Bridge to Terabithia Image
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Reviewed by: Jessica Grose
    Director Gabor Csupo of Rugrats "fame" steer clear of cutesy tween stereotypes, but it's Jess's relationship with his father, played by Robert Patrick, that elevates Terabithia from a good kids movie to a classic contender.
  2. Reviewed by: Alex Chun
    A wonderfully heart-wrenching love story for tweens, teens, and even adults who fondly remember when a friendship could be ignited by a gesture as simple as offering a stick of Juicy Fruit.
  3. Reviewed by: Gregory Kirschling
    The movie -- which never decides if it's a fantasy or coming-of-age story -- spends a lot of time away from Terabithia; that also leaches out the wonder. The boy seems more excited that Zooey Deschanel is his hottie music teacher than he is to see tree men in the forest.

See all 25 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 79
  2. Negative: 21 out of 79
  1. ViganO
    This is with no comment the best movie I ever saw.And this was the first movie which made me cry because the sad ending. This is the best movie ever made. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  2. MattC.
    I saw a bunch of previews before watching this movie and in the previews they would show a bunch of computer animated scenes that really caught my eye. This was the main reason I decided to rent this movie and check it out. After watching it, I now can see that they used practically every animated scene from the movie and smashed it into the previews to make it seem like the whole movie was CGI enhanced. It turns out that this is just a kiddie sob story that ended up making me cry and had I known this before, I wouldn't have watched this movie. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  3. ChristineB.
    I agree with the official newspaper views that this is a good moral movie but at the same time I was disappointed at the lack of special effects which seemed so promissing in the previews. I did not read the book therefore I was not aware that in the book the fact was stressed that Terabithia was really only a fantasy in the children's minds, Since I am a fairytale- and specialeffects lover I felt that the movie was promoted in a way that was misleading people for the sake of making them buy the tickets. I won't add it to my DVD collection! Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes

See all 79 User Reviews

  1. Metascore 95
  2. Metascore 79
  3. Metascore 74
  4. Metascore 72
  5. Metascore 67
  6. Metascore 64
  7. Metascore 61
  8. Metascore 61
  9. Metascore 56
  10. Metascore 56
  11. Metascore 52
  12. Metascore 50
  13. Metascore 44
  14. Metascore 39
  15. Metascore 36
  16. Metascore 29
  17. Metascore 23