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Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The
Paramount Pictures

Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The reviews
Critic Score
Metascore: 70 Metascore out of 100
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6.7 out of 10
based on 37 reviews
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MPAA RATING: PG-13 for brief war violence, sexual content, language and smoking

Starring Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Taraji P. Henson, Julia Ormond, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas, and Tilda Swinton

“I was born under unusual circumstances.” And so begins The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orleans from the end of World War I in 1918, into the 21st century, following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can be. Benjamin Button is a grand tale of a not-so-ordinary man and the people and places he discovers along the way, the loves he finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time. (Paramount Pictures)

GENRE(S): Drama  |  Fantasy  |  Mystery  |  Romance  
WRITTEN BY: Eric Roth (& screen story)
Robin Swicord (screen story)
DIRECTED BY: David Fincher  
RELEASE DATE: Theatrical: December 25, 2008 
RUNNING TIME: 159 minutes, Color 

What The Critics Said

All critic scores are converted to a 100-point scale. If a critic does not indicate a score, we assign a score based on the general impression given by the text of the review. Learn more...

The Hollywood Reporter Kirk Honeycutt
Superbly made and winningly acted by Brad Pitt in his most impressive outing to date.
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New York Post Lou Lumenick
It takes a world-class storyteller and a great yarn to rivet your attention for nearly three hours. This very classy, old-school movie - employing cutting-edge technology that will make your eyes pop - did it for me.
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Premiere Jenni Miller
Naturally, Pitt and Blanchett are outstanding. Fincher's meticulous attention to detail is unerring, down to the light fixtures.
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Baltimore Sun Michael Sragow
Brad Pitt's sensitive performance helps make 'Benjamin Button' a timeless masterpiece.
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Wall Street Journal Joe Morgenstern
Benjamin Button is all of a visionary piece, and it's a soul-filling vision.
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Time Richard Corliss
This film's manifold pleasures come in a series of small packages, with treats inside as tasty as they are unexpected.
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Empire Ian Freer
Aptly for a film so concerned with time, Button is 13 minutes shy of three hours and just flies by. If this is Fincher selling out, can he sell out more often please?
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Entertainment Weekly Lisa Schwarzbaum
A curious case indeed: an extravagantly ambitious movie that's easy to admire but a challenge to love.
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Seattle Post-Intelligencer William Arnold
With his usual intelligence, technical virtuosity (the reverse-aging effects are astounding) and storytelling panache, director Fincher gives the film a power and unity that make nearly three hours go by in a flash and pulls its diverse elements together to be something unique for a Hollywood movie -- a true spiritual experience.
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Newsweek David Ansen
Lyrical, original, misshapen and deeply felt, this is one flawed beauty of a movie.
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Miami Herald Rene Rodriguez
This is a long, impeccably detailed, richly textured movie about a most unusual life, and although it's far from perfect, the sum of it achieves what Fincher set out to do in the first place: Make you blubber like a 6-year-old who just found his pet turtle lying belly-up.
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ReelViews James Berardinelli
There's no denying the film's power of compulsion and the sense that, when it's all over, it means something. Most viewers will be entertained and moved, and some will find their intellect aroused.
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Portland Oregonian Shawn Levy
It's long, like life, but like life it continually fascinates.
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The New York Times A.O. Scott
Above all, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a triumph of technique.
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Variety Todd McCarthy
This odd, epic tale of a man who ages backwards is presented in an impeccable classical manner, every detail tended to with fastidious devotion.
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New York Daily News Joe Neumaier
Benjamin never questions his fate and ­never actually gets to enjoy being a kid. At least there's a thoughtful middle part, where the enigmatic Blanchett comes alive and Benjamin seems haunted by life -- someone we recognize, and not just a vessel tossed about by time.
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USA Today Claudia Puig
Worth seeing just for the superb prosthetic makeup and seamless computer-generated effects in which Pitt's head is digitally imposed onto older bodies.
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Rolling Stone Peter Travers
What Button shows is that Ben is ultimately not the hero of his own life or his own movie. He gets inside our head, that's for sure, but, frustratingly, we never get inside his.
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Philadelphia Inquirer Steven Rea
Question: Is life still like a box of chocolates if you're going in reverse? The answer, in the case of the curiously Gumpian The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, is a gooey yes.
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Chicago Tribune Michael Phillips
Yet it's worth seeing because the sights are truly something. Claudio Miranda's pearly cinematography, Donald Graham Burt's luscious production design, the visual effects supervised by Eric Barba--everything blends, and none of the seams show.
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Charlotte Observer Lawrence Toppman
Button has a wide-eyed innocence that almost never palls. It strays far from the mind of F. Scott Fitzgerald, but often enough it came near to my heart.
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The Globe and Mail (Toronto) Liam Lacey
Perhaps the movie might have made more sense if the actors could have taken each other's roles: Pitt always seems light and ageless, while Blanchett never seems to have been young.
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TV Guide Jason Buchanan
Brimming with intriguing concepts and brilliant visual effects, making it a stimulating treat for both the eyes and the intellect.
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Chicago Reader J.R. Jones
A gravely beautiful drama about the mysteries of aging and death.
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Boston Globe Wesley Morris
At its most profound, Benjamin Button isn't about anything more important than Pitt's very handsomeness, which, for a surprising stretch of time, is a wonderful subject for study.
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Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert
The movie's premise devalues any relationship, makes futile any friendship or romance, and spits, not into the face of destiny, but backward into the maw of time. It even undermines the charm of compound interest.
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New York Magazine David Edelstein
Attains a level of quiet grace. It's too bad that I can barely remember the movie after only a week. Nothing lasts, indeed.
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60 Stephanie Zacharek
It's so almost moving -- a meticulously crafted mechanical bird -- that it nearly feels like the real thing.
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Washington Post Ann Hornaday
Often astonishingly beautiful, but in a way that's the problem: You wonder what visionaries such as Tim Burton or Michel Gondry might have done with the material. As it is, "Benjamin Button" is little more than "Gump" by way of "Dorian Gray." It plays too safe when it should be letting its freak flag fly.
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Christian Science Monitor Peter Rainer
Based flimsily on a minor F. Scott Fitzgerald story, it's an anecdote stretched to would-be epic proportions.
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Film Threat Pete Vonder Haar
Benjamin Button is pretty much just "Gump" with better cinematography.
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The Onion (A.V. Club) Keith Phipps
Realized through old-fashioned camera mastery and newfangled special effects, it’s a stunning technical accomplishment, but one seemingly designed only to broadcast banal sentiments, when it says anything at all.
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Los Angeles Times Kenneth Turan
As enervating as it is long -- and at 2 hours and 47 minutes it is quite long -- this version of the F. Scott Fitzgerald fantasy short story is a baffling project, an endurance test of a movie that feels like it was made on a dare.
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Slate Dana Stevens
Pitt's great in character roles, as a comic grotesque or an unrepentant scoundrel. (See Burn After Reading or, for that matter, Fight Club.) But as a passive, introspective leading man like Benjamin, he's just dull.
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Austin Chronicle Kimberley Jones
Everything that was sharp in the original text has been rounded and buffed.
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Village Voice Scott Foundas
Benjamin Button is to the first half of the 20th century what "Gump" was to the second -- a panorama of the American experience as seen from the perspective of a wide-eyed Candide. Here as there, Roth reduces our complex times to a parade of shockingly straight-faced kitsch.
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San Francisco Chronicle Mick LaSalle
The movie's excruciating length is without dramatic or thematic justification.
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What Our Users Said

