Glory Road (2006)

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Sometimes it takes a sports movie to remind us how far we've come as a country -- and to marvel at how we got here at all, in our awkward combination of leaps and baby steps.
3/4Glory Road, a stand-up-and-cheer basketball tale taken from real life, is a drama that, almost inevitably, falls short of its subject. But what a subject!
3/4For all its faults, the film brings back a forgotten moment in racial equality more vividly than a documentary on ESPN Classic.
Glory Road
2/4Lacking the gritty reality of the 1994 documentary Hoop Dreams, this Jerry Bruckheimer film, directed by newcomer James Gartner, converts a year in the life of a basketball team into a very conventional triumph of the underdogs.
1.5/5It’s a new year, so let’s run through those sports movie clichés one more time.
3/4Rages with bleacher-stomping, fist-pumping thrills you'd expect from an underdog sports movie.
Glory Road
8.5/10Until inspirational sports films stop making us feel good, expect several more. This is a fun ride that will make you smile.
2/4A slick package with the wrinkles of real life smoothed clean out of it.
tells the story in the most compelling way possible. And since it takes place before Queen, at least here's one sports movie where we don't have to hear 'We are the Champions' again.

If the prospect of another reality-based Disney sports drama makes you want to pull your fingernails out with pliers, you'll be pleasantly surprised by this bio of the 1966 Texas Western Miners.
Glory Road doesn't live up to its title, but it plays a good game.
A successful mix of politics, social commentary and sports.
Glory Road
Where was Stephen A. Smith when you needed him?
3.5/4a classic crowd pleasing movie full of predictability, but it comes with some good acting, a little humor and a touching story as well.
C+A well-meaning movie that slides downhill like a runaway ball of cheese.
2.5/4Similarities between Glory Road and Remember the Titans (2000) are purely intentional.
2.5/5The players and coaches of Texas Western changed the sport of basketball forever; Glory Road accomplishes nothing.
B-Glory Road plays fast and loose with some of the facts leading up to that event. But that certainly gives it dramatic punch.
CAn underdog sports movie by the numbers.
Glory Road

Average Rating: 0/10
3.5/5This season's obligatory inspirational coach-centered sports movie finds its true story at a point where sports history intersects with the struggle for racial equality.
A slick enterprise buoyed by a Motown-flavored '60s soundtrack and an appealing ensemble cast.
This Jerry Bruckheimer production, directed by commercial director James Gartner in a solid feature debut, should please male fans as well as those who don't mind a dose of social commentary with their sports heroics.
3/4Where it succeeds is as the story of a chapter in history, the story of how one coach at one school arrived at an obvious conclusion and acted on it, and helped open college sports in the South to generations of African Americans.
3.5/5It's a terrific story of a team of Davids with hoop dreams running a gantlet of patrician Goliaths against a backdrop of momentous social change.
Glory Road, the true-ish story of the first all-black NCAA championship basketball team, throws down a 360 slam dunk in the face of racism.
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