8/10 AEW Dynamite results: Powell’s live review of Jon Moxley vs. Chris Jericho for the Interim AEW World Championship, Darby Allin vs. Brody King in a Coffin Match, Penta Oscuro and Rey Fenix vs. Andrade El Idolo and Rush in a tornado tag match, Jade Cargill vs. Madison Rayne for the TBS Title, Ricky Starks vs. Aaron Solo

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite “Quake By The Lake” (Episode 149)
Minneapolis, Minnesota at Target Center
Aired live August 10, 2022 on TBS

[Hour One] Jim Ross welcomed viewers to the show and said he was joined by Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz on commentary. Ross turned things over to ring announcer Justin Roberts, who introduced a face paint wearing Brody King for the Coffin Match. Once King was in the ring, Darby Allin appeared and dove off the top rope and hit King.

1. Darby Allin vs. Brody King in a Coffin Match. Allin hit King with a skateboard that had thumbtacks, which bloodied King. Allin was dominant to start, but King came back and tossed him over a table at ringside. King stomped Allin’s skateboard in half. Allin went right back after King. Back inside the ring, Allin hit an Avalanche Code Red, which drew holy shit chants. They cut to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

The lights went out. The broadcast team assumed it was Malakai Black related. When the lights turned on, Black and Buddy Matthews stood at ringside in front of King. Allin ran the ropes for a dive, but Julia Hart emerged and tripped him. Matthews entered the ring and attacked Allin. Black stood over Allin while Matthews leaned a table in the corner of the ring. King performed a cannonball that drove Allin through the table. Matthews flashed a sadistic smile. Excalibur noted that Allin won the two previous Coffin Matches in AEW history.

A “We Want Sting” chant broke out. Black pointed to the coffin at ringside. Matthews went to ringside and opened the coffin to find Sting lying inside. Sting stood up and beat Matthews with a baseball bat. Sting entered the ring and hit King with the bat. Black sat in the corner crosslegged. Sting threw the bat to Black. “Here’s a weapon for you, do you have the balls to use it?” Ross said on commentary.

Black stood up and twirled the bat and then dropped it. Black jawed at Sting, who had different face paint over one eye. Black left the ring while Sting yelled at him. Sting left the ring and followed Black up the ramp. Allin performed a cannonball dive onto King on the floor. King dumped Allin onto the ring steps. Excalibur pointed out that the coffin had thumbtacks on the inside of the lid. Allin brought King to the apron for his dangling sleeper, but Allin ended up with the chain that King wears to the ring and choked him out with it. Allin released King, who tumbled into the coffin and then the lid closed on top of him…

Darby Allin defeated Brody King in a Coffin Match in roughly 14:00.

Powell’s POV: A wild opening match. I would have preferred to one-on-one match, but the crowd was clearly thrilled to see Sting. Plus, the story between Sting and Black was forwarded.

Jon Moxley delivered a backstage promo and suggested calling his Interim AEW World Championship the FYI belt. Moxley said it was forged in Cincinnati, Ohio and said that like the Hart Dungeon, the belt is about pain and how much you can endure. He spoke about pushing Chris Jericho to his breaking point. Moxley said that if Jericho’s fighting spirit doesn’t break, his body will… [C]

Chris Jericho delivered a promo while standing in front of the AEW backdrop. Jericho was clean shaven and wore a black vest. Jericho said Moxley wanted to face the Lionheart Jericho and the last survivor of Stu Hart’s Dungeon. Jericho said Hart was a sadist and he never wants to think about what he put him through again. Jericho said he would twist, turn, and stretch the shit out of Moxley. Jericho said he was the first AEW Champion and he will be the next AEW World Champion. “I guaran-f’n-tee it,” Jericho closed…

Powell’s POV: The back to back promos from Moxley and Jericho (with commercials in between) was a simple and effective way to set the table for the main event. AEW doesn’t always get things right when it comes to the presentation of their main events, but they did in this case.

Excalibur said next week’s Dynamite will be presented HBO Max’s “House of the Dragon” series…

The brackets for the AEW Trios Titles tournament were listed as Death Triangle vs. Will Ospreay and Aussie Open, and Andrade El Idolo, Dragon Lee, and Rush vs. The Young Bucks and a mystery partner on one side, and House of Black vs. Dark Order, and Trustbusters vs. Best Friends on the other side. The tournament will start next week on Dynamite and the first champions will be crowned at AEW All Out. The Andrade, Rush, and Lee vs. Young Bucks and a mystery partner match will be held next week on Dynamite…

Powell’s POV: A good field of trios teams, though it is tough to justify the newly formed Trustbusters being in the tournament. For those who don’t pay attention to Dark or Dark Elevation, the team consists of Parker Boudreaux (Harland in NXT), Ari Daivari, and Slim J.

