Sun Jun 9 2024 09:50:52 PDT
  • Component: DOM: Editor
  • Product: Core

This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1289880 Cursor move with arrow keys doesn't change the focus of nested contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-05
1330784 OsTicket 1.10 and Firefox Issue since a year Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1354359 Combination of undo and redo can irrecoverably delete swathes of text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-09
1364112 Impossible to remove selected cell's outline Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1395395 Coursera: Ctrl+<arrow> does not work properly in the text box. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-15
1398724 adding a whitespace-only span to the end of a contenteditable only succeeds on second try Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1406718 Cannot copy iframe text by using contentDocument.execCommand("copy") Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1417729 In a text field, option-arrow jumps over punctuation, but only when moving to the right Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1419124 When input direction switched, Punctuation Symbols not switching around Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1425661 Copy pasting from OpenOffice/LibreOffice to Thunderbird overrides unchecked option "Use Paragraph format instead of Body Text by default" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1428073 Outdent list with leading DOM whitespace/linebreak inserts bogus <br> Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1432132 A misplaced caret in contenteditable element with ::before pseudo-element which pointer-events are disabled Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1437460 Cursor sometimes jumps to wrong line on backspace Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1452517 HTML: cursor navigation, selection and deletion by backspace of closable non-editable DIVs/SPANs inside content-editable DIV Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-05
1466417 Copy/paste in contenteditable span pastes the element itself instead of content Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1476915 caret position in textareas not updated immediately on ctrl-arrows Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1482053 trunk/editor/libeditor/EditorDOMPoint.h: 2 * pointless asserts Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1499376 Numbers in numbered list not the same color as the list Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1515267 execCommand('bold') behavior is different from Blink Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1521821 Redo does not work after paste and undo Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1522378 Erratic bug when creating new paragraph when editing Wikipedia Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1540448 Save Bookmark Name Input Doesn't Position Insert Mark on Mouse Click Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1542161 Drag and drop of LI leaves blank LI in Designmode Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1599681 Textarea Memory Corruption Vulnerability Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-05-18
1602292 Content disappears from contenteditable under certain circumstances Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1609370 In content editable block down key is not working as expected if block has non editable content-editable blocks and WBR tags Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-05
1625298 caret positioned on the left when focus is set on a contenteditable node with text-align set to center Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-09
1674544 Pressing enter on an empty line for content-editable div with whitespace: pre-wrap does not result in the addition of a newline Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-11-11
1682093 C-O key combination moves cursor backward instead of Return key behavior on Mac OS Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2021-01-04
1699959 paste into text area is hidden Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2021-05-31
1723480 Contenteditable with a table inside - FF adds a BR tag in empty TD cells and the BR remains even after text is added to the cell with Javascript Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2021-08-23
1726492 Typing text causes flash with fcitx4/fcitx5 Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2021-08-25
147898 joining/splitting lines doesn't work correctly Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
179318 Plain Text Editor has apparent blank lines when inserting text. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
221655 Copy-paste from spreadsheet to composer reduces font Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
222017 Composer mangled the contents of the iframe element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
235827 [midas] composers's absolute positioning feature also enabled in midas Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
236105 Midas - no text entry in inserted <div> element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
236110 Editor: Midas - relative DIV are immovable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
236111 Editor: Midas - Relative DIV elements get no sizeing border Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
236113 Midas - it is difficult to get the focus to go to the element with designMode="on" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
236180 Editor: Midas - cannot create, or move, elements which have a sizing widget to the very top left Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
236183 Editor: Midas - undo does not remove tables or layers Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
238255 Editor: Midas - it is not possible to join table rows and cells Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
238516 Editor: Midas - cannot underline <a> tags Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
247064 Editor: MIDAS - inserted HTML gets munged very badly Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
249909 Italics command doesn't recognize emphasis Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
252453 Rearrange table columns and rows easily Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
281612 methods of nsEditActionListener interface aren't called in some cases Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
281758 Selection is changed at the wrong time Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
293771 Placing form fields inside a designMode (midas) area behaves strangely. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
305396 [Plaintext] Can't drag if the rootElement has white-space: pre; Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
306455 [midas] Midas improperly collapses <p>'s together corrupting anchor tags Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
312051 when FF cache exceed previously set up volume limit 'copy' option stops to work Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
318516 Sporadic and random line breaks appearing when in text editors within firefox page Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
322115 Drag and Drop aswell as Cut and Paste dysfunctional. JS error. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
322205 [MIDAS]hitting space when editing text inside a paragraph adds an unwanted BR tag Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
323597 [MIDAS] Drag & drop anything (image, text, anything) at the beginning of any element-> the image is lost, disappears Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
333471 Editor collapses selection immediately after 'createLink', leading to faulty caret positioning on arrowkey. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
335358 Assertion in nsEditor::IsPreformatted Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
339078 iframe "onload" does not work (firefox 1.5) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
347357 <editor> does not propagate scroll events Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
348682 Table cells should have resize handles Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
348847 After using select all & delete, there is no empty paragraph in editor Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
350953 <Return> doesn't break a blockquote in Midas Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
