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Jennifer M. Contino
Member # 9885

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Drum’s not changing the date!
With news that Wizard had added a sixth show in Atlanta Georgia to its schedule, the internet has been abuzz with concerns about the date (June 30-July 2) and what that proximity to other conventions means for those outside the Wizard Umbrella. During that time there is the Origins convention in Columbus, Ohio and the Anime Expo in Anaheim California. This convention is also running around the same time of perennial favorite Heroes Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, which has caused quite a stir. The Gaijin Studios group, Bryan Hitch, Tony Harris, and Greg Rucka have made statements about their thoughts on the timing of Wizard World Atlanta. Drum has told THE PULSE after the support he’s received he’s not changing his date.

Some comic professionals are concerned this convention will “shut down” the 25 year annual event.

Organizer and comic shop owner Shelton Drum wrote a letter to industry professionals apprising them of the situation with Wizard. He shared this letter with THE PULSE:

I just wanted to let the industry know that the date announced for the first Wizard World Atlanta is the same date as my long-running (since 1982) Heroes Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina. HeroesCon has always been in the mid to late June time-frame, and I have always tried my best to avoid scheduling conflicts with other shows both major and regional. I believe fans, dealers, publishers and pros want to support everything positive in the industry and attend as many conventions as are available to them that are affordable and work within their schedules. Before Wizard World Philly this year I wrote to my contact at Wizard inquiring about their planned dates for 2006. It is my policy to announce dates one year in advance at the HeroesCon every year.

My planning a show too close to a major East Coast event or to San Diego or Chicago would be suicide. It is hard enough to get support from professionals and publishers as it is, as most will only do one show a month due to the time it takes to recover and get back to work after a convention. The tentative date for Philly was June 2-4; San Diego dates for 2006 are July 19-23. June 30 - July 2 was available to me at the Charlotte Convention Center and was sandwiched perfectly between these two major shows with three weeks recovery time on either side.

As soon as I confirmed my dates I emailed Wizard, especially since I had heard the rumor coming out of Philly of the addition of a 6th WizardWorld, possibly to be held in Atlanta, possibly in the summer of 2006. I offered my support of an Atlanta WizardWorld if it was held in a complimentary time-frame to HeroesCon. To be honest, I was excited by the prospect of having a big show in Atlanta, I sell comics too. Scheduling over top of a well-established, well-liked, and one of the very few pure comic-book conventions left in the country can not be good for our industry. I really don't see any expansion of the market with this announcement.

I have always been a supporter of Wizard magazine as well as their convention circuit and i hope that I can continue to be.

Shelton Drum
Heroes Aren't Hard To Find
Heroes Convention June 30 - July 2, 2006
Charlotte Convention Center

THE PULSE contacted Shelton Drum for his thoughts about this outpouring of support and well wishes. Drum said, “It’s been awesome, overwhelming, and humbling. Some of the things I’ve heard are making me cry.”

“I did talk to Wizard’s Stewart Morales and Karen Evora today,” Drum continued. “They apologized and thought the convention was going to be on Father’s Day. I pointed out that our show hasn’t been on Father’s Day for three years and that this date was planned with their calendar in mind. They asked me to move the date and I told them I don’t think I should. I don’t want to. I have other reasons for that date – not the least of which is my child’s graduation from high school. I asked them to move they said they were locked into the date. They offered me a few incentives to move and I told them I’d think about it, but I don’t think I can do it.”

Drum said, “I’ve done a few shows. I know how it works. You have bail out periods. I’m sure they could change the date in the facility. I can’t imagine any hotel or facility not honoring that request. Three weeks after Philly and three before SDCC seemed like a pretty clear date. If I were to go two weeks earlier I have my child’s graduation, it’s Father’s day, and there are some local restrictions as well. Having the entire area getting out of school the day the show starts is not a good time locally. Besides we’ve been advertised in print already for this date.”

Drum wasn’t asked for his input on open dates in the summer. But he did candidly provide that data to Wizard. “They didn’t ask me when I was doing my show. I was prodding them to see what their dates were. As soon as I had their dates, I sent them my date and asked them to avoid my date so there wasn’t a conflict. There had been no announcement but they had my date in their hands. I’ve tried not to cite other things that Wizard has done that may be are not the best for the industry, but a lot of people are saying they are moving their dates to purposely conflict with other shows – even San Diego. Wizard can’t win against San Diego. San Diego is an institution, no matter how big it gets or how far away from comics it becomes.”

