MARBLEHEAD 101: Tinker’s and the outer islands

Pam Peterson
Summer visitors on Tinker’s Island

From either Fort Sewall or Castle Rock on Marblehead Neck, there is a good view of the string of offshore islands that lie beyond Marblehead. It is thought that these islands may have been a landmass in prehistoric times, a promontory extending out from the shore. Gradually, over hundreds of thousands of years, the sea broke through, forming about a dozen islands, only about half of which are habitable. The islands have represented respite to some but danger to mariners, especially during early colonial settlement, when they were largely uncharted… and certainly unlit.

In 1713, the lighthouse at the entrance to Boston Harbor was erected. It was the first and only lighthouse for a long time. The twin lighthouses at Thatcher’s Island were lighted in 1771, and a few years later Baker’s Island was lit. The Marblehead lighthouse was established in 1831.

All of the offshore islands originally belonged to Salem. From southeast to northeast, the first is Ram’s Island. All of the islands were used as pasture land, primarily for sheep, hence Ram’s Island. It was supposedly once the home of an old sea captain, though it is uninhabited now.

Tinker’s Island is really two small islands connected by a strip of land. It is named after the tinker mackerel that can be found (and caught) close to its shores. In an April snowstorm in 1786, a ship coming from Spain loaded with iron was wrecked on Tinker’s. All onboard were lost, and the recovered bodies were buried in Marblehead.

In 1807, Marblehead tried to claim Tinker’s Island, Ram’s Island and Marblehead Rock through the Marblehead Marine Society. The petition continued unresolved for 75 years, until the Marine Society had ceased to exist. Ownership of the islands remained vague until 1969, when they were declared part of Salem.

Tinker’s Island was leased for ballast in the 19th century. In 1917, a Rev. Edward Small sometimes stayed on Tinker’s Island. When he married young couples, he loved the island so much that he often offered them his own cottage as a honeymoon retreat. Reverend Small was very strong, and he spent some of his time on the island moving rocks around and naming them, often after the couples who had honeymooned there. He also entered Strong Man contests, which he usually won.

Tinker’s Island is a lovely spot in summer, covered with wild roses, raspberries, pheasants and birds. It has fresh-water springs, as do all of the islands that have been or still are inhabited. It is very isolated, accessible only by private boat and protected by the Tinker’s Island Association, composed of regular summer residents whose families have come to the island for generations.

More about the other outer islands next week.