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Regional activities > European police and judicial systems
Republic of Croatia

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The following pages are intended to be used as a reference guide and as general information about police and judicial systems in Interpol member countries in the European region. To facilitate understanding and make comprehension and comparison easier, the data from all contributing countries is presented in the same format. Police officers involved in international law enforcement matters especially should be aware of the many differences in police and judicial systems in Europe. This information will serve to aid this endeavour and hopefully promote greater efficiency in international police co-operation.

  Geographical position
  Political system
  Government authorities competent for prevention and suppression of criminal offences
  Republic of Croatia – Police Organization Chart
  International searches
  Preliminary investigations and judicial authorities
Judicial system
  In general
  Undertaking the criminal prosecution
Investigation of the criminal acts and the international cooperation
  Possibilities (investigative measures)
  Data access
  Liaison officers
Cooperation of police and customs administration
  State holidays


1. Introduction

Top 1.1 Geographical position

The Republic of Croatia is situated in central Europe, and it borders with the Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia and Montenegro.

Area-Population- Language

  • Official name: Republic of Croatia
  • Area: 56.542 square km
  • Population: 4.400.000
  • Capital: Zagreb
  • Language: Croatian
  • Currency: Kuna
  • Units of local self-government: 20 countries and the City of Zagreb

Top 1.2 Political system

Legislative power in the Republic of Croatia lies with the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia.

The President of the Republic of Croatia is elected for the period of five years.

Executive power in the Republic of Croatia lies with the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and it is headed by the Prime Minister, who acts according to advice and joint decisions of relevant ministers.


2. Police system

Top 2.1 Government authorities competent for prevention and suppression of criminal offences

Government authorities competent for the prevention and suppression of criminal offences are the following: the police, which acts as part of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia, which also includes the Office for the Suppression of Organized Crime and Corruption, and Customs Administration, the Office for the Suppression of Money Laundering and Tax Administration, which are part of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia.

The police

The police represents a public service of the Ministry of the Interior which deals with the following affairs: protection of individual life, rights, security and integrity, protection of property, prevention and detection of criminal offences, misdemeanors, violations, search for perpetrators of criminal offences, misdemeanors, violations and their bringing before competent authorities, control and management of road traffic, conducting affairs with aliens, control and security of state border, and other affairs defined by law.

In the operative sense, police affairs are divided into affairs related to public peace and order, affairs related to security of public gatherings, affairs of the border police, affairs of safety of road traffic, affairs of counter-explosive protection, affairs of the criminal police, crime-technical affairs, crime-files affairs, administrative affairs, nationality-related affairs, status questions and asylum, affairs of protection and rescue, inspection affairs and technical affairs.

Top 2.2 Republic of Croatia – Police Organization Chart

The Ministry of the Interior constituted the General Police Directorate as an administrative organization for conducting police affairs. General Police Directorate is headed by General Police Director.

There are the following organization forms within General Police Directorate:

  1. Police Directorate
  2. Criminal Police Directorate
  3. Border Police Directorate
  4. Command of Special Police
  5. Operational Communication Centre
  6. Forensic Centre
  7. Police Academy

For immediate conducting of police affairs there are 20 police districts divided into four categories, which cover the territory of the Republic of Croatia according to the organization of units of local self-government.


Top 2.3 NCB

As the organizational unit within the General Police Directorate, Criminal Police Directorate, International Police Cooperation Department, Interpol Zagreb works as the Section within the mentioned Department. In the framework of the mentioned Department an operative-communication centre with 24 hrs duty, which enables the flow of information for the organized units of the criminal police within the police districts and Interpol Zagreb, was organized.

Top 2.4 International searches

Interpol Zagreb is the contact point for all questions which refer to the international investigations.

Top 2.5 Preliminary investigations and judicial authorities

State Attorney
Investigating judge
establishing identity
hearing of the suspects
ordering detention
issuing of searches/person
carrying out of searches
seizure of a property


3. Judicial system

Top 3.1 In general

The system of the three-way partition at the legislative, judiciary and executive authority was established by the Croatian Constitution.

The courts in the Republic of Croatia are: Municipal courts, District courts, The Supreme court of the Republic of Croatia and the Constitutional court of the Republic of Croatia. The Municipal courts conduct trials in the proceedings of the first, the District courts in the proceedings of the second and the Supreme court in the proceedings of the third instance.

Top 3.2 Undertaking the criminal prosecution

The State Attorneys, who work within the State Attorney's Office, which is completely independent from the courts, have the legal authority of initiating the criminal procedure.

When dealing with affairs from their authority, the State Attorneys have an authority of a direct contact and requesting the assistance, i.e. submitting the request to the police officers.


4. Investigation of the criminal acts and the international cooperation

Top 4.1 Possibilities (investigative measures)

  • establishing the location of the phone users N
  • taping the phone communication Y
  • recording the public areas Y
  • recording other areas Y
  • electronic surveillance Y
  • following/surveillance Y
  • controlled delivery Y
  • infiltration into the criminal groups Y
  • witness protection Y

(*) All mentioned means are possible according to the national legislation, but the means marked are being familiarised by the police

Top 4.2 Data access

  • on persons being searched for Y
  • on missing persons Y
  • on stolen vehicles Y
  • on stolen objects Y
  • on penal files N
  • on fingerprint files Y
  • on photographs of perpetrators of crim. Offences Y
  • on persons serving prison sentences N
  • on publicly published phone subscribers Y
  • on phone subscribers with secret data Y
  • on keepers of vehicles and registration of vehicles Y
  • on ppt files Y
  • on legal persons files Y
  • on driver’s files, driving licences files Y
  • on files of citizens/voters files Y
  • on bank accounts N
  • on tax payers files N

Top 4.3 Liaison officers

4.3.1 Croatian liaison officers abroad

Croatian liaison officer at the General Secretary of Interpol and Croatian liaison officer at SECI Centre in Bucharest, Romania.

4.3.2 Foreign liaison officers acting in the R Croatia

Foreign liaison officers in the R Croatia are: French liaison officer, Greek liaison officer and Italian liaison officer. Liaison officers of the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Finland, Island, Norway and Sweden), Austria, Germany (BKA and BGS), Canada, USA (FBI), Belgium and the Netherlands at the Embassies of the a/m countries outside the territory of Croatia also cover territory of the R Croatia.


5. Cooperation of police and customs administration

Croatian Customs Service is not authorised to carry out criminal investigations, i.e. to undertake criminal investigations, but in justified cases Customs Service can obtain data from police files.

Provisions of Customs Act provide for cases in which customs officers can obtain certain police powers.


6. Other

Top 6.1 State holidays

01.01. - New Year
06.01. – Epiphany
- Easter Monday
01.05. – Labours Day
- Corpus Christi
22.06. – Day of anti-fascist battle
25.06. – Croatian National Day
05.08. – National Thanksgiving Day
15.08. – Feast of the Assumption
08.10 – Independence Day
01.11. – All Saints’ Day
25. and 26.12. – Christmas Day


Regional activities - European police and judicial systems  
Last modified on 23 Mar 2007 
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