
11/29/08 - Yankee Pedlar Inn - Torrington, Ct

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Click this picture to visit the Yankee Pedlar Inn Website

History: The Yankee Pedlar Inn, originally called Conley's Inn, first opened its doors on July 28th, 1891. The Inn was opened by Frank Conley who came to America from Ireland as an apprentice shoemaker.
Mr. Conley, along with his wife Alice, bought the site where the Inn stands now for $8,ooo. In January of 1891, the first brick was laid by the Conley's niece Mary, who later inherited the Inn after the Conleys' passing in 1910.
A more detailed history of the Inn can be found at the Yankee Pedlar Inn website www.pedlarinn.com

Original picture of the lobby area

Activity: Claims of activity at the Yankee Pedlar Inn include the rocking chair in the lobby rocking on its own, beds mysteriously being made, apparitions, objects moving, phantom voices, a "creepy" feeling in the basement and strange noises/knockings. Could the ghosts of Mr. & Mrs. Conley be the ones responsible for these claims? Or are there other entities roaming this historic Inn? That is what we will attempt to find out.

The Investigation: We arrived at the Yankee Pedlar Inn at 6:45pm. After checking in to our room and heading to the pub to grab a bite to eat and go over our notes, we headed back upstairs to set up and begin our investigation. Although it was a fairly quiet night activity wise, some of us did have personal experiences and unexplainable events happen.
1. Two of our investigators had spikes on our K2 meters in room 353, which is the room that Mrs. Conley died in. Attempts to find the source of these spikes were unsuccessful.
2. The storage closet in the hallway to room 353 was found open, when it was previously seen closed.
3.A shadow figure was seen peeking around the corner in the boiler room section of the basement.
4.The door to the Torrington Club closed on an investigator once they were in the room. We attempted to recreate this, but were unable to.
5. An investigator was in the Nutmeg Room and saw someone pass by the door. When they looked to see who it was, no one was there. This could just be a case where someone walked past the door and turned a corner out of sight, but it is worth mentioning.
6. A new trainee who is somewhat sensitive picked up on the name Anna. We are currently researching to see if anyone with this name was involved with the Inn.
Some things we discovered which may be explanations for reported activity include:
In the basement, some of the items such as pipes, furnaces, and other mechanical things would make strange noises such as what could sound like someone wheezing or snoring, rattling pipes as water passes through them, etc. We also got high EMF readings in the basement which may create a "fear cage" where it affects people to the point of feeling "creeped out", uneasy, etc. This high EMF also was picked up on the floor of the Nutmeg Room which is another room that the staff of the Inn said made them feel creepy.
The closet door in room 353 pops open by itself due to being misaligned, many of the floors on the 2nd and 3rd levels are uneven which could give a "fun house" effect, lending to peoples uneasiness, and in the 2nd and 3rd floor hallways almost next to every room are small access doors to plumbing. Cold air was flowing through these, and during the winter they may be responsible for people feeling any "cold spots". Keep in mind that these are possible, and not necessarily the ONLY explanations for the reports of paranormal activity that the Inn has had over the years.
All in all, the investigation went well. The Yankee Pedlar Inn was a beautiful building, the staff was friendly and accommodating, and the food in the pub was excellent. Whether you are looking for ghosts or not, the Yankee Pedlar Inn is a great spot to dine or stay at. 


The Evidence:

This EVP was caught in the basement. It sounds like its saying "shit".

EVP Investigator Alec caught in room 353. Is this the voice of Mrs. Conley? Sorry the recording is very muffled. If you can figure out what it is saying, please let us know.


Green orb anamolly that appeared in 2nd photo taken, but not in 1st or 3rd.


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