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African-American HIV/AIDS Resource Center
    This resource center was created with support from Reyataz®.
What's Inside
What's Your Opinion?
In your experience, how much of the African-American community appears to still believe that HIV doesn't cause AIDS?
Less than 5 percent
5 to 10 percent
11 to 20 percent
more than 30 percent
HIV Ministry Tools

Rev. Alberta WAre

Rev. Alberta Ware

Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheeks

Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheeks

An ever-growing number of churches in African-American communities are making an effort to embrace HIV-positive people and become part of the HIV prevention effort. Every year, more churches create AIDS ministries and make certain their doors are wide open to people with HIV; more pastors make HIV a vital part of their gospel; more congregations get involved in prevention and testing in order to stop the spread of HIV in their communities; and more church members challenge one another to question, and dismiss, their prejudices.

Are you HIV positive and looking for a church where you can feel at home? Are you a member of a church and would like to set up an AIDS ministry, or get your place of worship more involved in the fight against HIV? Use the tools on this page to find the answers you're looking for. Also be sure to read our one-on-one interviews with African-American religious figures at the forefront of the U.S. fight against HIV.

Tools | Resources | Interviews


For the Healing of AIDS: 52 Week Church Bulletin Meditation (1st Quarter) (PDF)
Meditations from the Balm in Gilead that can be used in church bulletins or during service readings throughout the year to "heighten" the awareness of HIV, and to start and/or continue the life-saving conversation about HIV/AIDS

We Will Break The Silence! - PrayerBook - A Collection of Liturgical Resources for the Healing of AIDS (PDF)

The Faith in Prevention Training Manual:
Tools For Your HIV/AIDS Ministry

To read PDF, click here.


Balm in Gilead
One excellent place to find a friendly church is Balm in Gilead. For 19 years, this organization has mobilized The Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, which engages Black churches to become centers for education, compassion and care in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is taking place this year March 2-8, 2008. For more on this, click here.

To find a church in Balm in Gilead's HIV/AIDS Network, click here. Or use this map.

Council of Religious AIDS Networks, AIDS Ministries

Recommendations for Churches Building HIV Ministries

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2008:
"Faith Communities of Chicago Respond to AIDS"
Call to Commitment (PDF)


Rev. Alberta Ware

Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheeks

Rev. Jimmy Myers

Got comments? Want to share your story? Tell us what you think!

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