2. Penta Oscuro and Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Andrade El Idolo and Rush (w/Jose) in a tornado tag match. Per the stipulation, all four wrestlers were allowed in the ring at once. They cut to an early PIP break, which included a “House of the Dragon” ad. [C]

Rush took the back of Petna’s mask and tied it to the middle ring rope. Andrade, who wore an LFI t-shirt, tied a second knot. Rush hit Fenix with a missile dropkick and followed up with a piledriver. Penta pulled his mask off and dove onto the pin to break it up. Penta covered his face and was tossed to ringside by Andrade. Rush hit Fenix with Bull’s Horns. Rush sat up Fenix and passed hm to Andrade, who put him down with a Hammerlock DDT and pinned him…

Andrade El Idolo and Rush defeated Penta Oscuro and Rey Fenix in 14:00 in a tornado tag match.

Powell’s POV: A wild lucha spot-fest match. I didn’t even try to keep up with everything that was happening and mostly just sat back and enjoyed the action. I hope AEW will use the tornado tag rules more often when they have tag team matches where the basic tag team rules are going to be blown off. Anyway, the live crowd was hot for the match with fans on the floor opposite the hard camera standing for the majority of it. By the way, my buddy Doc Ketchmark is at the show and notes that the upper deck is tarped off, and he estimates the 80 percent of the lower bowl is filled.

“The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson had Brandon Cutler follow them into the Dark Order locker room with his camera. Hangman Page was inside. The Bucks asked everyone to be cool and said they wanted Cutler to document it. Matt said he wished he could take back everything they did to Page. Matt spoke about their friendship on the road to AEW and then said he didn’t know if it was the big contracts, money, and fame that got to him, but he’s sorry.

Matt said they were in the building where Page won the AEW World Championship (at AEW Full Gear 2021). Matt said he couldn’t even bring himself to congratulate Page. Matt said a lot of people say that he and Nick are despicable and maybe they are right, but Page brings out the good in them. Matt asked Page to be their partner in the AEW Trios Titles tournament.

Page said he couldn’t do it. Page said the Dark Order have been there the last two years and have been his friends like the Bucks once were. Page said the tournament is Dark Order’s chance and he wants to be in their corner. Page said that if the Bucks want a partner, it should be someone who wouldn’t turn their back on them. The Bucks played it cool and left the room. Cutler told them that he thought Page was suggesting that he be the Bucks’ partner. The Bucks told Cutler to shut up…

Jungle Boy made his entrance and joined the broadcast team on commentary for the next match…

3. Luchasaurus vs. Anthony Henry (w/JD Drake). Luchasaurus dominated Henry and put him away with Fossilizer…

Luchasaurus beat Anthony Henry in 0:40.

Christian Cage appeared on the big screen and clapped. Cage said he would have come out and slapped the headset off Jungle Boy, but he decided that the people of Minneapolis don’t deserve to see hm in person. Jungle Boy ran backstage and tried to attack Cage on the interview set, but security intervened. Luchasaurus appeared on the set and took out security. Producer (or whatever his new title is) Pat Buck showed up and was headbutted by Luchasaurus…

Miro delivered a promo in a darkened area. He said Malakai put him through changes and dragged him into the dark. A blond woman told him to give into it and embrace it like she did. Miro said only one woman can touch him and it’s not her. Miro said his warpath to his god is clear now and it leads directly to the House of Black… [C]

Powell’s POV: I’ve honestly forgotten what the issue is between Miro and the House of Black. Meanwhile, I forgot to mention earlier that Sting’s face paint over his one eye seems to be due to being sprayed by Malakai Black’s mist.

Mark Henry attempted to ask Powerhouse Hobbs about his attacks on Ricky Starks, but The Factory” QT Marshall, Aaron Solo, Anthony Ogogo, Nick Comoroto, and Cole Karter showed up. Marshall told Hobbs that he doesn’t need to worry about Starks. Marshall said he sees Hobbs as a future world champion. Marshall said they would take care of Starks. “Don’t let your problem become mine,” Hobbs replied…

Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh made their entrance and delivered an in-ring promo. Dutt boasted about what they did to Wardlow at the Battle of the Belts show and praised Singh for his end of the beating. Dutt said they’re not done with Wardlow. Lethal said Wardlow could defend the title against him one more time or they could just come take it.

