Anthony Scaramucci Pulls Out of Politicon After Vulgar Rant

Anthony Scaramucci

Anthony Scaramucci has backed out of Politicon, as he faces the fallout from an expletive-filled interview with New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza.

A spokeswoman for the event, a gathering of politicians, media personalities, and celebrities, said that they were informed overnight that he would not be coming.

Organizers of Politicon — taking place in Pasadena this weekend — had said earlier in the week that Scaramucci still planned to attend, even after he was named President Donald Trump’s communications director last week.


Anthony Scaramucci

White House’s Scaramucci Explodes in New Interview: ‘I’m Not Steve Bannon, I’m Not Trying to Suck My Own C–k’

Scaramucci lashed out on Wednesday at the leak of his financial disclosure form, and said that he had reported it to the FBI and the Justice Department. On Thursday afternoon, Lizza reported that Scaramucci called him up that evening, and bashed White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and Trump’s senior strategist, Steve Bannon, suggesting that they are the source of leaks coming out of the White House. Scaramucci used vulgar language in the interview, which was on the record, while threatening to fire the entire White House communications staff as he tried to root out leaks in the West Wing.

Scaramucci later said on Twitter that he sometimes uses “colorful language,” but he would refrain from doing so as he takes his new position at the White House.

He was set to participate in a series of panels, including one called “Scaramucci ‘Splains,” with Toure as the moderator. He was also supposed to be part of a panel on the future of the Republican party, in which he would have been joined by Trump critics, including columnist David Frum.

Update: Politicon organizers released a statement.

“While Anthony Scaramucci decided to cancel his scheduled appearance at Politicon this year, the beauty of Politicon is that we have dozens of huge names that political junkies will love, from Chelsea Handler, James Carville, America Ferrera, Cenk Uygur, and Rob Reiner to Ann Coulter, Roger Stone, Tomi Lahren, Ben Shapiro, and Ana Navarro. At least now we don’t have to worry about violating any local obscenity laws!”

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  1. The problem is people like Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro and others of their ilk shouldn’t even be on panels at events like this. They’re just trolls who live out of outrage and pandering to other people’s pet hates. And giving them a voice and legitimizing them like this is sad.

  2. WakeUp says:

    The mirror simply reflects social consciousness.

    • elizajone says:

      No, generally society reflects its leaders and its leaders reflect it in return. It’s a dynamic relationship, not a static one. Just like every human interaction and or group/social interaction. We are in midst of backlash against demographic social change. Simply put, people in power don’t want to lose that power and are reacting in fear, so they are making mistakes. Fearful reactions always create big mistakes. Trump is a reflection of that mistake. Pure and simple, he is an act of desperation, manifested by white voters fearful of what’s to come, anger because of diminishing wages and loss of control over one’s lives.

  3. John says:

    Sorry, Politicon organizers, but I don’t “love” Chelsea Handler and I despise Cenk Uygur.

    Cenk Uygur is the equivalent to a Holocaust denier:

    In college he wrote a piece denying that the Armenian Genocide happened.

    He named his show “The Young Turks” after the Turkish group responsible for the mass murder of up to 1.5 million Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and other Christians in the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

    Some people suspect, that he named his show after these Turkish mass murders, because he gets hidden funding from Turkey. It’s part of a denialist campaign that tries to popularize another ‘meaning’ for the term ‘Young Turks’ than the historical one.

    Uygur is basically helping his Turkish nationalist friends to re-write history and get the association ‘mass murder’ out of the heads of all the people who hear the term ‘Young Turks’.

    It’s like creating a news show and naming it “The Young Nazis” or “Hitler Youth News” or “NSDAP Network”.

    By inviting somebody like that, you send the wrong message & you will not be supported by many.

  4. Bill B. says:

    Not even a week and he is already another trump embarrassment.

  5. Scott says:

    Omg fire the reporter. What a moron.
    You didn’t read the reason WHY he called. It was about gossip/news leak/personal privilege info…………….
    according to the report, after he demanded Lizza tell him the source of his dinner-party scoop. “……………
    Gossip is idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others; the act is also known as dishing or tattling.
    Gossip news. It was never an official statement it was a personal conversation this reporter should be fired for engaging in gossip.
    The only way media can get views now is a gossip headline. Sick freaks.
    Try covering positive stories ,
    Trumps medal of valor speech,
    No the media likes to destroy.
    Still crybaby hate stories making headlines.
    Its about losing 😭 crying like 2 yr olds whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

    • So this mook acts like a mook, to a reporter, A REPORTER! and gets his butt handed to him, and you think the reporter is the problem? Too much koolaide friend.

      • Scott says:

        The reporter is a user trying to make headlines knowing hate sells.
        It’s a big hate headlines.
        Not kosher. Sorry. The public now has no interest in the media news scams.

  6. Timely Comment says:

    Scaramucci versus Priebus and the GOP in Trump’s White House?? The Italian scrapper v the ex-Briebart “c*cks*k*r” in a political tug-of-war for Trump’s heart and mind?

    Interesting to see unfold, as ever with this President. Spicer quitting to NOT work under him, and power battle between the ex-Chairman of the Republican party shows that Trump is politically alienating not only the Democrats… but the certain Republicans who are supposedly on his side.

    Maybe the remaining (Republican) Tea Partiers in Congress and ex-Breibart Bannon could pull the strings tighter to insure Trump’s agenda is pushed in the next couple of years… but Scaramucci’s fighting-dog combativeness in his role is a sign that the WH isn’t gonna be “political” in its attitude…

    (THIS is Trump’s populist legacy: people who voted for and support Trump… are just like Trump in personality.)

