatribe, feel free to hit page down a couple times]
Sure it’s somewhat fascist and backward for Turkey to ban YouTube, but remember that most countries act the same or much, much worse, eg: China, Iran, Myanmar, and so forth. It’s how totalitarian states work. In Russia, they simply kill the naysayers.

But before everyone beats up on Turkey, I think we should consider that we desperately need them to join the E.U. and become an equal partner in the modern Western world. Mainly because they are the strongest military force in the middle east, with the possible exception of Israel, who is already committed to our side.

Realistically, a massive conflict with all of fundamentalist Islam is inevitable, thanks to what fundamentalists believe. They declared jihad on the saner world years ago, and they’re the kind of nutjobs who would rather die then change their minds. So, logically, they must die, and benefit the rest of the world thereby.

Turkey is one of the most secular muslim countries, and we need as many allies like that as we can get, so it seems to me that banning YouTube, or Maxim magazine, or whatever else they want is completely unimportant. When the time comes to eradicate the fundamentalist threat, it would be much better to have Turkey with us than against us.

If you think I’m some sort of genocidal madman, maybe you should check out what Islamists say about the western world, Israel, and so forth. They want to kill us all. They want Sharia law in England. There’s certainly no reasoning with them. And let’s face it, overpopulation is a big problem, which fundamentalists add to the most, so wiping them out will benefit the world as a whole.

Was I permanently scarred by 9/11? You bet! Do I wish all fundamentalists, men, women, and children, would die today and leave the rest of us in relative peace? Exactly so! Do I care at all if Turks watch YouTube? Not in the slightest! Do I enjoy mocking Rumsfeld’s manner of speech? Goodness gracious yes!

Is it telling that both Greece and Turkey may possibly have greater animosity towards Israel – the country where no-one is immune from being questioned or insulted and which respects gay rights – than towards each other?

In this Internet era, banning any Web sites like YouTube will severely damage a country’s international image and economic prospect (e.g., Internet startups, foreign investment). Turkey seems to have gone the wrong path.

Ah! How wonderful! My country is suppressing free speech again!

You know, in case people forget, the most immediate repercussions of this will be on the Turkish people, who are being deprived of an extraordinary communication organ. It’s a means of self-expression, as well as self-exploration, for the Turkish people. If it weren’t for YouTube, I wouldn’t find the citizen journalism that let the world know about the polcie abuses, and destruction of personal freedom in the name of “Turkishness.” These things are rarely shown outside of Turkey.

Just to make it clear to haters out there: Turks are not somehow trying to silence the critics of Turkey. Everyone thinks about their own genocide, and forget about the Turkish people are and have always been the victims of this regime. Think about it: criticism of Turkey can be heard everywhere except inside Turkey. As a result we have become very thin skinned about criticism of ourselves. What other tool did we have to make differing voices heard before there was YouTube?

Turks are not the enemies of Armenians and Greeks. Turks are the victims of the Turkish government and its self-appointed, unelected representatives. We ought to stand up for their rights and speak out. But how can we do that when the rest of the world continues to view Turkey from an Orientalist frame, as a monolithic nation of knaves, and view the Turkish government (and the decisions of Turkish courts!) as reflecting the true wishes of the Turkish people, just to underscore their animosity against Turkey and what it stands for? I would point out that hundreds of thousands protested the killing of Hrant Dink. But that didn’t change anything because courts are deaf to the voices of the people.

We ask for mutual understanding, and freedom of speech from the world, and for our government to give us the tools and means to talk about our past. Without those tools, we are vulnerable and weakened.

I agree with Saladin Ahmed. The West cannot judge the standard of other countries and disregard its own application of regulations. The Greek- Turkish insults are a symptom which expression will be violence. Why would the world expect the Turks to be insulted and not react? Why would the world not expect the Greek Embassy to blow up or so? Limiting speech in this instance is actually working toward reconciliation, alliance and understanding. The Greek troublemakers hope for a violent reaction from Turkey so they can yet again cast themselves as “victims.”

Certain things are sacred. Certain men are. And for the sake of “physical” peace, restrictions on speech is needed. Greece should also forbid such expression of hate under anti-hate and racial incitations to hate. There has always been a minority of Turks in Eastern Greece, kept as hostage by Athens. Nobody talks against segregation and discrimination in this case.

Turkey is not the only country which falls into the trap of myopia. Need I reiterate how our own country has failed miserably over these 6 years to identify the real problem and fashion strategies that resolve our domestic and international problems effectively?

Yes, Ataturk is important, and he will remain in
the hearts and minds of modern Turks long after youtube has been replaced by the next big cybertrick. But this kind of silly censorship is not at the core of EU resistance to Turkey.

What’s at the core is European ethnocentrism. And that kind of myopia obscures the fact that the EU may need Turkey more than Turkey needs the EU.

Keep in mind that Turkey is simultaneously a modern and sophisticated culture and economy, as well as a traditional society. They will reach their future their own way.

I read today that Turkey has passed legislation that bans the actual ‘thought’ of insulting this Atuturk guy (he is NOT gay by the way, though he does know a good looking man when he sees one).

That’s right; should you even think about insulting this man (who is not gay), you can be imprisoned. So don’t you even think about it!

So for example, if I say out loud, “Aturtak’ is gay!” I will have already committed a crime for having thought about it before saying it, effectively committing two crimes….

Ataboy Turkey!

What do you expect from a country named after a big bird?