Springpad Scrapbook-For-Everything App Gets Even More Memory-Proof

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Springpad, an app that lets you collect and organize all those bits and scraps of information that bombard you daily, just got handier in your phone and on your browser. Well, for some, for now.

The major new feature here is that Springpad's Alerts feature is being rolled out across all of its mobile apps. Recipe you want to try? You'll be notified when an ingredient goes on sale. Really want to that new Shteyngart but not for full price? Springpad will let you know when and where to get it on the cheap. You can set your own Ad Hoc alerts for anything at all—say you've got a great gift idea; you can ask to be reminded about it closer to the holidays. That last feature's only available for Android for now, but will hit other platforms soon.


There's also a new browser extension for Chrome—coming to Safari and Firefox eventually—that lets you access your saved stuff from anywhere on the web instead of having to use a bookmarklet or head to Springpadit.com. And you can elect push notifications to your Froyo phone from the extension or the Springpad site.

It's nothing revolutionary, but it's an incremental improvement that shows just how far Springpad can go towards being your one-stop organizing shop. And it's free! Although that does mean you'll encounter advertisements along the way, but they're not overly obtrusive or distracting. The only downside for me? I'm so forgetful I need reminders to set my reminders. [Springpad]