    Scaramucci is the identifying template— as his supporters bleating their group leader’s views and opinions, so too the personalities in the Trump White House?

  7. Hi from Los Angeles! says:

    On the record or off the record, I feel very bad for reporters, especially those in closed quarters, who
    have to listen and be insulted by every obscene vulgar word and gesture that unhappy mean subjects
    put them through, especially men towards women. Signing on as a reporter in any way, shape, or form, does not mean one has to be somewhat verbally harassed while the man or woman – of any age – lets whatever drivel they want fly from their thoughts and mouths. Yes, just use your own freedom of speech to report that behavior and all of a sudden the subject matter runs home crying to mommy. We either have class and civility all of the time, or none of the time. You can’t pick and choose.
    And this is my freedom of speech.

  8. Me says:


    Anthony Scaramucci’s wife files for divorce

  9. elizajone says:

    It was on the record. Scaramucci didn’t ask to be off the record. He’s already acknowledged he made the mistake of not asking. And he savvy enough to know protocol with journalists. Rumor has it he likes to party and he sounds like an overgrown frat boy drunk or high in the conversation, not the communications director for the president of the United States. At any rate, the conversation was taped. Now, we know who he truly is and that’s what we should be paying attention to. Not blaming journalists for telling you something that’s inconvenient to your version of reality.

  10. Noel O'Neill says:

    What a low life! The White House is losing it’s colour, it’s tainted and painted now with obscenities by people who say they are for the people but have only low life self interests

  11. tlsnyder42 says:

    Variety assumes the conversation was on the record. Bad reporting here. . .

  12. Claudia Johnson says:

    I will never forget Joe Biden saying on TV, in front of the whole Nation (concerning passage of the health care bill), that ” This is really a big effing deal”. That was a lot more hideous than what mooch did to a reporter.
    It was then that I knew OUR WHITE HOUSE would no longer have CLASS.

    • tlsnyder42 says:

      Absolutely right, Claudia. Sounds like an off-the-record, private phone call to me anyway. I also remember when the Los Angeles mayor used the “f” word at the Kings rally. That was public, not private, too. How many times did pres. Obama lie about Obamacare and Ferguson, not to mention all the slander he pitched toward Republicans and conservatives down thru the years, while he himself cavorted with people like communist terrorist Bill Ayers, communist loon Frank Davis and the Anti-Semite Rev. Wright?

      • JayB says:

        The reporter said in an interview that she never told Scaramucci it was off the record. He just assumed it and let ‘er rip.

    • Michelle Fields says:


  13. saree says:

    I hope it’s true. Cowardly liberals and scum Democrats hate it when we give them a dose of there own medicine. Look in the mirror libs, it’s you that hates. We finally have a President that fights back and the democrats are crying.

    • We try to help people and you think it’s hate. The guy u voted for, have you heard him talk? Only the billionaire benefit from trump, but you hate and don’t call it hate? We want to have single payer health care for all and you say that’s hate? We want everyone to have a chance, is that hate? This guy in office is mentally unhinged but we aren’t going to have a new civil war regardless. If you hate do you call it hate?

      • elizajone says:

        Don’t waste your breath. What has become abundantly clear is that there are many Americans who feel that there is some sort of emotional cost to them, not just monetary, that is something they can’t afford. It costs them too much to be generous of spirit or kind to other human beings, because their feelings are ” I didn’t get mine, so why should you get yours?” Don’t even bother using logic with these people, they are operating on a totally emotional level.

    • So, Le Mooch punks out and it’s the “little bitch democrats (sic) who are crying”? Interesting.

  14. Michelle says:


  15. elizajone says:

    Yes, they do. Ann Coulter is there. Her very presence is an obscenity.

  16. Steve Barr says:

    He’s a bully and a coward just like Trump.

  17. JOE S HILL says:

    Sean Spicer is starting to look way better than this guy, and I think that President Trump will be looking for another person to replace, especially since Anthony Scaramucci’s language appears to be focused on things pertaining to oral sex, so while he muses about somebody wanting a blow job, Trump will again find himself quickly replacing the Scaramucci disaster with another hopeful-and one, without a nasty potty mouth!

  18. Anita Joan Carter says:

    You are full of yourself …experts state…You arnt only one that went to Harford as Bannon did too but doesn’t brag about it as you do….You should have Majored in Communications as you are ignorant on the subject….but Ivanka and Kushner pushed that in…Your Communication is trashey, low class and Red Neck…Go back to NY…

  19. Cheryl H says:

    Trump’s administration is a mess. People need to stop blaming Dems, Obama, or the establishment and accept responsibility for their own egos and behavior. So much upheaval and unrest; no one to blame but themselves.

  20. MerryMarjie says:

    His language isn’t “colorful,” it’s filthy, and it sounds like it’s coming from a sewer. Cover your kids’ ears, Scaramucci is talking!

  21. fedora says:

    This guy’s great! They need to clean house over there. Too many establishment scumbags surrounding Trump.

  22. This guy has mucci ‘splaining to do about that language. What a way to represent our nation. How much power does he think he has?

  23. Donna says:

    Really, I had high hopes for this one considering his background. But Trump and his new appointee need to use some good pr and stop the low class rants. It is becoming an embarrassment for those of us who are supporters.

    • Finally! It’s a shame that it took this long for something to become an embarrassment to those of you who are supporters. Better late than never, though!

      • cadavra says:

        Your optimism is appreciated, but Trump, his staff and especially his supporters are utterly incapable of being shamed. The fact that numerous commenters on this thread are blaming Democrats/Obama/the “liberal” media for this proves that nothing will ever convince them of their zombie loyalty.

      • Lisa White says:

        ^^^ this!!

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