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Why does energy research matter?
With the UK’s own gas and oil reserves dwindling we need to find alternative sources of energy that are reliable and secure. At the same time the burning of fossil fuels worldwide has led to a build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere – gases believed to be responsible for the global warming that is driving recent rapid climate change. To deliver a reliable and secure energy supply that does not add to greenhouse gas emissions we will need to develop a mix of new energy technologies. This mix can only be achieved if we support an equally diverse energy research portfolio.  Find out about our energy research in 
your guide to energy research

The UK Research Councils’ Energy Programme
Developing new energy technologies will involve tackling research challenges which span a wide range of disciplines. The UK Research Councils’ Energy Programme brings together engineers and physical, natural, social and economic scientists not just to create the technologies but to examine their social and economic consequences. EPSRC is taking the lead on energy research on behalf of all the UK Research Councils. Find out more about the programme, energy funding and the role of consultation.

Calls For Proposals

Latest Information

E.ON UK and EPSRC announce £10m low carbon university research programme
Announcing the start of a £10m UK university research programme to look at the next generation of low carbon energy solutions.  For more information see our press release.

Energy Summits
The inaugural Summit was held in November 2005 to launch the Research Councils’ Energy Programme.  The second Energy Research Summit will take place in 11 September 2006 in London, attendance is by invitation only.

Energy Senior Research Fellow
Nigel Brandon of Imperial College London took up his post on 1 August 2006. He will spend half of his time on research and half on providing advice and undertaking profile-raising activities for UK energy research. Read more

Energy’s Bright Future
You can read more about the state of energy research today and where it’s heading in a series of articles taken from Newsline’s recent Energy Special Report. Discover how energy-efficient buildings could help combat climate change, advances in carbon storage might benefit our economy and fusion could harness the power that fuels the stars.  

Research Councils' Energy Programme
Energy Jigsaw

 Your Guide to Energy

Last modified 08 September 2006
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