355228 In designMode firefox replaces newlines with <br> tags in <pre> elements Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
356288 pasting long unbroken text resets editors to "top of form". Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
356598 HTML format get modified while using textContent Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
364228 Provide means to define word boundaries for Next/Previous word functions Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
366423 The "View HTML Source" check box doesn't work on the Mozilla midas demo page (importNode gives: Exception... "Access to property denied") Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
369502 Firefox and tidy add line breaks within code blocks Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
370322 Remove All Text Styles should also remove paragraph formatting (strip <h1> etc.) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
371768 Caret does not appear initially when using Midas editor pre-loaded with stylesheet Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
374511 [Midas] Adding a blockquote to the bottom of a document traps cursor Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
377916 Handles in designmode not staying with image when image is moved/removed while highlighted Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
381173 text reverses when deleting linebreak with div inside span Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
382771 Spellchecker shouldn't require whitespace after block elements to delimit words Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2021-01-08
384141 Text styling is not maintained when starting a list Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
386173 Feature: add a command to disable abspos ui in Midas Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
401634 [midas] Can't edit inside an OL or UL tag. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
401800 Midas - Unable to justify divs Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
416772 Pasting contents destroys text formatting on Mac OS X Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
417412 Impossible to place caret between two centered tables Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
425545 Defaults not set from preferences in Page Colors and Backgrounds dialog Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
426070 Preformat font in mail message wrongly shown as variable width Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
427016 Screenshot paste feature in libeditor can reveal current windows user name Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
428140 Changing focus onpaste in contentEditable node is very broken Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
434475 the Indent command splits a paragraph in 2 elements after several indents Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
435709 Inline tags are replaced by <span> tags with certain editing actions. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
439966 Gecko forgets fonts when entering bulleted list Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
441447 Firefox 3 loses focus on WordPress 2.5.1 Post text box, typing apostrophe launches Quick Find. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
446111 Mistake javascript and scroll Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
448683 Translation of copied HTML formatted text incorrectly adds line breaks for all tags Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
452582 <img> changes are saved into @style instead of @width and @height Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
454552 execCommand inserthtml into paragraph tag Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
459771 Break paragraph bugs in contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
459793 Add pref to override password masking character. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
462452 Selection expands in wrong direction when contenteditable, RTL element contains LTR characters Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
466652 table with caption, cell border and collapsed rows moves upwards while editing caption in midas / designMode Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
468028 When Backspace/Delete/Cut Joins Blocks, Resulting Block Has Attributes from Last Selected Block Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
480184 Editor undo for whole content replacement should restore selection range Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
485975 contenteditable DIV within absolutely positioned DIV has table-editing handles in wrong location Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
500087 Cannot decrease indent for a bullet point - bullet icon is lost in the process Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
503836 Cursor shows on a wrong position after press enter key in editable region Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
506368 document.queryCommandValue('enableObjectResizing') throws an exception Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
507308 Cannot exit list when <li> contains <br>. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
511523 Pressing enter to break out of a list twice and typing in a new line causes text to appear in the previous line Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
511586 Cut and paste doesn't handle spaces correctly. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
515129 Absolutely positioned elements set background-color when contenteditable is true Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
517855 execCommand(bold | italic | underline | hilitecolor | fontname) does not change the already applied formatting when styleWithCss is true and the selection contains a HTML comment Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
520481 Cut and paste does not work SOHOLAUNCH page editor using Vista x64 Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
520760 Text cursor improperly shown before images in designMode Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
521876 Deleting a range that crosses into a <blockquote> removes additional child nodes of the <blockquote> Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
528078 MIDAS Rich Text Editor, backspace before the first char removes all empty lines in text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
529370 Unable to copy INS and DEL formatting tags Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
529395 Can't move through each row with Down arrow if table has heading Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
529955 Copy paste of table results in nested <tr> which causes table border to disappear. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
531159 No documentation on _moz_resizing/_moz_abspos or how to disable it Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
535208 Double-Clicking and editing in a div with contenteditable set to "true" inserts the text in an unexpected position. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-27
536201 Midas: innerHTML of content editable is encoding special characters in anchor href Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
538400 Cannot properly cut content across non-editable element boundaries in a contentEditable element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-05
542049 RTL problem in tables with contenteditable/designMode Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
542456 curosr in contentEditable iframe will move to beginning in a special case Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
544879 No auto-scroll when cursor location is outside of a viewable input field Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
546562 Cannot remove p/paragraph separation within a table cell of contentEditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
547248 Caret navigation issue around a non editable element within a contenteditable environment. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-05
554886 In designMode, the DEL key is not working properly at the end of paragraphs followed by an empty paragraph Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
565185 Caret dissapears in a contenteditable=true div with nested mathml formula in it Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
570139 document.execCommand insertImage adds image to page, not to editable div Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
581306 ContentEditable: wrong focus when loading page with paragraphs Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
