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Drug Abuse in the Forest?

A new BBC TV programme explores the use of ketamine as a recreational drug among teenagers in the Forest of Dean, and the way the problem is being tackled...

BBC television's "Inside Out West" is to examine the problem of drug abuse in the Forest of Dean.

Vets tranquilising a horse

Vets using ketamine to tranquilise a horse

The programme meets teenagers from Whitecross School in Lydney who are making their own film to highlight the dangers of taking ketamine.

The substance is commonly used as a horse tranquiliser, but its use as a recreational drug has been causing concern in the forest for some time now with reports of children as young as twelve taking it.

Investigative reporter Alastair Mckee says:

"It's obvious that ketamine abuse is quite a problem in the Forest of Dean but you can't help being impressed with the way it's being tackled.

"Young people are so often blamed for social problems, but here they're taking it upon themselves to warn their peers about the dangers of taking ketamine".


A teenage actress in a still from the film

The drug can leave users physically incapable of moving and in some cases can cause panic attacks or depression.

When taken in high doses, it can even lead to unconsciousness.

But, despite the dangers, there appears to be a growing number of people in the Forest of Dean willing to take advantage of the cheap and plentiful supply.

The phenomenon has even reached the internet site youtube, where some users have posted video footage of themselves apparently under the influence of the drug.

last updated: 10/12/2007 at 08:38
created: 14/09/2007

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