5/12 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of Billy Corgan’s announcement on the future of the company, Nick Aldis and Thom Latimer vs. Marty Scurll and Brody King, The Rock & Roll Express vs. Aron Stevens and Question Mark, Tim Storm vs. Jax Dane in a No DQ match, Marti Belle vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Ashley Vox

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 21)
Taped January 25-26, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed May 12, 2020 on the NWA Youtube Page

NWA President Billy Corgan opened the show from his home in Chicago. He noted that Super Powerrr was originally scheduled to be the go-home show for the cancelled Crockett Cup event. Corgan encouraged viewers to stick around for a special announcement at the end of the show… A Super Powerrr video montage was followed by the Pantera “I’m Broken” opening… The broadcast team of Joe Galli and Stu Bennett checked in from their desk and hyped the show…

Dave Marquez interviewed Marty Scurll and Brody King at the interview desk. Scurll said he is in the NWA and this time he’s not alone. He said that if you mess with The Villain then you mess with the entire Villain Enterprises. King said Villain Enterprises has made a statement in the NWA by winning the Crockett Cup and winning the NWA Tag Titles. King said Nick Aldis’s time as NWA Champion is up…

Powell’s POV: Wait, Brody King speaks? I could be forgetting something, but I don’t recall hearing him speak on ROH television.

Footage aired from a past episode of Kamille attacking Allysin Kay and then having a staredown with Thunder Rosa… A Kamille video package aired…

Footage aired from episode 20 of Thom Latimer barking at Joe Galli for wanting to hear Kamille speak. Latimer said she speaks, then intimidated Galli…

1. Kamille vs. Maddie Max. Kamille used a spear to win the squash style match…

Kamille defeated Maddie Max.

The Kamille video aired that featured her speaking about her childhood and how it made her the way she is. She wrapped it up by saying, “I’m here to end all of you”…

Powell’s POV: Pardon the brief recap for the match and video package, but the NWA released this footage previously. It was all really well done. I don’t get the sense that Kamille is a great talker, so having her narrate the video package was a great touch. Plus, it allows her to maintain an aura by being unique in that she’s not standing at the desk and cutting promos like everyone else.

An Austin Idol ad aired for 555-GET-HEAT… Highlights aired of Trevor Mudroch pinning Question Mark from a previous episode and then being attacked from behind by Aron Stevens… Additional highlights were shown of Stevens asking Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson to do business in exchange for a part in one of his movies…

Sean Mooney stood on the interview set. He said he’s interviewed a lot of big names, but he’s never had a chance to speak with his guests Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. Morton spoke about the Crockett Cup from 1985 and last year’s loss to The Briscoes. He said that’s the way it goes and asked if anyone expected him and Robert to be the nine-time NWA Champions. He played up the possibility of winning the Crockett Cup, then the duo headed to the ring…

2. “The Rock & Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. Aron Stevens and The Question Mark. Stevens and Question Mark did their “yay/boo” routine. Trevor Murdoch headed to ringside. Stevens took the mic and said it was ridiculous. He called for silence and then complained about Murdoch being at ringside. Stevens said he had his own insurance policy. Stevens introduced Question Mark Jr. A hefty masked man walked out and stood in the corner of the heels.

Question Mark Jr. interfered by choking Morton over the ropes while the referee was distracted. Murdoch approached the big man, who started waving him off and then sat down while Galli mentioned that there wasn’t much cardio work being done by the big man. In the ring, Gibson pushed Stevens over a kneeling Morton, who then pinned Stevens to win the match…

The Rock & Roll Express beat Aron Stevens and The Question Mark.

Powell’s POV: It was nice to get the first Aron Stevens fix since March. The man is comedy gold in the NWA. Question Mark Jr. was a fun little gag with the idea being that he got blown up from doing next to nothing.

Highlights aired from a previous episode of Zicky Dice pinning Ricky Starks to win the NWA TV Championship… Zicky Dice delivered a promo. He said he could have said he told you so, but we all knew it was coming… A video package aired on the Melina and Thunder Rosa drama…

Kyle Davis stood on the interview set and introduced Melina and asked why she should challenge for the NWA Women’s Championship. Melina said she is a living legend and asked why she wouldn’t get a title shot. Melina said fans were mad because she’s already had an opportunity, but Kay has already had two.

