Oddly Enough

University offers first Beatles degree 8:46pm GMT

LONDON (Reuters) - A university in Liverpool has launched a Master of Arts degree in The Beatles, the city's most famous sons, and called the qualification the first of its kind.  Full Article

I'm no polygamist says Kenya's Kibaki 8:28pm GMT 

NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya's normally mild-mannered President Mwai Kibaki called a rare news conference Tuesday to deny persistent media reports of a second wife which he said had put him in a "foul mood."  Full Article 

Distracted kindergarteners turn to gambling 6:26am GMT 

TORONTO (Reuters) - Children rated as impulsive by their kindergarten teachers appear more likely to begin gambling behaviours like playing cards or placing bets before they hit middle school, Canadian researchers said on Monday.  Full Article 

Mexico's bloody drug war 

Conflicts between drug cartels and the Mexican soldiers and police sent to fight them are turning parts of Mexico into war zones.  
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