Jessica L. Ware, Ph.D.

2008 Graduate School - New Brunswick Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
 2020- Invertebrate zoology AMNH, New York, NY, United States 
Entomology Biology
"Jessica Ware"
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Tolman ER, Beatty CD, Bush J, et al. (2023) Exploring chromosome evolution in 250 million year old groups of dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta:Odonata). Molecular Ecology. 32: 5785-5797
Newton L, Tolman E, Kohli M, et al. (2023) Evolution of Odonata: Genomic insights. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 101073
Tolman ER, Beatty CD, Bush J, et al. (2023) A Chromosome-length Assembly of the Black Petaltail (Tanypteryx hageni) Dragonfly. Genome Biology and Evolution
Büsse S, Ware JL. (2022) Taxonomic note on the species status of (Insecta, Odonata, Epiophlebiidae), including remarks on biogeography and possible species distribution. Zookeys. 1127: 79-90
Kohli M, Letsch H, Greve C, et al. (2021) Evolutionary history and divergence times of Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) revealed through transcriptomics. Iscience. 24: 103324
Kohli M, Djernæs M, Sanchez Herrera M, et al. (2021) Comparative phylogeography uncovers evolutionary past of Holarctic dragonflies. Peerj. 9: e11338
Bybee SM, Kalkman VJ, Erickson RJ, et al. (2021) Phylogeny and classification of Odonata using targeted genomics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 107115
Simaika JP, Ware JL, Garrison RW, et al. (2020) Phylogeny of the Synlestidae (Odonata: Zygoptera), with an emphasis on Chlorolestes Selys and Ecchlorolestes Barnard. Scientific Reports. 10: 15088
Tseng M, El-Sabaawi RW, Kantar MB, et al. (2020) Strategies and support for Black, Indigenous, and people of colour in ecology and evolutionary biology. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Sánchez-Herrera M, Beatty CD, Nunes R, et al. (2020) An exploration of the complex biogeographical history of the Neotropical banner-wing damselflies (Odonata: Polythoridae). Bmc Evolutionary Biology. 20: 74
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