
Ex-Goldman Sachs CEO predicts Sanders would ‘ruin our economy’

Lloyd Blankfein is hot and bothered about Bernie again.

The ex-Goldman Sachs CEO lashed out at Bernie Sanders after he won Tuesday’s night’s Democratic primary in New Hampshire, predicting that he would “ruin our economy” if elected president.

Blankfein — who had squared off against Sanders on Twitter last summer — sarcastically suggested in a late-Tuesday Twitter rant that Russia should back the Vermont senator in the presidential election to further disrupt American politics.

“If Dems go on to nominate Sanders, the Russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the US,” Blankfein tweeted after Sanders’ New Hampshire victory.

The ex-Wall Street honcho — who backed Hillary Clinton in 2016 but has also given generously to Republican senators — called the left-wing Democratic frontrunner “just as polarizing” as President Trump. “AND he’ll ruin our economy and doesn’t care about our military,” he added.

“If I’m Russian, I go with Sanders this time around,” Blankfein added.

Sanders has cast himself as a champion of working people who will take on powerful millionaires and billionaires — and his campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, seemed to relish the attack from Blankfein.

“This is what panic from the Wall Street elite looks and sounds like,” Shakir tweeted early Wednesday morning.

Bernie Sanders
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In July, Blankfein responded on Twitter after Sanders put his fellow Brooklyn native on a list of “modern-day oligarchs” opposing his candidacy.

“I think he’s always looked down on me because he grew up in a fancier neighborhood in Brooklyn,” Blankfein shot back.

While Blankfein was born in the Bronx, he grew up in the Linden housing projects in East New York. Sanders grew up in the middle-class neighborhood of Midwood.

In February, Blankfein took issue with the senator, calling him out over stock buybacks which he claimed enrich investors at employees’ expense.

Blankfein also has sparred with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who like Sanders wants to impose a wealth tax on the richest Americans.

After Warren trolled Blankfein and other business bigwigs in a November campaign ad, he suggested that “tribalism is just in her DNA” — an apparent reference to the senator’s claims of Native American heritage.

Blankfein has not given money to any presidential candidates this election cycle, according to campaign finance records. He most recently donated $5,600 in September to a political action committee for US Rep. Gregory Meeks, a New York Democrat who leads the Queens County Democratic Party, records show.

Several Republicans have also received campaign cash from Blankfein since 2015, including Sens. Rob Portman, Richard Shelby and Roy Blunt and former Sen. Bob Corker, records show.