Drum stated, “I’m not moving my date. With the creators sticking their necks out and the support we have, how could I do anything but honor them and stay firm with what we started. I owe it to the creators and the fans who are supporting us all over the internet. There are too many nooks and crannies in America for one company to supply it all whether it’s distributing comic books or presenting creators for fans to meet. There is plenty of room for Wizard to grow in places that need a convention. They should be working in New York and not losing that venue to someone from the outside. I’d like to see everyone get behind Mike Carbonaro and the Big Apple Con to help him have the big show. Mike was a kid selling comics in New York when I first started going to conventions. He’s worked hard and goes way back. The Big Apple isn’t glitzy or slick, but it’s New York and that’s the way NY cons have always been. His shows are like the early Creation shows or any other show I’ve ever been to in NY.”

Drum is thankful for the support. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! It’s just amazing the level of support I’ve received. We had Hitch on board a few weeks ago, but were waiting for the announcement. But now’s the time to say it all. All the regulars will be back. Image Comics’ Eric Stephenson has also confirmed their support for next year’s show. They want to buy the space and be there as a company. We also have all three of the Brothers Hernandez and lots more great creators on tap for next year. We’re about comic books – not just the biggest best selling comic book, but comic books made and sold in America. We want to represent that entire industry. There will be other things for sale, but it’s all centered on the comic book industry. We want diversity, but we’re not going to be a media show.”

“Anyone who has thought about coming to HeroesCon, please give me a call or drop me an email letting me know if you intend to come and we can work out some details,” Drum said.

When contacted, a spokesperson from Wizard told THE PULSE, "It's all rumor and speculation at this point in time. There is no official statement regarding the dates."

Before receiving Drum's letter, Gaijin Studios responded to the news of an Atlanta con with a rousing round of support for both Drum and HeroesCon.


Dear Pros:

Sorry for the mass e-mail, but we just feel that this is too important not to try to mass some support for our friend.

Well, it seems that Wizard World Atlanta's finally been made official, according to ICV2. This is great in theory, because Atlanta needs a good, large comics show.

The problem here is that they've chosen the exact same weekend as the long-running Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC. They've done this after being apprised of those dates months ago by Heroes organizer Shelton Drum, with an offer to support their new show in any way possible as long as they didn't try to run him over. WWA could've chosen a number of other dates, but they've decided instead to try to shut down Heroes, one of the friendliest, most family-oriented, and now longest-lived conventions in the country.

Our opinion is that they know exactly what they're doing, and we think it's unconscionable and overtly hostile. They have no reason to do this other than to try to crush the other guy. This is just low.

We've never done anything even close to organizing a protest or a boycott before, but it seems to us that Shelton and his crew are our people, and we owe them at least our public support in the face of abject greed. We're all for Wizard in Atlanta, but not at the expense of Shelton's bread and butter.

So, we propose a very public show of support on the part of every Atlanta-area comics professional that we can get in contact with. So, if you agree, please forward this to as many professionals and retailers as you can in and around Atlanta. Hopefully, we can rally enough attention to get them to change their dates.

Thank you!


Cully Hamner
Brian Stelfreeze
Karl Story
Gaijin Studios

Hamner told THE PULSE, “I’ve heard a lot of support from other comic creators and fans. Several people have said they are going to talk to Wizard.”

“Everyone would love a Wizard show in Atlanta, but scheduling it on the same day and weekend as Heroes Con makes it hard for me to believe Wizard didn’t do this specifically to compete with Shelton,” Hamner said. “Mainly because Shelton apprised them of those dates months ago. Obviously Wizard paid for the venue and are probably locked into those dates. There might not be much Wizard can do at this point in time. Hopefully, though, we can gather enough support for Shelton and Heroes Con.”

Hamner said, “It’s not necessarily a savvy business move to create such bad will in a market that isn’t necessarily huge yet. I don’t think anyone wants Wizard to crash and burn or lose money or create any sort of ill will, but Shelton’s show is a longstanding tradition, it’s a great show, and I think people should support it. If Wizard does end up changing their dates, I’m sure almost all of the creative community in Atlanta would be happy to go.”

