The Shell Rock Community Historical Society is a newly formed, non-profit organization in Shell Rock, Iowa. We organized to preserve Shell Rock's history and educate our young people and community about our rich heritage. Our town of about 1,200 individuals is located 25 miles northwest of Waterloo, Iowa.

We recently celebrated the 150th anniversary of the town's establishment. In so doing, we became aware of many citizens who are direct descendants of the founding fathers. A spin-off of the celebration, was a book about our first 150 years. During these endeavors, some residents have voiced concerns that if our artifacts and historical items are not saved, they will no longer be available for our children.

Educating the children is important to the Historical Society. This influenced our purchase of a lot on April 28, located across the street from our elementary school. Here we will relocate a 1920's, Craftsman-style house from Shell Rock's floodplain. The house is virtually untouched inside from when it was built except for modernization of the bathroom and kitchen. Our goal is to preserve the house and use it as a museum.
Other pages you may want to visit:
inside pictures
items for sale
relocating the house
fundraising items
Shell Rock Historical Society