A list is a set of discrete items of information collected and set forth in some format for utility, entertainment, or other purposes.
In computer science, a list or sequence is an abstract data type that represents a finite number of ordered values, where the same value may occur more than ...
This list of lists of lists is a list of articles that are lists of other list articles. Each of the pages linked here is an index to multiple lists on a ...
From Middle English lī̆st, lī̆ste (“band, stripe; hem, selvage; border, edge, rim; list, specification; barriers enclosing area for jousting, etc.”), from Old ...
ar تعداد; bjn Daptar; ca Enumeració (llista); de Liste; en List (information); eo Listo; fr Liste; hi सूची; id Daftar; ko 목록; nl Opsomming; nn Liste ...
A list is a part of a text, which has many words separated by commas (,) or a group of words going down the page that may use bullet points, letters, ...
Country codes are dialed before the national telephone number, but require at least one additional prefix, the international call prefix which is an exit code ...
This help page explains how to create and format lists on the English Wikipedia. List basics edit. There are three types of lists: unordered lists, ...
This is a list of notable numbers and articles about notable numbers. The list does not contain all numbers in existence as most of the number sets are ...