Written by RUGBYMag.com News Release    Friday, 01 July 2011 09:49    PDF Print E-mail
Virginia, Virginia Tech Introduce Rivalry Trophy

The men’s and women’s rugby teams from the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech have announced a new shield trophy match to commemorate their ancient intrastate rivalry. The creation of this annual event was inspired by the time-honored tradition of the two schools playing for the Commonwealth Cup in football. The University of Virginia will host the first of these matches on its home pitch in Mad Bowl on October 29, 2011. 

Five matches will be held on a single day – men’s A and B teams, women’s A and B teams and a special match that pits the men’s alumni teams against each other. Separate shield trophies will be awarded to the winners of the men’s A team, women’s A team and the alumni team.

Ernest Marshall, head coach for the men’s team at the University of Virginia commented, “So many great things are coming together for rugby in this country right now. We are coming off our first season in the newly formed Atlantic Coast Rugby League and the creation of this Shield Match coincides with the 50th anniversary of rugby at UVa. Virginia and Virginia Tech have superb women’s teams and, should they come into this Shield Match undefeated on their seasons, they could well be playing for both the Shield and the women’s Virginia Rugby Union Championship. This Commonwealth Shield Match between these two great universities is a natural.”

“Now that rugby sevens is an Olympic sport, we are trying to raise awareness of the sport by leveraging a university rivalry that is over a century old,” said Andy Richards, head coach for Virginia Tech Men’s Rugby. “Because college rugby is a club sport rather than a varsity sport, many people fail to recognize just how dedicated these student-athletes really are.”

As members of the Atlantic Coast Rugby League, the Virginia and Virginia Tech men’s teams already play each other every year in league matchups. However, the Commonwealth Shield competition will be a separate match every year in the fall.

Admission is free to all the games at Mad Bowl on Rugby Road in Charlottesville. The schedule calls for the women’s A teams to kick off at 10:00 a.m. followed immediately thereafter by the women’s B teams, the men’s alumni match, the men’s A teams and then the B teams, in order. Trophy presentations will be held in Mad Bowl immediately following the matches.



-1 #8 Rex 2011-09-14 23:00
Those were glorified scrimmages for Mary Wash many of their top players were not playing to avoid injury before MARFU. In addition, They just wiped the slate on Columbia in NYC, who was 2nd behind Dartmouth in the regular Ivy league season last year. Tim makes a good point. UMW also offered last spring to play UVA at home or away anytime in the fall or Spring, but UVA did not want the game instead those chose to avoid UMW to play RU and VMI. Shout out to tech good to see ya'll back but UVA for the love of the game step up.
-1 #7 College #7 2011-07-13 07:54
You guys played both NC State and Wake Forest this past spring and got beat by both. They finished 2nd and 3rd from bottom in the ACRL. I don't see VT or UVA wanting to get your side involved anytime soon.
+1 #6 Tim Brown 2011-07-07 00:24
Why not invite a couple other VA Teams and make it a late fall or early spring 2 day tourney? We have 2 college commonwealth cups (per Pete's posts) in our trophy case here at Mary Wash. How times have changed as these were sponsored by Steinlager! Nice idea for the tourney - hope it succeeds - remember there is rugby besides UVA and VT and I am willing to bet the crowds we are getting here would love this idea.

Quoting AndyR:
Not that we are aware of, and we did do some extensive research to find if another organization was playing for a Commonwealth Shield.
+1 #5 Rugby4Life 2011-07-04 10:52
Fantastic news for rugby. Hope a big crowd makes it out
0 #4 Pete Murray 2011-07-02 12:47
Oh and the Commonwealth Cup (the football one, there was another one in rugby that was hosted by the Virginia Rugby Club years ago) is only 15 years old....hardly a time honored tradition.
0 #3 Pete Murray 2011-07-02 12:42
Lookikng forward to attending the match.
0 #2 AndyR 2011-07-02 09:58
Not that we are aware of, and we did do some extensive research to find if another organization was playing for a Commonwealth Shield.
-1 #1 Cool 2011-07-01 12:56
But probably a trademark violation.

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