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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 12, 2016

Do Romanists need to reconstruct Proto-Romance?

The case of the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom) project

  • Steven N. Dworkin EMAIL logo


This paper discusses and evaluates the role of the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (= DÉRom) project in reintroducing the rigorous use of comparative reconstruction in the practice of Romance etymology. It describes and discusses critically such issues as the DÉRom’s conception of Proto-Romance, the place of written Latin in the reconstructive process, the relationship of Proto-Romance to spoken Latin, and the DÉRom’s contribution to our knowledge of the semantics and linguistic variation of Proto-Romance. It reviews some of the critiques leveled against the DÉRom by several veteran specialists in Romance etymology, and concludes with a discussion of certain features of Proto-Romance as reconstructed by the members of the DÉRom team.


This article is an extensively revised version of a paper, with the same title, read at the Fifteenth Spring Workshop on Theory and Method in Linguistic Reconstruction held at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, March 14–16, 2014. I wish to thank Éva Buchi for her careful and critical reading of an earlier draft of this revised study. I am also grateful to the participants in the recent DÉRom workshop (Nancy, June 22–23, 2015) for their comments and suggestions made during a discussion of this paper.

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Published Online: 2016-3-12
Published in Print: 2016-3-1

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