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Is it safe to swallow semen during pregnancy?

Is it safe to swallow semen during pregnancy?

Expert Answers

Deborah Ehrenthal, assistant residency program director of obstetrics and gynecology, Christiana Care Health System in Wilmington, DE

Yes. But remember that semen is a way to spread HIV, so you would need to be sure that your partner is free of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. If you're not sure, then you'll need to use a condom or avoid oral sex.

Gina Brown, medical director of Cicatelli Associates, New York, NY

There's no danger to the baby from the semen itself. As long as you're in a monogamous relationship and know that your partner is free of STDs, there's no risk. If your partner is HIV-positive, it's not safe because the virus is present in semen, and you and your baby could become infected if you swallow it.

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My husband and I are both clean as far as STD's go, and I know it's safe, but something about knowing the baby is going to be swallowing it too in some sense creeps me out. I never had a problem before but not now, I'll wait until after the baby is born.
posted 9/16/2007 by mrssteeves
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i think semen should only be inside my body through one way only... into my vagina and only to create more babies... dont swallow your fututre children ... please... thats disgusting
posted 2/12/2008 by Anonymous
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I have a question can you use sex toys while you pregrant.
posted 1/23/2008 by family33
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KNowing that its that healthy I can continue doing what i do best
posted 12/15/2007 by Pattie84
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what about if he's been drinking or has medications in his system...would it be in the semen and potentialy affect my baby?
posted 12/17/2007 by Anonymous
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I don't know about all this. The way I see it, I don't want my baby eating its future brothers and sisters.
posted 12/22/2007 by Anonymous
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u are really nasty jayn0000 then u should drink teaspoonfulls of semen everyday.someone told u wrong,that is really nasty that u started swallowing his sperm because of all the benefits just get your proteins and vitamins and so on from somewhere else im sorry to tell u but u r wrong and just plain nasty.i wouldnt want my baby to get those benefits from my husbands sperm ill give my baby the benfits he deserves the right way not by drinking not by swallowing teaspoons of ejaculate eeeeeeewwwwwww nastyyyyyy
posted 1/13/2008 by Anonymous
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I have never thought about this kind of questions but i guess its good to know just in case. :)
posted 12/10/2007 by Anonymous
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I never thought about that.
posted 9/28/2007 by Laken907
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