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Schumer endorses Owens for Congress

August 28, 2009
By NATHAN BROWN, Enterprise Staff Writer

RAY BROOK - U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer sent Bill Owens, Democratic nominee for New York's 23rd Congressional District, a letter of endorsement Wednesday.

"I think he would be a great candidate," Schumer, D-N.Y., said at a press conference at Federal Correctional Institution Ray Brook Thursday morning.

The seat is currently occupied by Republican Rep. John McHugh of Pierrepont Manor, who is expected to resign after being confirmed as Army secretary by the U.S. Senate in September, after which Gov. David Paterson would set a date for a special election. The Republican and Independence candidate is Dede Scozzafava; the Conservative is Doug Hoffman.

Schumer cited Owens's service in the U.S. Air Force and his work for the Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation as some of his qualifications for the job. Owens was a captain in the Air Force and served at Plattsburgh Air Force Base. After the base was closed in the mid-1990s, he worked to create PARC to help reuse the base. More than 500 jobs have been created there so far, according to Owens, such as with Bombardier, a Canadian airplane and train manufacturer now housed there.

Schumer's remarks were punctuated by the loud whistle of a nearby train on the Adirondack Scenic Railroad, forcing him to wait several times before he could be heard.

"It's a Republican train," joked North Elba town Supervisor Robi Politi, who then added, "We'd love to get rid of that train, actually."

North Elba town board members, including Politi, said at a meeting earlier this month that they think the railroad would be better used as a recreation path.

Schumer's endorsement comes after he said in Lewis County Tuesday, according to the Watertown Daily Times, that it is too early to "handicap" the race and that state Sen. Darrel Aubertine, who many thought would run for the nomination but decided not to, would have been the strongest Democratic candidate. Schumer then traveled to Ogdensburg for an event on Ogdensburg for an event on invasive algae, which Scozzafava also attended, having been invited by Schumer's office, the Times reported. Schumer released a statement later that day endorsing Owens.



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