Taylor Swift is getting married. Well, at least she is in the new music video for her next single, "Mine." And she's found her perfect on-screen groom in British import Toby Hemingway.

So how did Swift decide to cast Hemingway as her groom? "I saw 'Feast of Love' and just loved that movie and thought Toby was so great that I thought it would be perfect to put him in the video," she tells People.com about the 27-year-old, who will next appear in Darren Aronofsky's "Black Swan." Hemingway also starred in another flick that Swift saw, and this film proved what fate had in store: that Hemingway and the singer would appear together in the "Mine" clip.

"I was doing some more research and watched another movie he was in called 'The Covenant,' " she said. "I've got this crazy 13 lucky thing, and he walks on screen for the first time wearing a sweatshirt with a 13 on it! That was the deciding factor. It wasn't really up to me, it was about the number."

"Mine" is the first single off of Swift's next album, Speak Now, due out October 25. While the concept for the "Mine" video has been kept under wraps, we'll take a guess that Swift might be playing a runaway bride.

"It's been sort of a recent tendency, and I think it's because, for me, every really direct example of love that I've had in front of me has ended in goodbye and ended in breakups and things like that," she explained about the track. "So I think I've developed this pattern of running away when it comes time to fall in love and stay in a relationship. The song is sort of about finding the exception to that and finding someone who would make you believe in love and realize that it could work out, because I'm never ever going to go past hoping that love works out."

Who is your favorite Swift video leading man? Tell us in the comments!