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City Lights (1931)

Directed By: Charles Chaplin
Screenplay: Charles Chaplin
Cast: Charles Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill

Previous Next: City of God
he immortal tramp falls in love with a blind flower seller, with results that are both poignant and deeply comic. Chaplin's sentimental side was never more delicately stated. But his funny side, as he desperately tries to earn money for the operation that will restore the girl's sight, was never more hilariously deployed than it was in this spare, curiously haunting film.—R.S.

From the TIME Archive:
Chaplin does not reject the sound-device because he does not think his voice will register. His objection is that cinema is essentially a pantomimic art
TIME Magazine, Feb. 9, 1931 >>

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Next: City of God

1:  City of God- 100 Movies
2:  Schindler's List
3:  The Lord of the Rings
4:  The Godfather, Parts I and II
5:  Star Wars

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