590716 Styles trying to set text-decoration don't work on anchors inside <body contenteditable="true"> Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
599317 ContentEditable: partially selected paragraphs are removed on DEL or CTRL-X Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
616346 document selection range is destroyed when an iframe is hidden and shown again (designMode on) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
618264 In a content editable page right clicking within a div highlights all content within the div Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
620650 If there is big HTML with nested tables and many rows writing in contenteditable freezes browser. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
630524 Firefox throws Exception for the insertorderedlist command if <div contenteditable="true"> is within a table! Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
634816 Images in Table - Handle Issue Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
646871 Within a content editable block and the next block is not editable, down key selects parent, instead of next editable block. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-05
674625 Rich Text Editor Modifies Hyperlink To Be Relative With Wrong Number Of ../ Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
681618 Consistent font size control over all message text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
686264 incorrect href value in html within content-editable with source having absolute uri pointing to host and page having base attribute set Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
697114 BR tags appended Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
721038 Conteneditable: double clicking, then pressing an arrow makes caret go wild Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
723463 execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, null) is not equivalent to execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
733835 When typing into a contentEditable span when selection is after &nbsp; &nbsp; is deleted if a space precedes span. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-28
763383 execCommand("delete") doesn´t remove empty span-elements Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
776631 Document in design mode loses focus when arrow keys, home, page down, page up and tab are pressed Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
795469 line edit and text edit widgets behave inconsistently with those of usual GUI applications and even the rest of Firefox Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
798833 editor widget partly editable even when set to readonly (eEditorDisabledMask) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
812677 Include changes to text direction in undo history of text area Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
841694 In contenteditable :focus is not behaving properly Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
841749 Can't escape BLOCKQUOTE element in contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
855397 Create anchored text of pasted url when using rich editor like IE. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
860298 Image followed by a comment tag in contenteditable div causes IP naviagation to get stuck on right cursor moves past an image. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
877935 Wrong ctrl+backspace and ctrl+delete behaviour Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
881032 Add payment in is nt working Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
884106 List elements duplicated on a paste from MS Word into a contenteditable element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
890461 midasdemo: deleting a table row with colspan not working Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
897938 Contenteditable Span lost style if last character is a whitespace Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
911205 Content of nested contenteditable element is destroyed when deleting in outer contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
925936 execCommand with ("formatBlock", "<BLOCKQUOTE>") compounds rather than toggles. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
926164 Editor deletes blank before inserted block element when converting to text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
926230 Editor does not style blanks at end of line Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
957046 Pasting long words of code into a textarea fields line breaks are inserted within a 'word'. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
959044 Rich-text editing: before inserting a list, Enter key inserts <br>. After a list, Enter inserts <p>. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
983041 contenteditable html paste breaks content Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1037055 contenteditable fails in HTML documents auto-generated for images and PDFs Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1037134 clicking on a contenteditable image changes its zindex Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1039194 CIG_Agent_Submission: System is displaying "Save Location" instead of "Create Location" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1049785 Paste in contentEditable div from xclip removes newlines Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1061866 [contenteditable] data tags are stripped when pasting into a contenteditable element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1075901 Firefox gets confused about cursoring in a contenteditable element after the selection is changed programatically Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1080548 Cursor incorrectly steps in the fieldset (WYSIWYG mode) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1081487 textarea: selected text truncated if it does not end with a newline Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1088194 contenteditable div - input box formatting problems Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1140689 execCommand: The backColor property is not working. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1140795 Up and down keys broken in contenteditable with -moz-column Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1147485 document.execCommand('insertOrderedList') in foreignObject generates invalid document structure Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1155933 Absolutely positioned children of contentEditable elements get a 'draggable' UI Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1176764 Do not change cursor position when input type changes Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1197860 Dimensions label is displayed incorrectly when image is resized inside contenteditable element with rtl="true" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1203035 Pasting HTML into contentEditable produces plain text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1210568 With contentEditable, setting cursor position with range/selection fails Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1237062 Deleting line break after block image inside contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1237563 Line-break using "&NewLine;" in contentEditable does not move cursor to new line Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1240621 Cursor in input field stays at the same absolute position when chars are added in middle Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1244669 justify isn't working when a pararaph has line-returns [contenteditable, execCommand] Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1245920 Cursor nav loop in contenteditable with mixed rtl and ltr text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1247233 nesting of <span style="..."> [document.execCommand, contenteditable] Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1250240 Numbered list in contenteditable element does not auto number when inserting a "\n" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1251996 inserting an image in a link makes the link disappear [contenteditable, execCommand] Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1258485 with contenteditable empty anchor tags deleted when deleting other text in a paragraph Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1272438 contenteditable fontSize changes create nested font tags that ruin line spacing Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1277812 Copy and pasting article to contenteditable area breaks article formtting Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1290009 handle <del> like <strike> for execCommand, like it was done for strong/b, and em/i Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1298745 Line break at no-break space (NBSP) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1307147 Gmail HTML Reply Text Box Text-Cursor Bug Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1327920 [contenteditable] element doesn't cancel inner text selection on RightClick or MiddleClick outside Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1334983 Space typed on the beginning of inline element inside contenteditable is inserted outside it. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1340846 Ctrl Backspace and Ctrl arrow keys don't deleted properly in HTML editor on Windows Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-05-29