Since this message was posted on other comic pros have jumped up and said they plan on attending Heroes Con over Wizard World Atlanta.

In fact Bryan Hitch stated he was attending HeroesCon next year. “I just confirmed with Shelton that I will be attending Heroes 2006 so I hope to see as many people as possible there. It's only my second US con as I'm not really a big attendee of these things but I've heard nothing but great things about Heroes and I'm glad to be able to finally attend.”

When contacted, Hitch told THE PULSE how he came to choose Heroes as his second US convention appearance. “My friend and dealer Rich is Shel's mate and they have asked me to attend every year for the last century or so,” Hitch said. “I've finally been able to say yes and thought it an opportunity to say so. It coincided with Cully's plea for reason and I'm happy to offer what support I can. Wizard play a huge role in today's fan industry and what they do is groovy and important. I should be attending their Dallas Con this November. Shelton has been running a great con that everybody speaks well of for years and years and I'm sure Wizard wouldn't deliberately be attempting to put Heroes out of business which would be very bad form. If they couldn't operate a joint convention then another weekend would make more sense, possibly six months apart to keep the vibrant community their going through the year rather than two great shows on the same day.”

”Makes more sense to me than double parking the shows and risk both losing out or a great traditional family show losing out to a bigger player,” Hitch continued. “The fans will gain from two shows, absolutely. Given the choice I would probably choose Shel's show because I heard such wonderful things about it's character and intimacy. I would much rather be able to attend both and if they were spread sufficiently far apart I could and would do so.”

Hitch said, “Given Heroes long standing pedigree and traditions it would be a great and heroic move on Wizard's part to reschedule their con so that each may successfully compliment the other and allow a greater choice for both fans and pros alike. Why does there need to be a conflict? Where there's conflict there is always a loser and that doesn't help anybody. In the growth of both the industry and its fan support it would be a shame for such a great and long-standing show like Heroes to be compromised. The fans will lose and so will we.”

Others have posted support online as well. Ex-Machina co-creator and artist Tony Harris posted on Brian K. Vaughan’s official message boards here for support of HeroesCon.

Harris wrote:

Hiya. I am sending out the call. OK so Wizard has decided to put on this show the EXACT same weekend as HEROES CON. So just so you know: I won’t be at the Wizard show. There is a frightening trend going on I am not sure a lot of you are aware of. Seems Wizard is intent on OWNING the entire con circuit and driving out the smaller guys ALL together. Not cool. I have been an attendee of the HEROES CONVENTION for 16 years. From my days with Gaijin Studios, then on into the present. Shelton Drum( Owner of the show) is a Saint. Period. I have been lucky enough to become his friend over the years and I am simply asking folks to not go to Atlanta. Now I’m sure things will work out (cause Shelton is a smart guy and he has options). But my concern is that people cant afford to do ALL the shows year round and they might choose the larger venue. Your choice. I’m just asking that you make a smart one. We are in the process of contacting as many Professionals as possible asking them to Boycott Wizard in Atlanta. Hopefully they will all go to Heroes instead and if you wanna see them, that’s where you'll go. Thanks fer listening to my rant. By the by, Wizard was thinking about the same thing in Seattle and that would have killed Emerald City Comicon. Glad they backed off. I will be there this coming year too. Copy and paste this as many places as you can. Later Taters!

Greg Rucka has also made a statement here at the Heroes and Wizards forum:

As some of you may know, Wizard Entertainment announced plans for a WW-Atlanta show. And of the many weekends they picked, they picked--quite intentionally--the weekend of Heroes Con in Charlotte.

To those of us who have been paying attention to such things, this wasn't truly a surprise. That doesn't change the fact, however, that it's galling as hell.

I cannot speak for anyone else about this. Several industry pros have already weighed in on the subject of a WW-Atlanta boycott in favor of Heroes Con. I'm with them on this. Everyone I know who has attended the Charlotte show speaks highly of Shelton Drum, the man who both founded and runs the con. It's a show I've been invited to several times, and have sadly been unable to attend.

I'm attending it next year. For those of you who can make it, I hope to see you there.