Wardlow walked out dressed in a suit. He said that Lethal could have another shot at the TNT Title, but tonight he would whip all three of their asses. Wardlow started to walk to the ring, but he stopped when he heard entrance music.

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler made their entrance and walked to the ring with Wardlow. Lethal, Dutt, and Singh left the ring once the babyfaces entered. Lethal tried to take a cheap shot at a distracted Wardlow, who caught him. Wardlow punched Lethal and then FTR put Lethal down with the Big Rig…

Powell’s POV: For those keeping score at home, the recently officially promoted Pat Buck, QT Marshall, and Sonjay Dutt appeared back-to-back-to-back. As someone who doesn’t keep close tabs on Dark and Elevation, I have no idea what Comoroto’s new look is all about.

Backstage, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, and Anna Jay were interviewed by Tony Schiavone. Menard and Parker spoke about the party they would have when Jericho wins the title. Garcia mentioned Bryan Danielson and dubbed himself the Dragon Slayer. Jay barked at someone off camera and indicated that the person didn’t believe Garcia is the Dragon Slayer. Jay put a woman in her Queenslayer hold…

Aaron Solo made his entrance. A video package set up his match with Starks, who spoke of rejecting Marshall’s offer to join The Factory…

[Hour Two] Ricky Starks made his entrance…

4. Ricky Starks vs. Aaron Solo (w/Cole Karter). QT Marshall, Anthony Ogogo, and Nick Comoroto stood on the stage. The referee ejected Karter early in the match. A “let’s go Ricky” chant broke out. In the end, Starks speared Solo and scored the clean pin…

Ricky Starks defeated Aaron Solo in 2:20.

After the match, Comoroto headed to the ring with a chair. Starks ducked the chair and put Comoroto down with a spinebuster. Solo hit Starks from behind. Starks broke free and shoved Solo toward Comoroto, then fled the ring. The other Factory members wanted to go after Starks, but he escaped into the crow. Powerhouse Hobbs was shown slamming a television to the ground in frustration…

Backstage, Lexi Nair spoke with Billy Gunn and his dejected sons Austin and Colten. Stokely Hathaway showed up and tried to offer Austin and Colten a cad, but Billy told him he was about to have a really bad day. Hathaway exited the picture. Billy told his sons he got them a match on Rampage. Danhausen showed up said he and the big bearded fellow would see Austin and Colten on Friday night… [C]

Powell’s POV: We’ve reached that point in the show where there’s just too much happening and too many people who don’t matter to the average fan are getting air time. Seriously, some segments feel like an episode Rampage has broken out, while others feel more like Dark.

Schiavone set up for an interview with Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor. Ari Daivari, Slim J, and Parker Boudreaux showed up. Daivari said he’d been trying to get in touch with Cassidy. He said his trust has kicked in and he’s trying to assemble the best talent in AEW. He said he wanted Cassidy, but he had to ditch Beretta and Taylor. Cassidy wasn’t interested. Daivari said Cassidy would find out what happens when people say no to him…

5. Jade Cargill (w/Stokely Hathaway, Kiera Hogan) vs. Madison Rayne for the TBS Title. Rayne put Cargill down with a huracanrana at ringside and then shoved her toward the barricade. Back in the ring, Hogan distracted Rayne, allowing Cargill to spear her heading into a PIP break. [C]

Excalibur mentioned Kris Statlander being sidelined by an injury and how Rayne had a chance to win the TBS Title in just her second AEW match. Rayne put Cargill down with a DDT for a near fall. Hogan stood on the apron and distracted Rayne. Cargill tried to kick Rayne, who moved, causing the kick to take out Hogan. Rayne rolled up Cargill for a near fall. Rayne went for the CrossRayne, but Cargill stuffed it and hit Jaded for the win…

Jade Cargill defeated Madison Rayne for the TBS Title.

After the match, Athena entered the ring behind Cargill while Excalibur explained that Athena had been dressed as a Baddie. Athena threw a punch at Cargill, who then covered up once Athena threw more punches at her. Athena whipped Cargill into the ropes, but Hogan reached in and pulled Cargill to the floor. Athena picked up the TBS Title while the broadcast team said Athena feels Cargill has been ducking her…

Powell’s POV: I was surprised to see Rayne get near falls against Cargill. If Rayne is going to be a regular in-ring wrestler in addition to being a coach in AEW, then so be it. If not, then this didn’t need to be more than a squash win for Cargill.

