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June 09, 1973 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-09

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Saturday, June 9, 1973


Page Five

Gangland-style killing in N.J.

Major WCoxoon, an ex-convict who
failecd in ai bid to become the
first blai:k mayo7(r of nearby Cam-
den,, woo exes:uted "gangland
tle" yest erday. The slaying
r oc :.rred so the bedroom of a
re:tea mansion here, police said.
Wo"anded in the predawn shoot-
ing wr a woman identified by
police as Lais Luaby, 35, ofAmb-
ler, Pa., and her two children,
Lita, 17, and Toro, 14. Police
said the Luby woman had been
living with Coxson and had adopt-
ed his name. A third Luby
child, Lex, 13, escaped unharm-
THlE WOMAN and Lita were in
serioos condition at Cherry Hilt
Medical Center and Torn was in
fair condition.
Public Safety lDirector Thom-
as ORourke said four b 1 a c k
men were admitted to the house
at about 4 a.m. ED)T, shortly af-
ter they honked the horn of a
bt-'ek Cadiltac.
lie said there was some con-
versation inside the hoase and
then the four men brandished at
toast two chrome-plated revotvers
and tied and gagged Coxson and
the others with neckties.
Coxson's body, clad in red bed-
clothing, was. found in a kneel-
ing position with his head rest-
ing on a waterbed. lHe had been
shot once in the back of the
THE WOMAN was found in the
same bedroom. Lita was in her
bedroom and Torn was in the
tiring room.
Lexc, although tied hand a n d
foot and gagged, managed to
wriggle out a sliding glass door
and make his way to the home
of a neighbor, Zehair Khalil, who
catted police.
Khalil said, "We heard the dog
h arking. My young boy came
downstairs and then t came
down. I asked who it was and a
voice said, 'It's Lex, let me in,
My house is being robbed.'"
Khalil said the boy, dressed only
in underclothes, had his hands
and ankles tied with neckties but
had managed to work the gag
from his mouth.
THE BOY had hopped to the
Khalil house and began banging
his head on the glass of the kit-
chen door and shouting.
The woman said the boy told
her his father had admitted tour
men "he thought were friends" to
the house, and that a short time
later some of the men pulled
by F. Greene
on Chinese army,
ed ucation, medicine.
8 :009 :30
Natural Science
Adm. $1.00

Khalil said the boy told her he
overheard one of the gunmen
shout, "Let's get the hell o-st of
here. There's no money here."
COXSON, 45, a flamboyant
character who often flashed large
rolls of cash, was believed to
keep large ;sms of money in the
house fronmise IsoIssue. Police
declined comment ran whether
robbery may hare been a motive
for the shostins.
Director O'Rourke alsos declin-
ed comment on whether the gun-
men might hare bees friends of
Coxson' was defeated May S in
the Camden mayoral race by An-
gelo Errichetti.
THE SON of a tUnionatown, Pa.,
coat miner, Crcxon sersed time
in federal and state prisons on
an assortment of offenses, in-
cluding fraud and larceny. Cox-
son was said to have made con-
siderable money is the new and
used car business and by dab-
bling in real estate.
Coxson rented the $200,000 man-
sion for $1,0f00 a month.
lie was a friend of former
heavyweight boxinag champion
Muhammad Ali, who lives near-
by, and reputed Cosa Nostra boss
Angelo Bruno.
THE COXSON home is situat-
ed in a patch of woods about 600
yards, in from Barbara Lane. The
area is lined with posh homes.
Several friends of Coxson said
he was deeply in debt,

-... ..-

POLICE STAND GUARD over the palatial Cherry Hill, N.J. home of black politician Major Coxson
who was executed gangland-style yesterday morning. A woman and twvo children were wounded in the
incident. Coxson was recently an unsuccessful candidate for mayor of near-by Camden, N.J.

a IIIi
S a A. .. . . . a

nd 0 1

If somebody tells you drug laws
oeseas are relaxed, that somebody
is talking through his hat.
If somebody telts you the system
of justice gives you alt the right of a
United States citizen is the United
States, that's a hunch of haloney.
You shauld get the facts steaitht.
The truth is their drug laws see tough.
And theyrenforce them to the letter.
Theresa girl frmm the United
Stases sitting in a Rome jail rightenow.
She'll he thererfor sts to tes months
aating trial,. With no bail. Not esef
a chanestoe it. If she'sconvicted, its
a minimum or threeryernCarrying
staff across a border, from one
country to another, is asking tot
troubte. Andyou'll get it.
That's their law. And there's us
iay (around it.
Over 900 United States ctiens
are doingetime onudrugochargen in
foreign jails right now. And nobody
can geel them nut. Not famity. Or
frionds. Orthe smartesttlawyee in tows..
N~ot the United States government,
Ifyou'erplanning a vsit to
Europe, the Middle Eastuer sails of
cur own border. check octt hr
countries. Get the facts. And get tem
straieht before you tease.
Our fact wilt come throutgh.
Loud and ctear.
W0hen you're bursted fat drurgs
oner there, ocu'rnlfor the hassleof
your ltfe.
Sweden. Paseso o aQ
expulsion teem te county.
U. S. Embassy:
Strandvagen t0t
Stockholm, Swrde* -
Tel. 63/05/20
Morocco. Possessin3
43 Aver Attat Blen Abd lIota
Rabat, Morcc
e. 3061/6g

