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Exchanging vowels

By Nick Galvin
October 4, 2003

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Forget Iraq, the Middle East and the US economy. This week, Web Reviews is concentrating on the really big question facing us all. Just what the hell is going on with Jennifer and Ben?

The Hollywood super couple, known in better times as Bennifer, have been more off and on than the average school-crossing beacon, not that you would know any of this from Jennifer's official website.

The "news" section at J.Lo's online home features breathless reports such as, "It's what you've been waiting for! Jennifer Lopez is expanding her creative talent to design a jewellery line as well as hats, scarves and gloves!" but not a word about why she and the Good Will Hunting star canned their September 14 wedding plans.

Now the relationship is off (or should that be on?), Ben might find time to create an official site for himself (not much to see at but, meanwhile, Affleck fans have to make do with the cheesy to find out about this "American hero".

Woefully out of date, the only interesting thing on the site is a reference to a short movie directed by Affleck in 1993, playfully entitled, I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook, And Now I Have a Three-Picture Deal at Disney - take a look at the Internet Movie Database for more details.

In retrospect, this could have been a high point of his career.

For a straightforward biography and photo gallery of J.Lo, you could do a lot worse than Hello! magazine's pages, which, in a mastery of delicate understatement, describes her love life as "chequered".

First, there was the 1997 wedding to waiter turned model Ojani Noa, which ended in tears less than a year later, with reporting at the time that a J.Lo "pal" called her Cuban ex an "embarrassment".

Then there was a lengthy fling with Sean Combs, aka Puff Daddy, P. Diddy etc, which ran off the rails after a nightclub shooting incident (Combs was later acquitted of firearm and bribery charges). Combs's flashy site is worth a look.

However, you'll find no mention of either J.Lo or gun-toting gangsters in his official biography, which makes Combs out to be a cross between Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela.

After Combs, J.Lo moved onto safer, if still pretty short-term, ground with her marriage to dancer Cris Judd.

Judd's other claim to fame, apart from nearly completing a record 12 months as J.Lo's handbag, is that he "won" an American reality-TV show called I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here. According to the fawning Cris Judd fansite, Big Dawg, the show was shot on location in the "jungles" of Australia - in fact, just outside Murwillumbah.

Which brings us to Ben Affleck, who may or may not be about to get his turn at being Lopez's husband.

For the good stuff on the Bennifer saga, one of the best spots is, a site that gathers online news references to a host of people. Head to then search on "Ben Affleck".

When we visited, one of the top stories was the news from South Africa's Sunday Times that the couple has been immortalised in a South Park episode as Pancake Face and Fat Butt, while Florida's Gainsville Sun recounted how the pair had been spotted buying a truck in Georgia, thus proving comprehensively that they are still on - at least this week.

Of course, some of the more mischievous commentators on the whole Ben/Jen saga have suggested the affair has been manufactured solely to promote the couple's recent movie Gigli.

And, it appears, this may not be too wide of the mark, as Gigli needs all the help it can get.

A brief look at IMDB's list of external reviews of the movie turns up comments such as, "Simply put, Gigli is the worst movie in years," from the San Francisco Examiner and, "It's just so catastrophic I expected the audience to adopt the 'brace' position in the stalls, as if on a crashing plane," from The Guardian in Britain.


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