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Presidential Transition

About The Series

The next President will face a wide range of challenges - economic, political, and social. He will need to be able to lead an effective government that can address these challenges. The IBM Center for The Business of Government is committed to helping identify and bring best practices from research to practice to help address these issues.

During 2008-2009, the IBM Center is devoting special attention to the needs of the incoming Administration. In addition to the many options to the right of the page, we are also sponsoring special forums on management challenges that are likely to face the next Administration.

The IBM Center, like in past years, is a member of a broader coalition of groups dedicated to improving government management.

Read Reviews of Our Two New Books

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"Advice on dealing with the next administration is pouring out all over. And none is as blunt as the press-shop skinny in a new guidebook from the Washington-based IBM Center for the Business of Government." Paul Bedard, U.S. News & World Report 10/31

"The McCain and Obama campaigns have collected two White House "operator's manuals" just published by the IBM Center for the Business of Government in which former top federal officials explain how the government works." Paul Bedard, U.S. News & World Report 10/09

"The two books [...] offer practical lessons in an accessible, nicely packaged, well-written form. ... Each is less than 200 pages and they are organized in a way that allows readers to jump from topic to topic in order of interest." Joe Davidson, The Washington Post 10/08

"The IBM Center for the Business of Government has released two books that offer detailed guidance to help government executives navigate the presidential transition." Elizabeth Newell, Government Executive 10/06

"The books offer tips on managing the confirmation process, learning about the federal agencies and how they work, assembling a leadership team and developing a vision and an agenda. [They also advise] incoming executives to learn to work well with 14 major stakeholders, including the White House, Congress, inspectors general, interest groups and the media. Many observers say they believe that managing a government agency is more difficult because of the large number of stakeholders." Alice Lipowicz, Federal Computer Week 10/08

Read Federal Computer Week's own article on information technology, which features the technology chapter of our Operator's Manual. Federal Computer Week 10/27

"A must-read for the next administration, the Manual is a successful effort to distill the best practices of government management in a handbook form." The Performance Institute 10/07

"The Operator's Manual for the New Administration and A Guide for Government Executives hopes to give new political appointees basic, but important, advice on how Washington works, and how they can be successful." Jason Miller, Federal News Radio 10/15

"Congratulations on producing a great, common-sense, practical manual for the new Administration's leadership. I especially appreciate the positive support of career executives. Also, I appreciate the easy web access to the manual." Agency Director

Read our press release as it appeared on MarketWatch.

        Blog With us Blog With Us
We launched our blog in March 2007 on management challenges facing the next president. Read and tell us what you think.
        The Operator's Manual for The Next Administration The Operator's Manual for The Next Administration
This book is written for senior management teams, consisting of both political and career executives. It is these teams that must navigate the seemingly endless rules and procedures of government. (Order your copy.)
        Getting it Done: A Guide for Government Executives Getting it Done: A Guide for Government Executives
This book focuses on the environment in which newly appointed heads work. Part I contains six "to dos" necessary to "get it done" in Washington. Part II consists of 14 chapters, each describing an important stakeholder in the political environment of Washington. (Order your copy.)
        Management Reports Management Reports
Our reports touch on management issues facing the next Administration.
        Issue Briefs Issue Briefs
Our issue briefs address a range of management-related issues that will face the next Administration.