1356914 different behaviour with different versions on contenteditable div problem Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1361012 div content editable , cursor caret appear in wrong position if image is resized Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1417012 Cursor disappears between images with scale transform inside contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1417116 Changing the direction of a textarea doesn't work on a Mac Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-14
1417353 Control-Z key looses history on textareas Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1420147 Page Down/Up key not work in contenteditable body which size is only one page Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1438358 Cannot use the backspace key to delete text on the text editors Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1438552 Add ability to change caps of text using Shift+F3. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1498203 Caret disappears after consecutive clicks on contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1509641 Increase the granularity of the undo stack Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1676028 privacy.resistFingerprinting breaks the import of images from the clipboard Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-19
238256 Editor: Midas - it would be very nice to be able to edit an element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
281908 editor cursor problem Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
433669 HTML Editor: formatted text at line ends jumps to next formatted piece of text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
454373 queryCommandState (' bold / italic ') when styleWithCss is true does not return true when selection is collapsed on a BR tag inside a tag with style="font-weight: bold/font-style: italic" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
603881 deleting the entire content of contenteditable div containing an empty div as child is deleting even the empty div. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
681586 Greek accented capital vowels show up as non-accented in editor Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
696589 Text area : triple click on a line : select the whole line, including the return Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
813846 hiliteColor doesnt hilite all ranges just the first one Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
877080 using accesskey generates content in <input> or <textarea> fields Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
895510 execCommand("createLink") with no selection does not insert a text Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
925875 Copy and Pasting text from Word in to a Gmail email Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
968518 Caret randomly jumps to beginning of line while typing in contenteditable element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
992748 copy and paste leads to crash: Assertion failure: selection->GetAnchorFocusRange() && selection->GetAnchorFocusRange()->Collapsed() (Selection not collapsed after delete), at ../../../../editor/libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
999619 Disabling contenteditable while focussed breaks badly Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1175495 HTML5 Contenteditable: cursor becomes invisible at left of img inside link Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1190941 Cannot edit text in textareas inside contenteditable=true Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1193517 contentEditable container tag reappear when removed with "removeChild" reappears on first character inserted Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-17
1231595 On forms, in text fields in RTL direction cursor looks like Hebrew direction but the selected language is English Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1246519 document.queryCommandValue doesn't reflect the change after executing backColor [contenteditable, execCommand] Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1267897 Cannot cursor across contentedible=false span at edge of contenteditable block Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-05
1576870 Page Up/Down Doesn't Move Text Input Cursor in Gmail Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1600303 Cursor blinks at a constant interval, not regarding input Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1627592 Highlighted text does not delete when pressing backspace if control is pressed down (irregular behavior compared to Windows/other programs) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1648380 Weired result when useing contenteditable and cut&paste on <a>-element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-06-29
1655713 Firefox does not support document.execCommand("indent") on code-tags with contenteditable="true" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2020-07-28
1662100 Copy/Paste doesn't work on Azure SSH Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-01-13
1739487 In Google Keep, in auto-fill/work-suggestion, the suggested word is appended to the initial typed characters (i.e.- "charcharacters" Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-27
1748239 Cursor disappears behind background of element with position:relative and background-color set Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-01-03
1761941 Unusual cursor position/traveling at line end of multi line paragraph (content editable) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-02-20
1771588 When editing with contenteditable='true', <span> </span> (the space surrounded by span) disappears if the <ul> list is included, causing the words to merge into one Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-05
1785782 caret placed in the middle of utf-8 smiley Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-13
1787701 Deadkeys not working after update Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-31
1796776 Undo in textarea or input type=text captures too much (mostly all text entered) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-21
1803916 text cursor becomes invisible after Ctrl-C Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2022-12-27
1808111 Inserting or pasting big images may put corner handles just out of reach (depending on initial scroll position of insertion point) Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-11
1808112 Editor: Resizing an image from the top-right corner sometimes won't preserve aspect ratio Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-23
1811562 Add more functionality to control-a selection Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-23
1818025 Cursor stops being interactive in real-time Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-07
1819596 After Firefox update, spaces in the WYSIWYG HTML Editor were replaced with &nbsp; Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-04-11
1838805 In Moodle it is not possible to create a linked image with the ATTO editor. It is possible in Chrome, Edge, Safari. What is going on? Firefox is my default browser. Will I be forced to change? Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-29
1841742 In an empty contenteditable div when you click the cursor does not show. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-06
1844021 Designmode does not select the HR element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-22
1849635 When typing Vietnamese, character before an accent got deleted and the cursor move 1 character backward. Only happened after updating to 116.0.3 Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-05