Davis called out Allysin Kay, who joined him and Melina on the interview set. Kay said Thunder Rosa beat her fair and square at Hard Times. She said Melina and Marti Belle just had to get involved in their rematch, and said she wants to get her hands on Melina. Kay said Melina has been ducking her since day one and then called her a coward.

NWA Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa was introduced by Davis. Rosa joined the women on the set while two referees stood by to keep the peace. Rosa said she’s ready for anyone the NWA opts to have her face. Rosa recalled telling Melina that she didn’t need help from her or anyone else. Rosa said she’s not lying down for anyone, including Melina. Rosa said she will face anyone and said she could take Kay and Melina. A “Triple Threat” chant broke out. Davis asked Rosa if that’s the match she wants at Crockett Cup, and Rosa confirmed it…

A Tony Falk Waffles & Tire Irons commercial aired… A video package recapped a Tim Storm promo about his mother and how he had something left to prove. The footage included Danny Deals doing his Momma Storm impersonation, and eventually introducing Jax Dane…

3. Tim Storm vs. Jax Dane (w/Danny Deals) in a No DQ match. The heels came out first. Dane waited by the curtain and then attacked Storm once he walked through it. A referee entered the ring and started the match once the wrestlers were inside. The wrestlers fought their way into the bleachers (an area where human beings actually sat together back in the olden days when this episode was taped).

Dane had a small cut on his forehead as they came back down the steps. Storm ran Dane’s head into the Crockett Cup trophy a couple times, including once when the referee held it in place. Dane performed a suplex on the floor. Dane threw Storm back inside the ring. Deals tossed a chair to Dane, who wedged it between the ropes in a corner of the ring.

Storm rallied and knocked Jax down with a big boot, but Jax stood right up and hoisted Storm onto his shoulders before barking to the fans “there’s your hero.” Dane slammed Storm down. Storm got back to his feet. Dane charged at Storm, who moved, causing Dane to run headfirst into the chair in the ropes. Storm hit his Perfect Storm finisher and scored the pin…

Tim Storm defeated Jax Dane in a No DQ match.

Per the match stipulations, Storm got five minutes in the ring with Danny Deals, who put on the Momma Storm outfit. Storm removed the wig and glasses from Deals’ head. Deals hugged (something human beings once did in the olden days) Storm, who ended up hitting him with his finisher twice…

Powell’s POV: I’m surprised to see Storm beat Dane so early in their Powerrr feud. I wonder if Dane was just in for these tapings and that’s why they didn’t stretch this out longer. Danny Deals might be a good heel personality or a manager, but the Momma Storm routine is really corny so perhaps they just wanted to put that behind them. It was a decent walking brawl that played to Storm’s strengths.

A May Valentine Diary video aired. She was upset with boyfriend Royce Isaacs for his behavior with her best friend Sal Rinauro. She said she doesn’t like Isaacs’ extreme jealous. She said Sal is a really good guy who doesn’t deserve it. Valentine said she is true to Isaacs. She said she is pure and her mother raised her to be that way. She said this incident has cost her a hundred followers. Valentine said she had to go because she was starting to get really emotional about everything…

Powell’s POV: Meh. I don’t mind the basics of Isaacs being a controlling boyfriend, and Rinauro has done a solid job of being the nice guy friend of Valentine. I’m just not sure what the NWA wants us to feel when it comes to Valentine. I think she’s a babyface, but she’s booked to be self absorbed, so I’m not quite sure.

4. Marti Belle vs. Ashley Vox vs. Tasha Steelz in a Triple Threat. The broadcast team framed this match as the winner gaining momentum going into Crockett Cup. Vox caught Steelz in a submission hold that Belle broke with a kick. Belle hit a move on Vox, but then took a Codebreaker from Steelz, who pinned her…

Tasha Steelz defeated Marti Belle and Ashley Vox in a Triple Threat match.

Powell’s POV: A nice match. Steelz appeared on Impact Wrestling last night and it was announced today that she has signed with the company.

A video package recapped The Bouncers turning on Eddie Kingston to join The Pope, and of James Storm and Eli Drake beating The Bouncers to retain the NWA Tag Titles…

Marquez interviewed Kingston, Storm, and Drake on the interview set and asked how their alliance came together. Kingston was flustered and told the fans that he doesn’t disrespect them and asked them not to disrespect him while he’s at the interview desk. He said Homicide was still out and he has a lot on his mind. Kingston said he has history with Storm and Drake from another company. He said they have trust and they just want to fight. Kingston mentioned the name Ring of Honor while talking about The Bouncers. He apologized for mentioning ROH and said he didn’t want to ruin the relationship by doing that, then sang the praises of Storm and Drake.