M exico. Possesson, 2to 9 Gre c .PoseesonminmumP osssson,
yeans pius fine. Iltegat importuor 10 yeasrplussfbar. francs. Traffiching.,nmaximcm 5 years.
export of drugs 6to 15lyears ptcs U.S. Embassy: U.S. Embassy.
lins. Persons arrested on decgtcbarges 9t 'aosriics ophiaa sBlvd. 93/95 Jubrtasmrsstrasss
can expect a minimum ofh6to 12 Athens, Greecea Bore. Switzerrtan4
months pre-trtal confinement, Tel. 712051 Tel. 430 11
U.S. Embassy:
Cor. Dasabin and Paseo de Is
Reforms I* n n
305 Colonia Cuaubr usa !!55UU55J5 iPossecso, lt!4~1IO.Posesso, 3
MexicoaCityMexsico sentence or fhne. Teaffrhong snonttsto I year.
Tel. 511-7991 etaximum 3 years plu ineSunU.S. Embassy:

SPUEL Penalty depends on
quantity of drugs involved.
Lesthan 5grams cannabis,fine
and expalsion. More than 500 grants.
minimum oatbyears in jail.
U.S. Embassy:
Serano 75
Madrtd, Spain
Tot. 276-340
paly. Possessrion:tMinmutmI
yeats aod 30000 lire tite.Maximaums
8 yerssad ,00,000lire tort.
U.S. Embassy:
Via V. Voneto
1t9 Rowe,Itraty
Tel. 4674
United Kingdom.
Possession, ace trafficking: maximum
10 yearsuand hnavy fhoe. Posession of
small amunt fec personat ace usually
punished by a hieorlight
imrpisonmenot and expulstn.
U.S. Embassy:.
24/31tGrosvenor Square
W5. I., London, England
Trl 400-90000
twtheul,68s.Post esn
finenr 6 months in prison. Ttattrcktstg.
U.S. Embassy:
102 LangeVrh'ouht
The Hlagute, Netherlands
Tel. 62-49-11

U.S. Embassy:
Mehtemer Avenue
53 Bonn-Bad Gndebrt
Tot 02220-195
Japan. Possetso.preria
detention. suspended sentenrrce.rand
expulsion. Traficking.nmaximutot
S years.
U.S. Embassy:
10-5 Akasaka 1-Chrourn
Minttot-Ku. Tokyo
Lebanon, Posseson, Isoo)
yersrinopricon.Traffic~king, 3to
15 yearn.
U.S. Embassy:
Corniche at RueAiv
Mreiuseb, Beirrut. Lebanon
Jamaica. potsessionrisont
sententcantdtfine. Tafficking.
mnaximumw3 years at hardtlabor,
43 Douke Street
Tel. 2634t
France. Pussiorn. uieor
tratficking:;prison ent aft30mnhs
to 5 years atnd true. Customs Court
wil alsolevy heavyfin. Minimumm
$ to4 months pre-trial continemeaLut
19,.Ruede Franquilst
Parts, France
Tel. Anou6440

Adderly Buildinrg
Nassau, Bahaman;
sontenceraodexpulsion. rafsckSg.
atinsum7years, aximumclife.
100 WellintgtonStreet
Ottawa. Canada
Tel. 236-2341
Denmark.Porssesst/n. fiod
anddetntonuprno2 yeat,.
Ua Haow rskJoIds Allen24
Tutrkey. Pseso,3t
years. TraltcktngtO )eats Inotice.
ItO Ataturk Blvd.
Tel 18-62-05
Iran. Posetstsion.6months to
3 years.Traffickitng,. Syearsto ats
and finecof 3.100 rtals per gratti.
2511 Ace. Takti Jamnshtd
Tehrano, tranr
Tnt. 8200191, 025091
N~atiotnalCleartsgttouse to
Drug Abe Infooration..
*5nsehsiin ncotributed ote ubiutc sn

Israel. Possetsionbeavy fOne
,and expulsico. Trattttn.o. maxstciu
IQ years and5.000 Iraeli pounds fine.
U.S. Embassy:
71Hv 1IalreeOtr
Tel Acts. Israel
Tel. 6X7 for o f

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