The Decline of Marriage And Rise of New Families


Americans today are less likely to be married than at any time in the nation’s history. Rates have declined for all groups, and they’ve fallen most sharply among those on the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder. But even as marriage shrinks, family remains the most important and most satisfying element in the lives of most Americans.
Full Report: Download PDF | Interactive: Five Decades of Marriage Trends


The Great Recession

AFL Jobs Rally, Philadelphia PA 03/19/10

The Great Recession has touched virtually every American. This Pew Research Center series of survey-based reports documents how the downturn shrank paychecks, shattered budgets, drained savings accounts, changed spending and borrowing habits and pushed long-term unemployment to historic levels.

View all reports from the The Great Recession series

The Millennial Generation

The Millennial generation—American teens and twentysomethings –are confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and open to change. The Pew Research Center examines America’s newest generation in a yearlong series of original reports.

View all reports from the The Millennial Generation series

American Mobility

Americans are settling down: Only 11.9% of the U.S. population changed residences between 2007 and 2008, the lowest share in at least six decades. Using survey and Census data the Pew Research Center explores the social and economic dimensions of geographic mobility.

View all reports from the American Mobility series

Growing Old in America

Getting old isn't nearly as bad as people think it will be. Nor is it quite as good. A survey finds a sizable gap between the actual experiences of older Americans and the expectations of younger and middle-aged adults .

View all reports from the Growing Old in America series

All Things Census: Methods, Findings & Resources
  • Current
    Date & Time (EST)
    2/03/2011 11:29:57
  • Current U.S. Population 311,993,424
  • Today: Births 5,175
  • Deaths 3,763
  • Net Immigration 920