Betty Boothroyd urges older peers to retire

Baroness Boothroyd  chastised prime ministers for filling the second chamber with 'lobby fodder'
Baroness Boothroyd chastised prime ministers for filling the second chamber with 'lobby fodder'

Older peers should retire gracefully to ease the overcrowding in the House of Lords, a former Commons Speaker has said.

Baroness Boothroyd also chastised successive prime ministers for filling the second chamber with “lobby fodder” in an attempt to steamroller their policies into law.

Her remarks come days before a new batch of peers are due to be appointed by the parties. They will include Sir Stuart Rose, the former M&S boss, and Karren Brady, the football executive, who will be made Tory peers.

Another figure in line for elevation is Sir Michael Farmer, the City financier and former party treasurer who has given more than £2.6 million to the Conservatives. Michael Cashman, the former EastEnders actor, is said to be among the Labour peers