1866426 [contentEditable] Unexpected edit behavior in contentEditable element Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-24
1867818 The "Alt Gr" key on German keyboards selects all text in an input field when tab key was used to move there Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-11
1876552 Pressing enter for new line does not move cursor to next line Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-04
1881146 text input caret disappears randomly Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-24
1882683 Problem with text completion in Google and Facebook. Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-21
1894018 Cursor sometime disappear when webpage loading Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- Wed 19:59
1840784 Carret moves to incorrect position when pressing Enter key on Core DOM: Editor jjaschke NEW --- 2023-06-28
1328026 Ctrl+Right arrow doesn't move caret to the end of last word in some [contenteditable] elements Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1335509 Assertion failure: !Failed(), at /home/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/ErrorResult.h:424 Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1487590 CreateStyleForInsertText should check anonymous text node due to unnecessary Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1555919 Make editor not update Selection directly Core DOM: Editor masayuki NEW --- 2023-02-13
503838 [meta] Get rid of bogus and trailing BR nodes in editor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1218162 Caret no longer displays after drag & drop text to textbox (locationbar/searchbar) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1490469 crash near null in [@ mozilla::HTMLEditor::DoInsertHTMLWithContext] Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-22
1490485 crash near null in [@ mozilla::EditorBase::CanContainTag] Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1500852 It takes long time to paste long plain text to contentEditable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1513689 Assertion failure: false (MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE: looking beyond end of text fragment), at src/editor/libeditor/WSRunObject.cpp:664 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1547925 Incorrect work for ctrl+z in contenteditable tags Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1562835 Composed umlauts typed to address bar end up in input field on website Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1562905 selection is lost when focusing contenteditable iframe with table cells selected Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1584402 Entering comments in YouTube causes double line spacing Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-01-10
1585303 Assertion failure: aStartOfDeepestRightNode.GetContainer() == &aMostAncestorToSplit || EditorUtils::IsDescendantOf(*aStartOfDeepestRightNode.GetContainer(), aMostAncestorToSplit), at editor/libeditor/EditorBase.cpp Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1596374 Backspace last letter in list item causes bogus <br> inserted Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2021-06-01
1596856 HTMLEditor::IsInObservedSubtree should probably handle Shadow DOM somehow. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1621592 Delete key reorders elements Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1626031 Assertion failure: atPreviousContent.IsSet(), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditSubActionHandler.cpp:3877 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-07
1630735 Typing Korean before URL on Twitter moves caret to random position Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-04-15
1640726 The user is unable to copy a table from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word Online Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-12-05
1665659 Substituting (via copy-pasting) one table-row with another fails Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-10-15
1844470 mozilla::ContentEventHandler::GetTextLength is still taking a lot of time on sp3 TipTap Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-04-20
1375493 Consider not flushing from HTMLEditor::GetAbsolutelyPositionedSelectionContainer() Core DOM: Editor smaug NEW --- 2022-10-11
1249444 Ctrl+Right (left) arrow doesn't move caret in the end (beginning) of contenteditable element Core DOM: Editor jfkthame NEW --- 2022-10-11
1149826 Mac "text replacement" feature does not work in forms Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- Tue 03:50
1310913 It required 2 stroke of [Backspace]or[Delete] to delete a char Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1327918 [contenteditable] element adds additional line breaks "\n"s when I start typing Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1329639 Custom element being inserted on backspace in contenteditable Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1344137 justifyleft should not set align=left when parent nodes have no align attribute Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1373477 Consider using DOM instead of nsTableWrapperFrame::GetCell to turn on lazy frame construction Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1474508 Reinitialize spellchecker state on input element when contenteditable sets false Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2024-01-05
1541848 Dragging text into the text field scroll bar causes crash Core DOM: Editor m_kato NEW --- 2022-10-11
1311232 [Meta] Refine editor code with current coding rules Core DOM: Editor masayuki NEW --- 2022-10-11
1555916 [Meta] Redesign editor module Core DOM: Editor masayuki NEW --- 2024-05-26
1625623 [Meta] Sort out scriptable editor API Core DOM: Editor masayuki NEW --- 2023-06-22
35295 PERF: edit rules postproccessing slow on large pastes. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
43053 composer and mail composition doesn't position scrollbar all the way down when wrapping Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
54479 execCommand("indent") unexpectedly directly nests list elements Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-11-04
54915 attribute values must be in lowercase Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
77461 html reply to specific OE 5.0 message asserts like mad Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
82811 WS work needs extending to HTML Copy/Paste Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
87314 Strange multiple whitespace behaviour after bug 19265 fixed Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
87617 Description lists don't indent Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
87655 Can't open pages in editor which has unresolved links to external stylesheets Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
92231 problems formatting text that flows to next line Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
92921 contenteditable should not replace linebreaks by <br> inside a <pre> Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-05-31
95503 highlighting text and hitting spacebar does not delete text Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
96325 Images can not be centered without first clicking on them Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
98547 sublists can get pulled up into parent list when changing list type Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-09-26
98778 After inserting HR, new text gets inserted at incorrect position (summary in comment #18) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
113269 Image aligns improperly when next to another image Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
117918 Successive Indents makes the text your indenting disappear Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
122883 Margins not always displayed around uls and ols Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
130338 deleting quoted text deletes whitespace from un-selected lines Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
130421 deleting and quoting selected text misbehaves Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
148749 return in heading broken Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
156986 Indenting left-aligned text also indents text from the right Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
163491 control+up and control+down don't mimic control+home and control+end functionality, respectively Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