Backstage, AEW Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm were interviewed by Schiavone, who said Storm was now No. 1 contender for the title due to Kris Statlander’s injury. Storm spoke about an upcoming match and said her goal is to win the championship. Rosa wished her luck in her match and said they would talk about a title match another time…

Excalibur listed the following for Friday’s AEW Rampage: Bryan Danielson speaks, FTW Champion Hook speaks, Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn vs. Erick Redbeard and Danhausen, Parker Boudreaux vs. Sonny Kiss, AEW Tag Champions Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee speak, and Orange Cassidy vs. Ari Daivari, and Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo vs. Dante Martin and Skye Blue for the AAA Mixed Tag Titles.

The broadcast team listed the following for next week’s AEW Dynamite: Andrade El Idolo, Rush, and Dragon Lee vs. The Young Bucks and a partner in an AEW Trios Titles tournament match, Toni Storm vs. KiLynn King, and Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia in a best of three falls match. Excalibur said more matches will be announced on Friday’s Rampage…

Ross hyped the main event… [C] Chris Jericho made his “Lionheart” entrance to something other than Fozzy as his entrance theme, and then Jon Moxley made his “Wild Thing” entrance…

6. Jon Moxley vs. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho for the Interim AEW World Championship. William Regal sat in on commentary. Jericho flipped off Moxley to start the match. There were dueling “Lionheart” and “Let’s Go Moxley” chants. Jericho had Moxley in a seated position and ripped out his earring. [C]

Powell’s POV: I love it. Here’s hoping this leads to a trend where wrestlers also choke the hell out of opponents who wear necklaces/chains during matches.

Moxley bled from his ear. Jericho performed a Lionsault for a two count, but Moxley immediately transitioned into a cross arm breaker attempt. They took turns countering into other submissions. Jericho eventually wrapped Moxley’s legs around the ring post and put him in a figure four. Jericho had the release the hold due to referee Aubrey Edwards’ count.

Back inside the ring, Moxley took Jericho down and put him in a crossface. Jericho came back and applied the Walls of Jericho. Moxley acted like he was on the verge of passing out, then woke up and sold the hold as they headed into a PIP break. [C]

Jericho had Moxley in the Walls of Jericho again, but Moxley reached the ropes to break it. Jericho barked that Moxley tapped out. Moxley sent Jericho to the floor. Moxley leapt from the top rope and hit Jericho with a diving ax-handle on the floor. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Back in the ring, Moxley dove from the top rope and was hit with a Codebreaker on the way down. Jericho covered him for a near fall. Jericho removed two turnbuckle pads and motioned to the crowd. Sammy Guevara was in the crowd and threw the baseball bat into the ring and over Jericho’s head. Jericho picked up the bat and hit Moxley with it while the referee tended to the turnbuckle pad. Jericho covered Moxley for a near fall.

A short time later, Jericho sent Moxley into the exposed still exposed turnbuckle and then hit him with the Judas Effect for a near fall. Ross said no one has ever kicked out of the Judas Effect. A “fight forever” chant broke out. Jericho went to ringside and grabbed the title belt. He returned to the ring and tried to hit Moxley with it, but Moxley moved and Jericho crashed into the exposed turnbuckle. Jericho bled heavily. Moxley applied the Bulldog Choke, which Jericho escaped. Jericho threw elbows at Moxley and then applied the Liontamer. Moxley escaped the hold and then threw elbows to the back to Jericho’s head and put him in the Bulldog Choke again. Jericho pumped his arm several times, then tapped out…

Jon Moxley defeated “Lionheart” Chris Jericho in 22:35 to retain the Interim AEW World Championship.

The broadcast team immediately spoke about how there was no shame in tapping out because it’s about living to fight another day. Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara ran in and attacked Moxley while Jericho held a towel on his bloody head.

Claudio Castagnoli, Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, and Ortiz ran out and to help Moxley. Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Daniel Garcia ran out to help the heels. Menard held Moxley in place while Jericho held up the title belt to strike him with.

CM Punk’s entrance music played and he made his entrance to a huge pop. Punk fought off several Jericho Appreciation Society members and eventually got inside the ring and cleared Jericho with a clothesline. Punk walked around the ring and glared at the JAS members once they were on the stage. Moxley was seated in the ring.

