Suicide Squad: Joker and Harley Quinn scene highlights extended version

Jared Leto gets a slightly expanded role in the film's home release

Photo: Clay Enos

Suicide Squad pulled in big money at the box office this the summer, but before the worst heroes ever stormed theaters, they faced off against another enemy: critics. David Ayer’s film was eviscerated in reviews, currently sitting at 26 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. (EW’s Chris Nashawaty gave the film a B- grade, while noting, “Suicide Squad is a small step forward. But it could have been a giant leap.”)

Now, like its DC-movies predecessor, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the film is getting an extended version for its home release. The “Ultimate Edition” of Zack Snyder’s film delivered an R-rated version, which included 30 minutes of extra footage, including an actual plotline for Amy Adams and Jimmy Olsen being identified as Jimmy Olsen.

There has been similar anticipation over what previously cut scenes would make it into the Suicide Squad release, especially considering Jared Leto’s declaration that there was enough cut Joker footage for an entire movie. If that’s true, then much of it still didn’t make the extended edition, considering that there are only 13 additional minutes, with Leto only getting a few extra moments of screen time.

Here are the highlights from our viewing of the extended version. (Warning: Spoilers below.)

More Joker and Harley

The first new footage delivers what most people have been expecting — further exploration into the backstory between Joker and Harley. During Amanda Waller’s introduction of Harley Quinn, there is some slight additional dialogue. In the theatrical version, the action quickly jumps from the Joker manipulating Harley (as Dr. Harleen Quinzel) to him preparing to shock her. The extended cut adds some context to explain his reasoning: A strapped down Dr. Quinzel proclaims she helped him, but Joker says Harley merely erased his mind and left him “in a black hole of rage and confusion.” The short conversation leads right into Harley asking if the Joker planned to kill her.

As previously mentioned, Leto has boasted about the plethora of additional Joker footage left unseen. But it takes more than an hour until the only completely new scene of his, part of which EW exclusively debuted on Monday. While Rick Flag and his team scout out the location of their rescue mission, a motorcycle catches Harley’s eye. This sends Harley into a flashback of riding a motorcycle in pursuit of Joker, who clearly doesn’t want anything to do with his ex-flame. She speeds ahead, skidding the bike in the way of his car. “You’re not leaving me,” she yells. As he gets out of the car and approaches Harley (as Dr. Quinzell), she continues to express her dedication and love. “I am not somebody who is loved,” he boasts. “I’m an idea, a state of mind.”

Their love stand-off in the middle of the highway is blocking an 18-wheeler, prompting the trucker to get out. But before he can even speak, Harley pulls a gun from Joker’s jacket and kills the man. She then turns the weapon on Joker. “Don’t hurt me,” he taunts. “I’ll be your friend.” He quickly grabs the gun from her with no resistance. The scene ends as he notes that Harley’s too crazy to be insane.

David Ayer cameo

If being the film’s writer and director wasn’t enough, Ayer also added actor to his responsibilities. He pops up as one of the guards who goes down to the sewers at the prison to feed Killer Croc (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje). Now knowing that he was in the scene, it’s probable that Ayer could have been spotted in the background of the theatrical cut, but here he gets a line. As they open up the sewer, he asks Briggs (Ike Barinholtz), “Hey boss, is it true he chewed a dude’s hand off?” The lead guard then points to another man who is sporting a rubber hand. The director also gets the glamorous job of hoisting the giant dead goat that serves as Croc’s dinner.

A Deadshot and Rick Flag bromance blossoms

While there was an expectation for more of the relationship between Joker and Harley, another duo gets an extra spotlight here. In the theatrical cut, most interactions before the end of the film between the deadly assassin and special forces leader are contentious. The extended version evolves the relationship a bit. During the first instance, the action picks up as Deadshot stares at a department store’s display of a young girl and her parents. Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) approaches the alpha of the villains to make a deal. He says if Deadshot (Will Smith) can keep the rest of the crew in line, then he’ll make sure he gets paid and can see his daughter.

Later in the film, with Flag, Deadshot, and company readying to take down Enchantress (Cara Delevingne) and Incubus, there’s time for a little more brotherly love. While the scene is short, it helps prop up one of the film’s weaker plot points — the Flag and June Moone romance. “You must really love this girl,” says Deadshot. “I thought love was bullsh–,” responds Flag. “Actual love, I rated that with UFOs — lots of believers, no proof. And then I met June.” The soldier’s story resonates with Deadshot, who declares that he’s got Flag’s back.

Harley isn’t good at making friends

The clear breakout of Suicide Squad is Margot Robbie. She has an absolute ball, playing the unstable, baseball bat-totting villain. While she doesn’t get much time as Dr. Quinzel, a new scene finds Harley putting her psychiatric skills to work on her squad. As the group makes their way through the abandoned city to rescue Waller, she decides to pass the time by playing mind games with her fellow baddies. Her first target is Killer Croc, whom she asks why he eats people. He says it gives him their powers, but he doesn’t want to eat her because, “I don’t want your crazy.” She continues to taunt him, trying to diagnosis him with mommy issues. “I can recommend a good therapist,” she cracks.

While Diablo and Boomerang are able to stay out of her crosshairs, Katana (Karen Fukuhara) isn’t quite as lucky. “Daddy wanted a son, so she has to hide behind a mask,” teases Harley. “I am not hiding,” Katana responds as she pulls off the mask. The “gangster” move impresses Harley, who suddenly gets dragged away by an irritated Deadshot. He thinks it would be nice if she stopped “acting like a drunken stripper.” Suspecting that he has already made a deal, she doesn’t care what the “rat” and “sellout” wants. Harley knows Deadshot is only looking out for his own interests. “I know how the world works,” she declares. “And when it comes to the heart, it’s everyone for themselves.”

Suicide Squad is now available on digital HD and will be released Dec. 13 on Blu-ray.

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