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Welcome to the Machine and Pink Floyd
07-25-2009 by Johnny L. de Alba

K.K. posted an interesting topic in the DARK SEA forum recently about connections between Ecco the Dolphin and Pink Floyd songs. Many of you don't realize this but Ed Annunziatta (Ecco's creator) was a huge Pink Floyd fan, whether or not the connections between the music and game are coincidence are not a big surprise. One thing for sure the level Welcome to the Machine was indeed Ed's tribute to his favorite musical artist.

K.K. found a connection between the levels The Tube and Welcome to the Machine. Both levels auto-scroll and take a fixed amount of time to beat, but in the amount of time needed to beat both levels is the same amount of time it takes for the song Welcome to the Machine to complete. Don't believe me check out K.K's YouTube page for more information.

K.K. found another Pink Floyd song that corresponds to an Ecco 2 level called A New Machine. Both the level and part 1 and 2 of the songs nearly take the same amount of time to complete. Like Welcome to the Machine, New Machine is an auto-scrolling level that can only be completed in a fixed amount of time.

The song clocks around 2:25 - if you were to combine both parts of the song. The time it takes to beat the level itself is around 2:10, not exactly the same amount of time but close!

Sources: Ecco and Pink Floyd - Not this Again! - DARK SEA BBS