This may not seem like a big deal to many, but I think it is. The comics industry's strength and spine come from people who are passionate about the form, from people who care more about comics than about film rights. It comes from an independent spirit, and from a personal love. Independent shows embody this beautifully--shows like Heroes and, closer to my home, Emerald City and the Portland Comic Show.

Something for people to think about, at any rate.


Upcoming Wizard World comic conventions now include:

Chicago: August 4th – 7th
Boston: September 30th - October 2nd
Dallas: November 4th – 6th
L.A.: March 17th – 19th (2006)
Philadelphia: June 2nd – 4th (2006)
Atlanta: June 29th – July 2nd (2006)

Before this year’s Heroes Con, for the first time, the convention hotel was booked solid. “The show was awesome this year,” Drum said. “I’m not sure of the official numbers but we were up about 20 or 25% last year from attendance through the door. Normally dealers can find some problems with your operation, but all of our dealers had a great time, made money, and want to come back for next year. That’s really gratifying to me. I’m a dealer too, you know? When you have a great show and people want to know when the next one is, that’s awesome. And the creators and fans had a really nice time.”

You can learn more about Heroes Con and its history here:

You can also write to Wizard about their comic conventions schedules at this email address:

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I'm very proud that Bryan has decided to take time out or a very busy schedule to join us at Heroes Con 2006.
The fact that Heroes is year after year one of the best shows a fan could attend is a reflection on the excellent guest list Shelton puts together. If this were not true Bryan would not have considered joining us next year.
Rich DeDominicis

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I've never attended the show.

But every year they send me promotional materials.

Today I read about this David-and-Goliath scenario and now I'm thinking, to hell with that, I'm going in 2006. I even read Eric Stephenson is talking about an Image presence there. I'd love to meet the South East fans, and help rep the West coast's support of Heroes Con.

I've got nothing against Wizard, per say, they are doing what they do. And who knows, in a month or so this might all get ironed out. But still, the move appears on paper, a hostile move and if I can help it, I wont stand for it. If I can't make it in person I'll be sending art to the auction.

But I plan to make it. Already written on the calendar, and making plans to set aside funds. I hope (crosses fingers) to have TWO new book series out before then so it'll all work out fine with me. I'm not a "big name" but I'll do my part.

Again, I'm not against Wizard, but I am definitely FOR HeroesCon.

Jimmie Robinson!
Artist / Writer / Creator

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captain spectre
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I just don't understand why Wizard would do this, other than to 'have it all' ..... what a rotten mess, and if I had the money to go to either it would be HeroesCon....... cause I remember when comic conventions were all about comics.....not movies, games, and companies trying to get fans to not spend money on comics and spend it on other products.....

If Wizard wanted a new market....try Denver or someplace there is no major media cons.....
just a thought...... Go Heroes Con!!!!!!!

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Philip Looney
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HeroesCon is a great show, that is really about comics. There are tons of great pros at the show, and a very strong indy presence. I'm really looking forward to going next year again - even more so now that it seems that a lot of pros are siding with the little guy and coming to this show - including Art Adams!!!!

Yes, I've started a blog too.

Pop-Town Productions - Comics for all!

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rk02920 the Fist of Khonshu
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Wizard really messed up with this, its astounding the amount of people who are turning away from the Wizard Con. I've been a Heroes Con fan for nearly a decade now but I'm shocked to see the support from everyone. Way to go Shelton! Heroes Con rocks!!

"Lets listen to him he has amazing powers" Dead website without and update in months! @

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Now the Comics Buyer's Guide indicates that Wizard denies the dates for the 2006 Atlanta show as reported by ICv2


Jeff Mason - Publisher
Alternative Comics


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Christian Beranek
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Shelton treats fans and professionals with respect. I am torn because of my support for both shows, but if I have to choose which one I will attend it will be Heroes Con.

I will send my brother to Atlanta so that our fanbase can be appeased on both fronts.

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Wizard (A.K.A. Wal-Mart) can't bully their way into the convention season.

Why cannibalize the market?


P.S. COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE is a better magazine, as well.

John 3:16

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That's the way the ball bounces.

We live in a capitalistic society. No rules that say you can't have two conventions on the same weekend.

And I say this mainly because whenever I would bring up Jack Kirby I would get replies that he knew what he was doing and that's business.

Welp, this is business.

"Part of me suspects that I’m a loser, and the other part of me thinks I’m God Almighty.”

