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Supernatural: Kripke, Jim Beaver and Misha Collins Speak!

All right, Supernatural fans: We went straight to the source for scoop about your favorite show! First, we approached The Kripke and asked him what we could expect for season 5:

Innnnteresting. Next, we asked the inimitable Jim Beaver what's in store for Bobby -- and asked him what it was like for Bobby open up so many cans of whupass on the boys in Season 4:

Finally, we caught up with Misha Collins, who speculated on urban planning, threw out some DVD-only plot suggestions, and oh yeah, told us what Castiel would be dealing with this year:

What do you think? Are you even more excited about season 5 yet? Talk about it in the comments!


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This season is gonna be amazing with lusicer's arrival, i can't wait to see it, and i hope there's a season 6 like Kripke said and finally thanks for those videos, i love this with Misha^^

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