New appointments

We are happy to announce our election of William H. Hill, C.S.B., of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to succeed Al M. Carnesciali, C.S.B., as a member of The Christian Science Board of Directors and as Manager of The Christian Science Publishing Society.

Our new colleague, Bill Hill, is a practitioner, teacher, and a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship. Over the years he has served as a Field Assistant, Committee on Publication for British Columbia, and as a Trustee of The Christian Science Trust in Canada.

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It is with great love that the Board thanks Al Carnesciali for the unbounded energy and selflessness he devoted, during the past two years in his dual post as Board member and Manager, to clarifying the mission and means of The Christian Science Publishing Society. All who have taken part in this effort with Al find that this is a lasting legacy that will benefit our work for years to come. Al retires from his posts with the satisfaction of a job remarkably well done and with the thanks and respect of everyone who has worked with him. He will be returning to his practice and his students association in San Juan Capistrano, California.

We are also happy to let you know of the election of J. Anthony Periton, C.S.B., of Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, England, to succeed Richard C. Bergenheim, C.S.B., as a member of The Christian Science Board of Directors and as Editor in Chief of the Publishing Society.

Our additional new colleague, Tony Periton, is a practitioner and teacher, and has capably filled several and varied offices for our Church here in Boston and in the United Kingdom. Most recently he has been District Manager of the Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland. Previously, he has served both as a Trustee of the Publishing Society and as its Manager.

Monumental is not too large a word to use to describe the contribution made by Richard Bergenheim as a Director for the past six years and as Editor in Chief for the past two years. He has guided and shaped the editorial expression of the Publishing Society during a time of great change and progress. While Richard will be returning to his first love—healing and teaching—his writing will continue to reach readers of the Christian Science periodicals through his ongoing work as a contributing editor in the Field.

Every member of The Mother Church and all workers in Boston have our heartfelt appreciation for their part in supporting the healing mission of this Church and the Publishing Society. We are particularly grateful for the highest level of continuity and cooperation being demonstrated as changes take place in these Church offices. We can tell you of our thanks best by borrowing these words from our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy: "I just want to say, I thank you, my dear students, who are at work conscientiously and assiduously, for the good you are doing" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 262).

The Christian Science Board of Directors

Holiness—the beauty and flavor of life
May 23, 1994

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