Moxley got to his feet as Punk stood behind him. Moxley turned and went face to face with Punk. They looked at one another and then looked to the cheering crowd. Moxley flipped off Punk, bumped him with his shoulder, and then left the ring. Castagnoli high-fived and hugged Moxley. Excalibur said Punk and Moxley have to square off for the undisputed championship at some point.

Punk hopped around the ring while putting his weight on his surgically repaired foot. Punk’s entrance theme played again. Punk looked to the crowd and then sat down crosslegged in the middle of the ring. Punk looked into the camera, held up one finger, and said there’s one champ. Punk stood up and played to the crowd again. The broadcast team hyped upcoming matches. Ross gave a hard push for Rampage, and the show concluded with Punk playing to the crowd…

Powell’s POV: A highly entertaining main event and a great post match return that surely sets up Punk vs. Moxley for the undisputed AEW World Championship for the All Out pay-per-view. With Punk’s return, the majority of the injured key players have returned, and we’ll see if Kenny Omega turns out to be the partner of the Young Bucks. As if Punk vs. Moxley doesn’t look fun enough on paper, the promo exchanges between the two should be off the charts.

Overall, this episode had some highs and lows. It felt like they tried to cram too many newer or typically lower level talents as far as the booking is concerned onto the same show. The bulk of the first hour was strong, the main event was really fun even though there was no reason to expect a title change, and the Punk return was terrific. So despite some of the issues, the good definitely outweighed the bad. I will have more to say about the show in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the August 10 Quake By The Lake edition

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Readers Comments (12)

  1. The 3rd coffin match in less than 3 years features lights out, thumbtacks, a chain, a table, and 2 different interference spots. Holy fuck this shit is still terrible.

  2. THEGREATESTTHREE August 10, 2022 @ 7:33 pm

    Whine you bitch!

  3. What do you do when you have 4 guys who can’t wrestle a decent tag match? Make it a tornado tag and add the corpse ref to the mix so it’s as shitty as humanly possible.

    Andrade recovered from a Canadian Destroyer on the apron in 20 fucking seconds. This is legitimately the worst 40 minutes of “wrestling” on TV this year. At least JR is back to unashamedly taking the piss out of it on commentary.

    Rey Fenix looks legitimately hurt from that corner dropkick before the finish. Someone needs to take Tony’s coke away until he hires a booker and gets rid of 80% of his roster.

  4. Jungle Boy seemed less scared than usual on the mic, Luchasaurus being booked like a monster is long overdue, and the backstage bit was simple yet effective and didn’t last too long.

    The finish to the Starks vs Solo match was beautifully timed.

    I have no idea what Danhausen said, but the Youthful Asses need to be kept away from comedy jobbers like him.

  5. Jade is going to be a huge star one day, but she’s not good enough to carry that obese lump Fathena.

    Hopefully the Statlander injury is more storyline than anything. They’ve got so few women who are any good at all and they can’t afford to have her keep getting injured.

  6. Masha Slammovich beats Madison in like 30 seconds. Jade Cargill almost loses to Madison in a few minutes. Masha Slammovich should beat Jade in 2 minutes clean ?right?

  7. “Excalibur listed the following for Friday’s AEW Rampage: Bryan Danielson speaks, FTW Champion Hook speaks, Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn vs. Erick Redbeard and Danhausen, Parker Boudreaux vs. Sonny Kiss, AEW Tag Champions Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee speak, and Orange Cassidy vs. Ari Daivari, and Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo vs. Dante Martin and Skye Blue for the AAA Mixed Tag Titles”

    Again they need to be consistent with Rampage; the above on paper is a terrible lineup. Minneapolis is kind of getting shortchanged, but then again Minneapolis is rather self-destructive in practice so maybe that’s appropriate.

  8. How far has Moxley fallen that the crowd is clearly 75% in favor of Jericho?

  9. That Punk return was desperately needed. Hopefully he demands that Mox not bleed during their match.

  10. At my count there were 76 different wrestlers/ managers/ personalities on tonight’s 2 hour show. That’s just wayyyyyy too many

  11. At my count there were 76 different wrestlers/ managers/ personalities on tonight’s 2 hour show. That’s just wayyyyyy too many

  12. The ending is why the whole concept of an interim champion is beyond ridiculous. The actual champ faces off with the paper champ, and the paper champ is the only one holding a title.

    Blood, blood and more blood. It’s so played out at this point, but so are the gimmick matches for the sake of having a gimmick match.

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