191918 <big> and <small> are not playing well with each other anymore Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-11-23
192508 after breaking quoted material, cannot put it back together Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
193770 alignment not applied on already aligned line Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
194052 Composer does not recognize font specification from <body style ...> Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
200156 Tables get into state where text is written between tr and td tags Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
200367 DEL key behaviour depends on keyboard navigation and appears broken Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
202444 preformatted is painful Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
204683 Cannot copy and paste relative images from IE 6 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
205562 Position of <li> elements in source causes caret movement problem Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
205946 Get rid of annoying useless trailing <br> generated by editor in text and paragraphs Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
209714 Weird caret and spacing behaviour when removing header line of quoted mail text. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
210662 Deleting <BR> at top of page deletes following block tag Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
287766 message compose calls TearDownEditorWindow too many times Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
376881 "Spellcheck as you type" option forgets mispellings, if text formatting changed eg. bullet, italics, bold, indent Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-03-16
416766 Contextmenu event disabled for some input elements in editor mode Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
485466 execCommand("outdent") unexpectedly removes <li> when <ul> is a child of it Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
508750 Ctrl-Shift-Right arrow selection at the end of a line scrolls all the way to the left Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
571913 Navigation of text using option-arrowkey doesn't match Mac behavior Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
832731 Caret positioning wrong after inserting<br> in contentEditable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
962015 Ctrl-Shift-X with the caret in a contenteditable sets the dir attribute on the body element Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-05-11
1191875 Joining 2 paragraphs loses inline styles which are specified by the right paragraph Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-05-30
1195417 Characters in textarea are sometimes jumping between lines Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1211213 Intermittent test_bug597331.html | The caret should be displayed correctly after reframing Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-06-11
1234719 Ctrl + text selection is impossible in entry fields (<div contenteditable> elements inside table) on Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1239411 Rich-text API, on contenteditable it's impossible to prevent the cell selection to show up Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1247480 Impossible to place caret cursor to add text between two adjacent <table> elements [contenteditable] Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1268968 Correct IME open/close behaviour on enabling/disabling document.designMode Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1276391 Pasted content does not appear but is added to message if pasted HTML contains weird absolute positioning with crazy offsets Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-15
1277692 contenteditable node gets squiggly underline, from subsequent "display:none" node (e.g. with placeholder text at Google Keep) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1291467 Implement contenteditable="plaintext-only" Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-05-29
1293498 Option+Backspace in contenteditable incorrectly deletes more than just the previous word Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1297069 1) Deleting trailing whitespace also deletes whatever is before it 2) typing after pasted trailing space removes it Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1301492 Ctrl+up/down does not work properly in textareas on Windows Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1304211 Confluence Mana page seems to have an extra invisible, selectable element when selecting table text with keyboard shortcut Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1307721 Text cursor (caret) disappears in text area with dynamic content. Not a problem in Chrome. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-03-22
1320637 Mark several methods into nsIHTMLInlineTableEditor as noscript Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1321930 Disable/inactive Asian IMEs on more input types Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1322106 Script stopper doesn't fire for loop of document.execCommand("insertHtml") Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1322996 Caret can not set to contenteditable node in table if click twice to this node . Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1323397 Caret shows inside character after push key space Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1327046 [contenteditable] html ignores text selection with Ctrl+A Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1327461 Youtube - \n linebreaks and whitespaces aren't copied to clipbord when I copy comments Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1327826 Ctrl+Z undoes operations in non-focused [contenteditable] elements and teleports caret there Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-01-25
1327831 Doubleclick doesn't start words selection in contenteditable element if mouse isn't placed over word Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1328146 Doesn't click on captions. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1332924 [contenteditable] Custom or inline element duplicated when deleting selection that spans different block element types Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1332973 [meta] custom elements issues with contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1333127 Contenteditable selection does not work inside of draggable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
1333444 NBSP on the beginning of the inline element is moved out after typing inside contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1335277 [e10s] Unable to input after removing uncommitted text Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1336892 Add EditorDOMPoint version of GetNodeLocation Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1336896 IsModifiable() shouldn't be false if this is an HTML editor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1338043 Grab mHTMLEditor in each method Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1339052 Ctrl-Z undo history of an <input> disappears when the input element (or ancestor) is positioned on :hover (CSS) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1341152 [meta] Blink compatibility for contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-02-01
1342725 "Paste Without Formatting" should strip image style (for example margin-top) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1345765 nsEditorSpellCheck::DictionaryFetched should use OSPreferences::GetSystemLocales instead of getenv("LANG") Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1349292 In a contenteditable document, button element doesn't work as it should. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1350541 Line breakers in composition string are not converted to <br> element in HTML editor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1350726 Table-editing circle x "grippers" appear outside of table at an offset Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1355983 Ctrl+Shift+Home in <textarea> incorrectly selects text, if doubleclick happened earlier Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1359393 HTMLEditor::NodeIsInlineStatic() returns false when given node is not an inline element Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1359398 HTMLEditor::IsEmptyCell() returns odd result in some cases Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1369623 HandleInlineSpellCheck in HTMLEditor::OnEndHandlingTopLevelEditSubActionInternal is always failure when doing undo Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1381620 Cannot change <input type=range> position on non-contenteditable element inside contenteditable div Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-05
