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Star Trek: Invasion
- PlayStation

Life After Wesley

Latest Update October 01, 2000  

Whenever a new Star Trek game arrives at the GI office, our minds light up with possibilities surrounding one of Starfleet's finest. What in the world is Wesley Crusher doing with his life now that he's no longer a part of the Enterprise crew? After all, the only reason he was on the ship to begin with was for Captain Picard to score with his mom. Other than this, he was expendable. Rather than focus on the "boring" characters, Activision should concentrate solely on Wesley. Unfortunately, fans like us don't control the way these games turn out. Everyone who purchases Invasion will be forced to stomach 20 Wesley-free missions pitting Picard and the Federation against the Borg, Klingons, and Romulans.

Both Michael Dorn (Worf) and Patrick Stewart (Picard) signed on and added their familiar voices to the mix. The development team, Warthog, is essentially the same team that pieced together the Colony Wars trilogy. Invasion is running on a slightly altered Colony Wars engine. Through each passing CW release, user interactivity and ease of gameplay was gradually improved upon. Out of all four releases, Star Trek: Invasion is the easiest to play, the smoothest running, and easily the most action packed.

The true dream of a Trekkie is to pilot the Enterprise. This and to get snuggy-wuggy with Captain Kirk, but that's beside the point. While you don't actually pilot the Enterprise, you do interact with it and even fly alongside it. The vessels under your wing are smaller, sleeker, and used mainly for intense space dogfights. These mighty ships can bank on a dime, are equipped with enough firepower to drop a Bird of Prey, and have the hull density of a Borg Cube. Controlling these ships requires immense skill, so naturally a complex training session is included to iron out your flying abilities.

The gameplay is brilliantly constructed. The smooth controls really couldn't be any better. Taking a tip from Star Fox, the game now lets you perform evasive maneuvers. You even have the ability to hit Warp temporarily. The missions are also quite extraordinary, requiring evasion, retrieving, pursuit, and stealth.

The Star Trek license really hasn't been explored in this manner before, and Trekkies may blow a fuse over the Star Wars-style action. Geeks aside, this is a stellar release that shouldn't be missed by fans of the genre.

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1 or 2-Player
Special Features:
New Races, Ships - Including New Borg Spike; Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn Voices; Colony Wars-Like; Over 20 Missions; Squadron Missions; Control Alien Crafts?
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Jay, The Gonzo Gamer
Concept: 8.5
Graphics: 9
Sound: 9
Playability: 8.5
Entertainment: 8
"Colony Wars has been the king of PlayStation space combat for a long time now, but I've always thought it would never be huge without a license to attach itself to. Star Trek: Invasion is here to rectify the situation. Many of the things that bothered me about Red Sun, the last Colony Wars effort, have been fixed, and the graphics have been improved to such a level that I can hardly believe I'm playing it on a PlayStation. The interface is about as good as can be achieved with a game such as this, but some options to direct wingmen would have been greatly appreciated. Where the game really falls short is in story, it's all just filler to lead you to the next mission. I have some other small issues, but overall I find this to be a compelling game, and hope this isn't the last effort of this type we see from Activision."

Paul, The Game Professor
Concept: 7.75
Graphics: 8.75
Sound: 9
Playability: 8.25
Entertainment: 8
"If you like space combat games, there have really been few choices on the PlayStation - although the Colony Wars series has filled the niche nicely. What you have here is essentially Colony Wars with a Star Trek license. I have to admit that I distanced myself from the whole Star Trek universe after they stopped producing Next Generation, but this game does a good job of incorporating some voice-acting and other Trek elements. The controls will definitely take some getting used to and are on the verge of being too frustrating. Fighting in close quarters is aided by an auto-tracking button, but then switching to targeting is rather cumbersome. While I had some fun with this game, I highly recommend a test run before dropping down the cash."

Reiner, The Raging Gamer
Concept: 8.5
Graphics: 9
Sound: 8.25
Playability: 8.75
Entertainment: 8
"With the Colony Wars series racking up accolades for its brilliance in space combat, Activision made the wise decision of securing the team responsible for this success to develop a Star Trek game with a similar premise. The payoff? Huge. Warthog's first Star Trek venture couldn't have turned out better. With the flashy Colony Wars engine igniting its thrusters, Invasion streaks across the PlayStation with incredible gameplay physics and glorious space effects. Above and beyond Red Sun, the combat has evolved to be more user-friendly, yet at the same time more complex. All 20 missions are targeted toward the seasoned player, pushing you to not only steady your aim but use a wide variety of techniques as well. I hope I don't aggravate Trekkies when I say this, but this feels more like a Star Wars game than it does Star Trek, making it all the better."