
New car group for ‘Bridge

A young group of Murray Bridge locals is behind the wheel of a new car group that is quickly garnering a sizeable following. Despite the...

New school on the block

The first Catholic school in the Alexandrina Council district is set to open in 2029, if all goes according to plan. Catholic Education South Australia...

Digital Edition


Tyler races for her passion

A White Sands resident with a passion for motorsport is thriving as a woman in a male-dominant industry. Courtney Tyler is the team manager and...

Chilly ‘Bridge rifle shoot

There was a definite chill to the air as the Murray Bridge Rifle Club shot its first shoot of Winter on Saturday from a...

Golf Club championships

This week’s report is all about the recent Murray Bridge Women’s Golf Championships. Held over the last three weeks in perfect weather conditions and on...

Juniors around the ground

It was a great day for Tailem Bend and the Southern Mallee Suns over the weekend. Check out some pictures from the junior teams!

Preparing for Inter-League

The Southern Mallee Suns are looming as one of the genuine contenders in 2024 after they defeated Tailem Bend by 80 points last Saturday...

Wintery conditions for golf

Wintery conditions arrived at the local Murray Bridge Golf Course on Tuesday May 21 where 10 players rugged up in their woolly pullovers to...


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Four decades for auxiliary

The Mannum Hospital Auxiliary formally known as the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary, has celebrated its 40th birthday with past and present members as well as...

Plea to take more care

Murray Bridge man Geoff Hampel has expressed his concerns about the state of the walking trail of Adelaide Road and the continual theft of...

‘Bridge misses out on memorial match

Murray Bridge has missed out on hosting the 2024 Neil Kerley Memorial Match as the region’s round was shifted to Adelaide Oval. In 2023, thousands...

Discover what’s on in the Murraylands

GET TOGETHER YOUNGHUSBAND HALL DINNER - Friday, June 7, Younghusband Hall, 5.30pm, bar facilities, $15 for adults and $10 for children. For information email SHOWING...

Leisure centre under review

As the Mid Murray Council continues to strive toward a financially sustainable future, another service is up for discussion - this time the Mannum...