1381759 CSS cursor doesn't change on drag and drop to a textarea or content editable. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1386504 Members of HTMLEditor should be sorted for memory alignment Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1389551 PlaceholderTransactions do not drop the selection state properly for IME composition Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1393818 Assertion failure: mAction == EditAction::none (Initializing during an edit action is an error) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1395951 Pasting from clipboard into text-areas is broken for multi-line strings Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1397984 Inline table editor should be turned off when focus is out of editor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1398572 Setting input.value is rather string-usage heavy Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1399040 document.execCommand('insertText') for <textarea contenteditable> should support CRLF, CR or LF. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1402252 [e10s] document.execCommand("copy") does not work for onchange event Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1403168 ConvertListType should do addref of HTMLEditor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1405213 The mouse caret is wrongly moved when you left / right click under a word on "Firefox Notes" Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1412166 queryCommandValue("justifyCenter") should return center for <center> element Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1412167 queryCommandState("justify*") should consider that selection has mixed align value Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1413131 HTMLEditor::GetActiveEditingHost() should return any elements (even if outside `<body>`), but return `<body>` element if selection is in `<body>` and actual editing host is a parent of it Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-07-03
1413625 Assertion failure: !aAncestorLimiter || &aNode == aAncestorLimiter || EditorUtils::IsDescendantOf(&aNode, aAncestorLimiter) (aNode isn't in aAncestorLimiter), at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditor.cpp:791 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1413759 Assertion failure: ((bool)(__builtin_expect(!!(!NS_FAILED_impl(rv)), 1))) [@ mozilla::EditorBase::DeleteSelectionAndPrepareToCreateNode] Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1416046 After pressing tab the Alt Gr key selects input text Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1416923 Assertion failure: mParent->GetChildAt(Offset()) == mRef->GetNextSibling() [@ mozilla::EditorBase::GetPreviousNodeInternal] Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1419574 Assertion failure: mParent->GetChildAt(mOffset.value() - 1) == mRef, at src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/RangeBoundary.h:95 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1421743 Assertion failure: mStartOfRightNode.Offset() == mNewLeftNode->Length(), at /src/editor/libeditor/SplitNodeTransaction.cpp:92 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1422961 Assertion failure: !mChild, at /src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/EditorDOMPoint.h:239 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1423117 RangeItem should store DOM points with EditorDOMPoint rather than pairs of container node and offset in it Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1423120 Redesign WSRunObject with EditorDOMPoint Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1423187 Pressing ctrl-alt-x when the URL bar is focused reverses text direction (but shouldn't unless bidi UI is enabled) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1427829 cannot drag and drop text to textarea Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1431279 HTMLEditor::EnableExistingStyleSheet doesn't handle disabling Servo style sheets Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1431968 In <body> default format: After exiting numbered or bullet list, TB reverts to Paragraph <p> mode Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1432744 Select All (Ctrl+A) not working when writing/editing posts on Facebook that have an emote at the very end. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1433371 document.execCommand("paste") does not include table content Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1433387 Ctrl+Z removes all text without possibility of reversal when used after pasting from word Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1434216 Inserting or deleting text does not work properly before a quoted line Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1436951 Warnings: '!mOffset.value()' (EditorDOMPoint.h, line 499) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1437545 Drag and dropping an element before a contenteditable element dispatches an 'input' event Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1437716 Web Platform Tests for focus are failing Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1437914 Typing 25-30 chars on an input with expensive regexp pattern causes browser to hang Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1439813 Rename editor/compoer Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1443363 Iterating through parent hierarchy to see if we're in html:body element is wrong Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1444066 Keypad not showing after dynamic input type change Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1446300 Implement updated uniformized input/textarea cursor position processing Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1450102 Command + delete keyboard shortcut does not perform as expected on mac os Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1453208 Assertion failure: mParent->GetChildAt_Deprecated(mOffset.value()) == mChild, at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/EditorDOMPoint.h:741 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1454426 Hiding and showing an iframe that contains an editable div causes image duplication Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1454885 Pressing Enter in <p contenteditable="false"><span contenteditable>foo</span></p> causes splitting non-editable <p> too Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-05
1454900 Editor methods which changes DOM tree should return new error code which means editor is destroyed Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1455286 [contenteditable] Inconsistent behavior when inserting a space Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1456427 Selection including tables and paragraphs merge paragraph into table cell content Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1460094 Editor can add itself as a selection listener to one selection then try to remove from another selection Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1461082 Use typed OM instead of CSSEditUtils::ParseLength. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1461083 Simplify ChangeStyleTransaction::DoTransaction once Typed OM is supported. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462368 Assertion failure: mParent->Length() == mOffset.value(), at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/EditorDOMPoint.h:780 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462565 Editor does not aware of current HTML list structure Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462572 Editor doesn't merge list elements at outdenting valid sub-list element Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462576 HTMLEditor::TryToJoinBlocksWithTransaction() should not ignore result of MoveOneHardLineContents() Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462645 HTMLEditor::SplitParentInlineElementsAtRangeEdges() shouldn't call GetMostAncestorInlineElement() if given range is collapsed Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462649 Editor should have a method to retrieve first start point and end point of Selection and editor code should use them Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462652 HTMLEditor::SplitParentInlineElementsAtRangeEdges() should modify end of given range item when it's callapsed Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462654 HTMLEditor::RemoveBlockContainerElements() should check <th>, <thead>, <tfoot>, <dt> and <dd> Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462655 HTMLEditor::LiftUpListItemElement() should check if a list item whose contents will be unwrapped is in proper list element Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1463457 Sample text is spilling out of frame when the Font size is increased Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1464457 sync scripts for richtext* should be updated Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1467839 Assertion failure: mOffset.value() <= mParent->Length(), at src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/EditorDOMPoint.h:783 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-22
