A resource-based or natural-resource-based economy is that of a country whose gross national product or gross domestic product to a large extent comes from natural resources.


資源導向型經濟,由維納斯計劃的建築工程師、工業設計師、未來學家的雅克‧法斯科發起,核心宗旨是用「科學技術和方法」為人類提供最大化的富裕及物質生活,宣告地球上的所有資源,皆為全人類共同的遺產傳承,並將科技運用在解決社會問題上。 維基百科
In a Resource Based Economy all goods and services are available to all people without the need for money, credits, barter or any other means.
Resource Based Economy (來源:www.resourcebasedeconomy.org)
Resource Based Economy (a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization) is working on designing, testing and implementing a new socio-economic system called a Global ...
Resource Based Economy (來源:www.thevenusproject.com)
It is a system in which all goods and services are available to everyone without the use of money, credits, barter, or any other form of debt or servitude.
Resource Based Economy may refer to: Resource-based economy - economies based on natural resources; The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement - which ...
Resource Based Economy (來源:medium.com)
2020年6月18日 · The result is a money-less society where all resources are free, within reason, and distributed automatically in response to demand. This is ...
「Resource Based Economy」的影片
時間長度: 4:40
發布時間: 2016年7月7日
2022年5月31日 · Generally speaking, a resource-based economy is a kind of specialized functional economy, which refers to the economy that rises with the ...
Resource-based economies are often – although somewhat arbitrarily – defined as economies where natural resources account for more than 10 per cent of GDP and ...