Vote Now!The average user rating for this movie is 6.7 (out of 10) based on 195 User Votes
Note: User votes are NOT included in the Metascore calculation.

Katie S gave it a3:
Ponderous, boring. BB's reverse aging actually contributes little to the plot, since he has the mind of a young person in the beginning, and of an old person at the end, so what you're left with is just a conventional life story that has no real individuating elements, just a bunch of nearly randomly assembled elements pulled out of the grabbag of movie cliches: overwrought military death scenes already a subject for parody in Tropic Thunder. The everything could have been different montage before the tragic accident. Etc. The only real unique interest in the reverse physical aging plot could have come in the last 20 years of Button's life, and there was a potentially good short movie inside this unfortunately long one. It would have involved B having a continuous relationship with his family. An interesting and courageous movie could have shown him as an experienced man in a child's body, treated like a child in society, eventually not allowed to make his own decisions, interacting with his child in the body of a child, having sex with his aging wife as a teenager until they have to stop--the conflict between desire, repulsion, and social restraint there *could* have been an amazing story. But it wasn't to be. And further it was poorly cast; Pitt and Blanchett have no chemistry and aren't plausible as a couple, and Pitt seems a little too dumb in his affect to play "simple" without becoming totally insipid and boring. I didn't like much Forrest Gump much, and in fact thought it's entire value system (Forest's disengagement is purity/Jenny's engagement is corruption) was messed up, but at least in its messed up value system it was an interesting social text. This was just maudlin kitsch.

max j gave it a10:
An amazing, magical, sad, heartwarming and a classic piece of theater. the best movie i've ever seen in my entire life. every bit is pure freshness and absaloutley perfect in every way.

James H. gave it a1:
The film seemed to have no point other than to show authentic costumes and sets from its various time periods. I felt no connection to the characters during the almost 3 hour running time. Did the story have a point?

Chip L gave it a4:
A poor man's Forrest Gump. Every scene tries to be heartwarming, meaningful, important, prophetic....But it comes out cold and creepy without a likable or realistic character. Brad PItt is especially unmoving and even the always capable Cate Blanchett comes across as shrill and false. The worst of the "prestige" movie is all here.

Betty L gave it a3:
If you want to know what it would be like if a man was born old and then grew younger, watch this. However it is a long tedious movie experience with little redeeming qualities, great visually, but the plot lacks certain elements for a good story, such as, characters that make you feel for them.

Robert A. gave it a10:
It was very uplifting and had a moral to the story, which is unusual nowadays.

John H. gave it an8:
This well-done movie makes one think about life through the story and acting -- A very credible, well told story that keeps one engaged throughout. How one could rate this movie a "0" or even a "1" or "2" - is unclear. What the movie lacked in whirlwind 'blow em up and shoot em dead' movies with an excess of obscenity, gratuitous sex and gore --- it more than made up for in an insiteful, absorbing story. Who among us has not said, "boy, if I only knew then, what I know now" Or contemplated the cycle of life from a relatively helpless baby --- back to a relatively helpless elderly person? It's difficult to find movies that develop character and a storyline (versus special effects and noise) -- This one is a 'thumbs-up' for good adult entertainment.

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