Storm said they like to make sure people enjoy themselves when they come to an NWA show. Storm said they can make people laugh all day and they can beat people’s asses. Storm said he’s being doing this shit (censored) for 22 years. He said they are all grown men and they love what they do and they love entertaining people all over the world. Storm spoke of stomping a mudhole in your asshole (censored).

Drake stepped up and the fans chanted, “Talk to us.” Drake paused before opening with his “let me talk to ya'” line. Drake did his “yeah” bit with a playful live crowd. Drake said he’d say Ring of Honor and went on to say it several times. Drake did his “yeah” bit with the crowd again. When Marquez said it, Drake said no. Funny. Drake spoke about the Crockett Cup and then delivered Storm’s “Sorry about your damn luck” catchphrase. Storm looked taken aback, then he gave a Drake-style “yeah” to close the segment…

Powell’s POV: Three top notch talkers who really didn’t have much to talk about because they’d already beaten The Bouncers, but they did a terrific job of filling the time and entertaining the live crowd.

An ad aired for NWA Powerrr season one on DVD… A video package focused on the drama between the Strictly Business and Villain Enterprises factions…

5. NWA Champion Nick Aldis and Thom Latimer vs. Marty Scurll and Brody King. The referee was tied up with King early on. Scurll slapped his own hands and then sold a back injury for the referee while alleging that Aldis did something to him. The live crowd dug it. Later, King performed a piledriver on Aldis and had him pinned, but Latimer broke it up and ran King through the ropes and into the ring post.

Scurll cleared Latimer from the ring and then kicked the knee of Aldis. Scurll fired up the crowd for his chicken wing finisher, but then he became distracted when Kamille came out and stood on the ring apron. Aldis grabbed the umbrella that Scurll brings to the ring with him and swung it, but Scurll ducked it. Scurll took the umbrella. Royce Isaacs climbed onto the apron. Scurll knocked him off with the umbrella.

Scurll and Aldis fought at ringside. In the ring, Latimer low-blowed King while the referee was distracted. Aldis followed up with a top rope elbow drop on King and then pinned him. The Strictly Business faction stood tall afterward…

Nick Aldis and Thom Latimer defeated Marty Scurll and Brody King.

Powell’s POV: A good tag team match with a finish that put heat on the heel faction heading into the planned pay-per-view.

Billy Corgan appeared and said that they just crossed 200,000 subscribers on YouTube and worked hard to bring the NWA back into international prominence. He said they have a great roster of stars and a dedicated team. He said that under no circumstances do they want to fold the NWA no matter how tough or difficult the circumstance are. He said they can’t present professional wrestling in the ring at this time, so they went back to an idea they had at the very beginning of acquiring the NWA.

Corgan said it’s an idea that he thinks viewers will find intriguing and is unlike any idea he’s seen in pro wrestling. Corgan said they will debut the show next week. He said viewers trusted them with the 10 Pounds of Gold and NWA Powerrr. He said he’s asking viewers to trust them on the crazy concept known as Carnyland (the graphic appeared on the screen). Corgan said he couldn’t tell people what it was because it’s almost impossible to explain, but it will be available on Tuesday in the usual Powerrr time slot… The credits aired to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I know very little about the Carnyland concept, but I do know that Corgan was being truthful about the origins of the concept in that it’s something that he and Dave Lagana and perhaps others spoke about doing well before Powerrr was born. There’s already a Carnyland website that can be viewed at Carnyland.com. It’s very basic thus far with a simple plug for the show debuting on the NWA YouTube page, and a Carnyland t-shirt pre-sale.

As for Powerrr, it was nice to finally see the season three finale, which was postponed once the pandemic triggered the cancellation of the Crockett Cup. It’s a treat these days to see a first-run show with an actual live crowd. With no tapings planned, it’s definitely worth going out of your way to watch this episode and the entire NWA Powerrr series if you haven’t done so already. I won’t commit to reviewing Carnyland each week in this style without getting a feel for what it is, but we will run the video at the very least.


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