Oregon State University
Special Collections
Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers
Linus Pauling Honors, Medals and Awards

Linus Pauling, an OSU alum (Oregon Agricultural College, class of 1922), was among the most decorated of American scientists. He received his first honorary doctorate from his alma mater in 1933, and in rapid succession was similarly honored by institutions including Oxford University, the University of Chicago, Princeton University, Cambridge University and the Sorbonne. By the time of his death, Pauling had been awarded forty-seven honorary doctorates. Not included in this total is the honorary diploma received in 1962 from Washington High School in Portland, Oregon. Interestingly, Linus Pauling, the pre-eminent chemist of the twentieth century, never graduated from high school, having neglected to take a required course in American history.

Pauling likewise received every important award that a chemist can receive. He was the first recipient of the A.C. Langmuir prize (1931), given by the American Chemical Society to the most promising American chemist under the age of forty. In chemistry he was also awarded the Willard Gibbs Medal (1946), the Humphry Davy Medal (1947), the T.W. Richards Medal (1947), the G.N. Lewis Medal (1951), the M.V. Lomonosov Medal (1978), the Joseph Priestley Medal (1984), and others; in medicine, the Thomas Addis Medal (1955) of the American Nephrosis Society, the John Phillips Medal (1956) of the American Association of Physicians, the John K. Lattimer Medal (1981) of the American Academy of Urology, and others; in mineralogy the Washington A. Roebling Medal (1967) of the American Mineralogical Society; and in mathematics the Pierre Fermat Medal (1957). He was also presented the Presidential Medal for Merit (1948) by President Harry Truman and the National Medal of Science (1975) by President Gerald Ford.

Linus Pauling remains the only person to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes (Chemistry, 1954; Peace, 1962).


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1910's | 1920's | 1930's | 1940's | 1950's | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's


Browse The Pauling Catalogue: Honors, Awards, Citations...

Quick Links to Major Awards

Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1954
Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1954
Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1963
Nobel Prize for Peace, 1962
Amedeo Avogadro Medal, 1956
Amedeo Avogadro Medal, 1956
Laurent Lavoisier, 1986
Laurent Lavoisier Medal, 1986
National Academy of Science Medal in Chemical Sciences, 1979
National Academy of Science Medal in Chemical Sciences, 1979
Vannevar Bush Award, 1989
Vannevar Bush Award, 1989

View by Subjects

Degrees, Academic
Honorary citizenship
International Relations
Medical Sciences
Physical Sciences

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This site has been a collaboration between Special Collections and Technical Services.
We should like to acknowledge the following people for their substantive help in putting together this site:
Terry Reese, Mike Boock, Laura Wilson, Christie Anderson, Eric Arnold, Kim Ivancovich, Caitlin Wilson, Ryan Wick, Chris Petersen, Cliff Mead