Journalism of Courage

Prince Harry flies plane despite failing pilot test

Just days after an unsuccessful attempt in his chopper pilot's theory test,Prince Harry has flown a training aircraft at RAF's Barkston Heath.

Britain’s Prince Harry is flying high despite failing his pilot test.

Yes,just days after an unsuccessful attempt in his chopper pilot’s theory test,the third-in-line to the British throne has flown a training aircraft at the Royal Air Force’s Barkston Heath in Lincolnshire.

In fact,the 24-year-old Prince is a few weeks into a two-year course to become a helicopter pilot with the Army Air Corps in Britain.

“This is a big milestone for him. He has flown a Slingsby (Firefly) before but this is the first time he has done it in training. He will be delighted,” the British media quoted a Royal source as saying.

Harry is said to have failed his first pilot theory test last week,but Army chiefs are giving him extra tuition to make sure he passes at his second attempt.

If he successfully completes the two year training,he is likely to return to the front line in Afghanistan following in the footsteps of the Duke of York who had flown helicopters during the Falklands War in 1982.

In fact,the Duke,who is Prince Harry’s godfather,was a significant influence in his decision to volunteer for training as a helicopter pilot in the Army.


The Prince,who recently split with his girlfriend Chelsy Davy,is also attending an Army diversity course which will make him more “racially aware”,after he was captured on video calling a fellow soldier a “Paki”,a racist term.

The Army’s decision to send Harry on the equality and diversity course as a disciplinary procedure followed weeks of negative headlines about his “racist” remarks.

First uploaded on: 18-02-2009 at 12:40 IST
  • aircraft Prince Harry world
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