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Brandon Peterson
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I will be going to Heroes Con in 2006. I will continue to go to the Heroes Cons as long as Shelton wants me to. There is no other convention I would do this for and no other guy I would do it for. I hope that says enough.

Brandon Peterson

Brandon "Brando" Peterson

"If it's Brando, it ain't bland-o!"

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Now is the time for DC & Marvel to step up to the plate and show that they are not beholden to Wizard. Both companies should announce that they will be attending the Heroes Con and not Atlanta. Thia is an event run by a retailer and they should show their loyalty to the people who sell their product.

John Gavin
York Comics & Cards

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Paul Smith
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I vote, Shelton.
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Originally posted by Agrasshopperwalksintoabar:
That's the way the ball bounces.

We live in a capitalistic society. No rules that say you can't have two conventions on the same weekend.

And I say this mainly because whenever I would bring up Jack Kirby I would get replies that he knew what he was doing and that's business.

Welp, this is business.

And the patrons and creators loudly saying 'NO' to Wizard's move and vowing to support Heroes Con is also business.
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Member # 2531

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Seems to me given the schedule Wizard has with their other cons that sometime in late April or early May would’ve made more sense.
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Jennifer M. Contino
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Originally posted by JeffMason:
Now the Comics Buyer's Guide indicates that Wizard denies the dates for the 2006 Atlanta show as reported by ICv2


We had a Wizard official comment in our piece, too, Jeff.

When contacted, a spokesperson from Wizard told THE PULSE, "It's all rumor and speculation at this point in time. There is no official statement regarding the dates."

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Charles Vess
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Frankly there is no choice to be made.

Go Shelton, Ill be seeing you next year!!

Best Charles
Charles Vess/Green Man Press

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Engine Joe
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This is no different than anything else in life.

Dueling conventions are not necessarily a bad thing. It can only serve to improve BOTH conventions by forcing each to become more attentive to the desires of their paying customers in order to survive.

"Competition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer, but is the incentive to progress." - Herbert Hoover

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I’d like to see everyone get behind Mike Carbonaro and the Big Apple Con to help him have the big show. Mike was a kid selling comics in New York when I first started going to conventions. He’s worked hard and goes way back. The Big Apple isn’t glitzy or slick, but it’s New York and that’s the way NY cons have always been. His shows are like the early Creation shows or any other show I’ve ever been to in NY.”
Which is why everyone says The Big Apple Con sucks. Which is why lots of NYC fans have been calling for a big show for years. Where we can actually meet more that A couple of big namers. I've had fun at the shows but I think they really need to change lots of things.

I hope Shelton can get wizard to move there dates or pick a new state but I can't agree with his comments on the Big Apple Con

Any one else seen Mike Carbonaro? Doesn't he dress like Mike Jagger and Steven Tyler clone.

For the coward there is no life, for the hero there is no death.

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Bring Back Zot
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I'm glad so many people are supporting Shelton. I used to shop at his now long defunct Chapel Hill store in the early 1980's. Unfortunately, I've never been to Heroes con, becaue I moved. Even then, Shelton was very friendly to artists and writers = one of the good guys.

In fact, I remember a Heroes store signing with Steve Bissette and John Totleben during the peak period of Swamp Thing.

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Cully Hamner
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Millar's in!
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I think that the support (or boycott) against Wizard is noble and well intentioned. Though I notice that the boycott is focused solely on the Atlanta show. I wonder why people aren't making a stronger stand against the hype machine mag and its string on conventions. Because a stand against one show, (especially where the person puting on the show is so popular and well regarded,) might not be enough. How long before Wizard tries to cut into the other bigger cons, Origins (since they have IQ magazine) or the recently finished San Diego Con. Is saying don't show up to one con enough to stop Wizard from trying the same stunt over and over again?
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Broken Shakespeare
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I could understand if Wizard World wanted to hold a convention the same weekend, if it were Wizard World Montana or something further away. I think that announcing another convention in the same geographic area is a slap to the face of Hero Con.

I've attended a few Wizard cons and they are good shows. I've never left disappointed. But I also think Wizard is a bit overly competitive and imperialistic in their con expansions of the past few years. I get the impression that t hey want to put on all the cons everyone and muscle (or buy) every con out of business.

Broken Shakespeare

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