1474072 Ctrl+Backspace only deletes first word before selection. Ctrl+Delete only deletes first word of selection. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1477924 designMode/contenteditable error when pressing Enter Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1483455 Nested contenteditable true and false causes unexpected removing element Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-05
1485227 [meta] Move editor's XPCOM method to comm-central if Gecko is unnecessary Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1486179 Caret of vertical-rl extrinsic-block-sized contenteditable is misplaced at the wrong place, before entering any character Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1486310 MacOS "Paste" option in Edit menu grayed out in gmail reply composer Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1487324 Don't move to input element into content editable by [arrow key] Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1489111 Avoid building nsIEditorMailSupport with Firefox Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1489481 Can't type in contentEditable element between two (inline) uneditable elements Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1489764 crash near null [@ InsertChildToChildList] Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-26
1489943 Selection that begins/ends half-way through an element doesn't copy-paste to contenteditable correctly Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1490304 Cursor jumps to wrong horizontal position when pressing up/down after setting selection through Selection API Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1490667 Goal column for vertical cursor motion gets confused by programmatic selection changes Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1492364 Designmode editor doesn't play nice with Contenteditable elements Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1494190 Get rid of nsIEditorSpellCheckCallback Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1498271 Pasting long lines into a pre-wrap contenteditable adds extra new lines Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1499029 [contenteditable] Click inside contenteditable block element when last children is non-editable moves caret into that non-editable. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-01-08
1499349 Type outside of an inline element when the inline element is last visible content in a block, selection collapsed at its end and caret moved from another block Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1504588 [meta] Add automated tests for each XPCOM method of editor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1504622 Space is not displayed in contenteditable div with overflow: hidden Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1506536 Typing after selecting a complete list removes the list Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1509650 Contenteditable content incorrectly reordered when pressing backspace from the second line. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1511992 Editor fails to paste certain content Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1512178 Add password mask test with composition string for Android Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1513303 contenteditable element breaks :empty selector in presence of pseudo elements Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1515065 Assertion failure: !aAncestorLimiter || &aNode == aAncestorLimiter || EditorUtils::IsDescendantOf(aNode, *aAncestorLimiter) (aNode isn't in aAncestorLimiter), at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditor.cpp:877 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1515067 Assertion failure: mParent->GetChildAt_Deprecated(mOffset.value()) == mChild, at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/EditorDOMPoint.h:674 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1518606 Backspace fails to remove linebreak and <span> gets duplicated inside contenteditable <div> Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1519578 [contenteditable] Elements made block via CSS use <br> for newlines rather than <divs> Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1521445 nsTextEditorState should check whether TextEditor isn't destroyed Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1522194 selecting text via 'ctrl/cmd' > 'a' and deleting contenteditable content also deletes <p> element. Other browsers (other than IE11) do not. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1522797 indent/outdent and ul/ol in contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1528483 Splitting a contenteditable paragraph can result in duplicate HTML IDs Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1530930 Issues with ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit - HTMLEditor Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1539097 contenteditable content is altered when pressing delete Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1540187 PageUp/Down keys not working in Gmail compose textbox Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1541499 Ctrl + Z didn't work after deleting one chatracter in a input field Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1544729 Caret stays on first line of contenteditable when pressing enter after image Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1545051 [Editing] Firefox only web platform tests failures Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1546702 Right-mouse clicking on text in contenteditable will collapse current selection Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1556336 Make editors stop listening to composition events, instead, TextComposition should notify focused editor directly Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-04-07
1561746 When using Macbook Pro 15 2018 with an external keyboard that has an "End" key, the key does not move to end of text when clicked into a text field. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-05-18
1564980 We seem to have no test for editor suppressing link handling. Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-05-25
1567160 Under Linux, selected text is not copied in primary clipboard on some code view textboxes (jsfiddle, codepen, ...) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-10-28
1569120 Inconsistency of active element and keyboard behaviour Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1569642 Assertion failure: mNextEndRef == aFirstNewContent, at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/base/nsRange.cpp:603 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1576629 Bind to editing hotkeys when the focus is in contenteditable area Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1576646 The text cursor jumps back after hitting the space key a few times in Office 365 Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-02-15
1581561 Caret disappears in contenteditable inline-block span Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-08-28
1582008 Korean words get broken when I'm typing in google docs Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-05-18
1586628 Re-evaluate when we set eSetValue_ForXUL Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1587966 Cursor does not appear if element is focused before being made contenteditable Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-26
1588362 Caret disappears & unable to type when contenteditable last child is not textNode Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-07-21
1594154 Undo not working on textarea with listener Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2020-05-28
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.

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