Prime Ministers of New Zealand

Sir Robert Muldoon

Born 1921, Auckland

Died 1992, Auckland, aged 71

National Party Prime Minister:-12.Dec.1975-26.July 1984

Robert David Muldoon was born in Auckland in1921. He was educated at Mt Albert Grammar in Auckland, and later went on to become a professional accountant.

Muldoon served for his country as part of the IInd New Zealand Expeditionary Force.

Muldoon first entered Parliament as MP for Tamaki in 1960. He remained the Member for that electorate for 31 years until his resignation, one year before his death, in1991

Muldoon held a number of positions within Government before his elevation to Prime Minister. He became Under-Secretary to the Minister of Finance from 1964 to 1967, the Minister of Tourism briefly in 1967 and Minister of Finance from 1967 – 1972 and also from 1975 - 1984.

When Keith Holyoake retired in 1972 and John Marshall rose to the leadership, Muldoon became Deputy Prime Minister. The term 1972 to 1975 saw National in Opposition. During that time moves were soon set on foot by a group known as the Young Turks within the parliamentary group to replace Marshall with Muldoon; They came into fruition in 1974.

Muldoon became Prime Minister in 1975, and also Minister of Finance. He served as Prime Minister for three terms until 1984 when, in July, he called a snap election, and lost. During his time as Prime Minister, Muldoon became well-known for his market interventions. Muldoon was also notable for backing Britain in the Falklands Crisis in 1982.

Muldoon remained in Parliament as MP for Tamaki until 1991, when he resigned. He died in Auckland in 1992.

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