About the Music Blog

Invisible Children's music team is a community of people inspired by music. Here, you'll get to keep up with our latest projects, music we love and tours we're on. Contact us at music@invisiblechildren.com
-Nada, Kenny & Alex


Invisible Children uses film, creativity and social action to end the use of child soldiers in Joseph Kony's rebel war and restore LRA-affected communities in central Africa to peace and prosperity.



Silver Series: Frightened Rabbit “Scottish Winds”

One was just not enough. Right after covering Death Cab's "Different Names For The Same Things" Frightened Rabbit frontman Scott Hutchison jumped into playing an impromptu release of their newest single "Scottish Winds." How could we ever say no to more Frightened Rabbit? FR has also been leading the charge with our Music Coalition project. Whether you love them or love us, join their team and help them meet their goal of raising $2,500.